Jackson County Real Property Committee met Nov. 15.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Call to Order (5:00 PM)
Members Present: D. Bost, Endres, Hunter, Mendoza, Jr., Mueller, Peterson and S. Bost
Also Present: Grant Guthman, Chris Mohrman, Margaret Anderson, Scott Martin
Approval of Minutes
I. 17-2916 October 11, 2017 Minutes
A motion was made by Hunter, seconded by Endres, to approve the October 11, 2017 minutes as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote
Peterson pointed out a letter in the packet from the Murphysboro Hometown Christmas group and the committee discussed the holiday decorations that will be going up around the Courthouse. Peterson informed the committee that there will be a Bicentennial Flag Raising Ceremony on December 4th at Noon at the Courthouse. The committee was given information on a property tax appeal to review on their own.
II. 17-2921 IDNR-Kinkaid Watershed Mohrman began by thanking the board for their support and requested that the Soil & Water Conservation district receive their final $10,000 payment. The committee and guests discussed what the request was and it was determined that they are already going to receive their final payment there was a bit of miscommunication. Since the guests were here they gave the committee a breakdown of how they have been using the money, the progress on the project so far, and some future plans they have. Anderson and Martin mentioned that they will be applying for another grant and may come to the board in the future for a request. The committee thanked them for their time and work.
Highway Department
A. SIMPO-Southern Illinois Metropolitan Planning Organization
B. Jackson County Bike Paths/Trails
C. Payment of Highway Monthly Claims
A. None
B. Work is progressing on the bike trail linking Jackson and Williamson Counties.
C. S.Bost moved and Mueller seconded to approve paying the Highway monthly claims in the amount of $1,301,492.59, motion carried.
III. 17-2917 2018 County Engineer Salary Resolution A motion was made by D. Bost, seconded by Hunter, to approve Resolution 2017-41 Salary of County Engineer. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
IV. 17-2918 2018 Fuel Supply Contract Renewal A motion was made by S. Bost, seconded by Endres, to approve recommendati on to renew the fuel supply contract with Southern FS Inc. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
V. 17-2919 Request for Matching Funds-Vergennes Township-Rath Road
A motion was made by Hunter, seconded by Mueller, to approve the request for matching funds for Vergennes Township-Rath Road. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Land Use & Economic Development
A. Greater Egypt Regional Planning & Development Commission
B. Supervisor of Assessments
C. Jackson Growth Alliance
D. Comprehensive Plan
E. River Levee Project Update
A. Peterson reported that Greater Egypt is wrapping up the Reed Station Road project; they are just waiting for IEMA/FEMA approval of the budget. Greater Egypt is hosting a reverse funding workshop on November 16, they received a grant to do a watershed study on Cedar Lake, and the work on Airport Road is moving along.
B. None
C. Mueller reported that she met with Ms. Benn from Jackson Growth Alliance; she is excited and working hard. The next JGA meeting is on November 20.
D. None
E. None
VI. 17-2920 Tourism Promotion and Opportunity
The committee reviewed the email from the Southernmost Illinois Tourism Bureau regarding their tourism promotion.
County Buildings & Grounds
VII. 17-2922 Building Purchase for Probation
No new information at this time.
Old Business
Peterson informed the committee that she presented the I Can Read program with the Alstat Award donation. Committee members commented on how pleased they were that she chose the organization and that they had seen her at the event or in the paper. Mueller led the committee in a round of applause thanking Peterson for her work. Mueller then asked about the plaque with the names of the recipients on it and about spreading the word for next years award; the plaque will be ordered and an email is going to be sent out in January asking for nominations for the 2018 reci pient.
D. Bost spoke about his meeting with a school district board member who is interested in doing what the county did with regard to tapering off taxes to benefit Jackson County residents. The committee discussed property taxes, abatement of the 1% sales tax increase the schools received, and how all of it will benefit tax payers.
New Business
S. Bost moved and Mueller seconded to adjourn, motion carried.