Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee met September 20.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
Call to Order
Committee Members Present: Elizabeth Hunter, Keith Larkin, Andrew Erbes, Scott Comparato, Dan Bost, Julie Peterson and Milton Maxwell
County Board Members Present: Tamiko Mueller
Also Present: Josh Barringer, Sheriff Robert Burns, Mike Carr, Susie Kilquist, Jeff Whitbeck, Grant Guthman, Mike O'Leary, Maureen Berkowitz, Jill Stoke, Peggy Degen, Melissa Ehlers, Dr. Thoms Kupferer and Michelle Tweedy
Finance & Administration Chair Elizabeth Hunter called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
I. 17-2814 Budget Hearings
5:15pm-Jail/Jail Maintenance
5:30pm-Court Security
6:00pm-Highway-Bridge-Federal Aid Matching
6:15pm-Highway-Motor Fuel
6:30pm-Public Defender
6:45pm-County Clerk
Jackson County Sheriff Robert Burns presented the committee with the budgets for the Sheriff's
Department, Jail, Jail Maintenance and Court Security. The budgets reflect the following: an
increase in merit pay per contractual agreement, an increase for the 4th phase of the a/c
repair/replacement project; the replacement of a water softener system and the purchase of
four vehicles of which was funded from the bond account l ast fiscal year. The department is
estimating a carry over in their budgets at fiscal year end provided no
unforeseen circumstances arise. Ms. Peterson inquired if the department is still in need of a
med/seg unit. The department is seeing an increase in the number of detainees who are
requiring medical care. The committee requested the department to provide the
following: Bond Fund financial statements, list of employees, including titles, and list of
Jackson County Assessors Maureen Berkowitz presented the committee with the Supervisor of
Assessments budget. The budget presented no significant changes. The GIS Cartographer salary
plus benefits will be reimbursed by 75% from the newly created GIS fund. The GIS funds can
only be expended on GIS related items such as salary reimbursement, licenses, supplies,
website hosting, and equipment upgrades. Finance & Administration Chair Elizabeth Hunter
informed those present that it has been reported that the public workstations utilized in the
Supervisor of Assessments Office aren't adequate and inquired if there were any plans on
replacing them in the very near future. The office does not have plans to replace those
workstations. Should the workstations be replaced they would be replaced with hand-medowns
unless the committee allocated funds to purchase new workstations.
Jackson County Highway Engineer Grant Guthman presented the budgets for the Highway
Department, Bridge, Federal Aid Matching, and Motor Fuel.
The Highway Department budget reflects no increase in its operating property tax levy as
requested, an anticipated reduction in motor fuel tax, no increase in salaries as requested but
would like to include a 2-3% increase for the non-bargaining unit department, an increase of
7.5% in health insurance as requested. Ms. Peterson inquired if the budget projected winter
cost:; the motor fuel budget does anticipate costs associated with the winter. Mr. D. Bost
inquired about the fencing surrounding the department: those areas in question is IDOT (Illinois
Department of Transportation) access rights. Ms. Mueller inquired if the fuel is periodically
bid: the purchase of fuel is at current market price and the delivery of the fuel is let out and a
contract awarded yearly. The committee inquired as to why the Highway
Department oversees the diesel fuel and the Sheriff's Department oversees the gasoline: the
Highway Department generally consumes the most diesel and the Sheriff's
Department generally consumes the most gasoline of which both departments bill the
departments utilizing the pumps for their consumption.
The Bridge budgets reflects no increase in its operating property tax levy as requested. The
committee was informed the amount levied has decreased over the years and this fund is a
matching fund for the various projects.
The Federal Aid Matching budget reflects an increase of approximately 4.9% in its operating
property tax levy in order to match Federal funds. The projects slated for the upcoming fiscal
year include Dillinger Road, giant City Road and Elkville Road. Ms. Mueller inquired if a bikewalk-run
path is being considered utilizing the funds from this budget: small improvements will
be made where possible, otherwise there are programs available, however, the county does
not have the matching funds available for said projects.
The Motor Fuel Tax budget has no property tax support and is funded solely from the
$.19/gallon pay at the pump which is approximately $650,000 per year. The proposed 9%
reduction in motor fuel tax has been considered within this budget. The Jackson County
Highway Department's Engineer salary is reimbursed from motor fuel tax.
The committee inquired if the Highway Department funds are adequately invested to where
the county receives the most interest possible. The consensus of the committee was to invite
Jackson County Treasurer Sharon K. Harris-Johnson to an upcoming Finance 7 administration
Committee meeting to discuss the county's investment tools.
Ms. Jill Stokes presented the Jackson County Clerk & Recorders Budget in the absence of
Jackson County Clerk & Recorder Larry Reinhardt. The budget reflects an increase in wages,
health insurance and election costs. A request has been made to separate the salaries for nonbargaining,
bargaining and temporary personnel. Ms. Peterson inquires as to when the last
user feed study had been completed: the last user fee study was completed in October
2013. User fees within the county can be increased as often as the county desires so as long as
an user fee study has been completed indicating the need to raise fees.
Jackson County Public Defender Peggy Degen presented the committee with the Public
Defender's budget. The budget reflects no increases within its personnel line items as
requested, but would like to ensure thy are included with any raises that may be given. The
contract for the Public Defender will be forthoming at a later date. The department has
undergone some internal changes reducing the need of a full-time position and replacing that
position with a temporary part-time position, paralegals and law school interns.
Jackson County Coroner Dr. Thomas Kupferer presented the committee with the Coroner's
budget. The Coroner explained that his budget is primarily driven by case load. The budget
reflects the following requests: funds (approx. $30,000) for secretarial support; an uniform
allowance identifying he and his staff as the Coroner's Office; vehicle-utilizing funds (user fees
& grants)secured by the department; and a county morgue.
Old Business
New Business
Finance & Administration Chair Elizabeth Hunter provided an overview of the budget hearings held to date keying in on the following: all budgets are personnel laden; updated user fee study; utilization of other facilities for the Coroner's needs; and vehicle rotation.
The committee was reminded that the last of the budget hearing will be held on Monday, October 2, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. The committee will also be meeting every Monday in the month of October to solely work on budgets.
Motion by Peterson, seconded by Compatato to adjourn at 7:30 p.m., motion carried.