
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Murphysboro City Council met September 12.

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City of Murphysboro City Council met Sept. 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

The Murphysboro, Illinois, City Council met in regular session, pursuant to its ordinances, on the 12th day of September, 2017. Mayor Stephens called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and invited Alderman Hughes to lead the council in prayer. Following the invocation, Mayor Stephens led the council in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Mayor Stephens then directed City Clerk Cottonaro to call the roll. The roll was called with the following

Present: Barb Hughes, Jance Curry-Witzman, Russell Brown, Herb Voss, Gary McComb, John Erbes, Danny Bratton, Mike Bastien, Gloria Campos, W. J. Pittman


Mayor Stephen’s recognized grant awards from businesses who partnered with the city in the area of public safety: Murphysboro Wal-Mart Supercenter #302 and General Manager Kim Busby and Chris Mueller of State Farm Agency and the State Farm Foundation. Chief Roberts got a grant through Wal Mart for the police department resulting in upgrades in investigation technology and through Chris Mueller State Farm Agency resulting in upgrades in technology and efficiency of the police department.

Motion: To approve the minutes of the August 29, 2017 council meeting. All aldermen received a copy of the minutes, for their review, prior to the meeting. Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Bratton Mayor called for a voice vote. All were in favor. Motion Carried

Motion: To approve the accounts payable, register #697 and #698 through September 12, 2017, accounts receivable through September 12, 2017 and payroll through September 12, 2017. All aldermen received a copy of the accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll for their review, prior to the meeting. Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Bratton Mayor called for a voice vote. All were in favor. Motion Carried


Alderman Pittman opened the Budget & Finance Meeting.

A part time grant writer was discussed. The council had invited Brian Hollo to attend. Mr. Hollow addressed the council. First he will need a boiler plate of information on the city to pull from for specific grants. He will wait until the city tells him what to write for. The council and mayor are to agree on the percentage rate. Mayor stated as an example if we received a one million dollars grant at 6% we would not have the dollars to pay him. Mr. Hollo said he would agree on a cap and we could allocate compensation over a period of time. Alderman Bratton stated that Mr. Hollo had done a good job when he was police chief, he was a proven leader, and can and will perform and he would give him his blessing. Alderman Pittman- stated there are issues with commission based pay. Mr. Hollo stated he thinks this is the fairest way, if I get the grant I get paid. Alderman Pittman stated the issue is that if some funding agencies say we would not be qualified if we pay a grant writer on commission. Alderman Voss stated that as he sees it we would nail down an agreement and percentages, provide a list of priorities (direction from us about what we will be looking for), and that Mr. Hollo would bring back grants available. We would decide on grants and percentages. Alderman Hughes and Campos stated Mr. Hollo is flexible and agreeable. Mayor Stephens directed Mr. Hollo and Alderman Pittman to work on a grant writer contract. They should get contract to Mr. Heller to see if there is any other language we want in there, then bring it back to Mr. Hollo and council and proceed from there. Mr. Hollo stated he has started gathering the information needed regarding the city.

No public comment.

Alderman McComb opened the Building and Grounds Meeting.

Voluntary annex agreement was discussed. Mayor Stephens had a conversation with Bard Cole of the Illinois Municipal League. He will forward two or three agreements to consider.

Discussion was held regarding the roof issue with Township Building and Senior Citizens Building. Did the township now have to do the city’s roof? Insurance adjustor approved for roof to be fixed from hail damage. Mr. Mulvaney was hired to fix the township roof. The adjustor didn’t realize there were two buildings. Mr. Mulvaney and the adjustor didn’t realize there were two owners. Attorney Heller advised the council to let our insurance company and the township insurance company to get together and work it out. $60,900 was allowed for the city building. Attorney Heller stated that we need to get a claim to our insurance and see what they say. Mr. Mulvaney would like to meet with our insurance adjustor. Alderman Bratton stated we need to make a claim with our insurance company and let them tell us what to do. Sandra should get a hold of our insurance company and let them look at it. Mayor Stephens stated we should have our insurance company get in touch with Mr. Mulvaney to coordinate efforts.

Mayor Stephens discussed the railroad overpass construction project. Rick Gilmore is an official with Union Pacific RR and he said we have a water main there in conflict with the bridge and we must relocate it and pay to move it. They said they will work with us. Mayor Stephens wondered can we make them pay half of the cost. Harold Sheffer stated that we pay fees for permit and ability to do work when we put in the lines so he is amazed they don’t know they are there. Attorney Heller sated that the cast iron is the one we have problem with. Attorney Heller stated we need to see what our permit says. They were the party to instigate this. Lee wants to start project January 2nd. Julie marked and it showed up. Harold said to search for June or July for the permit. We should have no more conversation with Mr. Gilmore until we research the permit and Julie date. Any further communication from Mr. Gilmore’s should be directed to Mayor Stephens.

No public comment.

Alderman Erbes opened the Community Relations Committee Meeting.

There was no old or new business or public comment.

Alderman Bastien opened the Public Improvement Committee Meeting.

BLIP proposal was discussed.

Motion: To approve the BLIP Network LLC proposal. Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Campos Yeas: Barb Hughes, Jance Curry-Witzman, Russell Brown, Herb Voss, Gary

McComb, John Erbes, Mike Bastien, Gloria Campos, W. J. Pittman Nays: Danny Bratton. Motion Carried

Rezoning of South 17th Street (west of Logan Museum) was discussed. Mayor asked for an update from Eric. Is it on the tax sale? Eric stated he didn’t get down there today. Alderman Pittman said it is the parcel not owned by Mark Johnson that is marked tax sale; it is just a strip. Mayor Stephens stated the discussion was about if rezoning would allow us to clean up the property. Nothing new to report on it. We should monitor tax sale on it. Are tickets still held there? Yes, Blaine wrote tickets. Is tow complete on auto? Alderman Pittman said it was still there. If we see parked vehicle with flat tires and expired license can we tow? Attorney Heller says yes. Eric’s office and the police department working on that in town. Code office on private property, police on public property. Attorney Heller stated that nonoperational vehicles not being worked on you can pick up. We should tell them that if they don’t move the vehicle we will take them. Alderman Pittman inquired if we should start the process. Attorney Heller stated we should find out what EPA data says. What do we do if we rezone residential and it is toxic? Attorney Heller inquired if Eric can get EPA reports on it.

Alderman Voss stated we should get EPA information to Ed and that will let us decide on what we rezone it. Alderman Bratton stated to let Ed look at it and then proceed. Attorney Heller stated that we can rezone, that doesn’t mean we own it. Mayor Stephens stated to get EPA and act on it at the next meeting.

No public comment.

Alderman Bratton opened the Public Works Committee Meeting.

Osburn Street extension update. Received correspondence from IDOT and they will allow right of way to be installed on Osburn. Construction project is something the city will have to do, IDOT only work with the city. It is a motor fuel eligible project. Estimate was $38,000 but should be less because project is smaller. Are Bishop & Elwell still interested? Mayor said they are anxious. Alderman Bratton stated they should state their interest on their letterhead and get okay they want to do it and then attend meeting for that.

Tim Lee discussed sewer line bids. Steven Lane cannot line that sewer. We received two bids. One was for $49,000 to burst the lines but that will not work, the other was a $25,000 Dean Bush proposal to excavate.

Motion: To approve accepting Dean Bush bid in the amount of $25,000 to excavate. Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Campos Yeas: Barb Hughes, Jance Curry-Witzman, Russell Brown, Herb Voss, Gary

McComb, John Erbes, Danny Bratton, Mike Bastien, Gloria Campos, W. J. Pittman Nays: Motion Carried

No public comment.

Alderman Brown opened the Public Safety Committee Meeting.

Mayor Stephens stated we seem to be adding lots of fees to person who have no dollars but they are breaking law so he has mixed feelings. Alderman Bratton stated the dollars should go into the general fund. Alderman Campos asked if we do this will it help the city with our budget.

Motion: To approve the ordinance establishing a municipal bond fee. Motion by Alderman Erbes Second by Alderman Voss Yeas: Barb Hughes, Jance Curry-Witzman, Russell Brown, Herb Voss, John Erbes,

Mike Bastien, Gloria Campos, W. J. Pittman Nays: Gary McComb, Danny Bratton Motion Carried

No public comment.

Alderman Hughes opened the Personnel Committee Meeting.

There is no old or new business or public comment.


Mayor has no items on his report but stated that Mr. Austin is with us this evening and Mayor would like to give an update on the drainage issue. Mayor Stephens met with Mr. Ruble and Mr. Biggs and he made good progress with him. If we get other easements Mr. Ruble stated we could go on the back side of his property. Mayor Stephens has prepared and agreement and Mr. Ruble is to pick it up. Mr. Ruble also stated the city could buy the land so there would be no problem for future issues.


Barb Hughes Feed the Team is October 20th. She will have information at

the first meeting in October. Will take dollars from anyone not paid yet.

Jance Curry-Witzman Nothing

Russell Brown an elderly man tripped on chairs out now for parade. Two weeks ahead of parade is too long for chairs to be out.

Herb Voss What is parade plan?

Gary McComb He is picking up apples on Friday. Meet at Dairy Queen at 10 a.m.

John Erbes Nothing

Dan Bratton Nothing

Mike Bastien Thank mayor for wine and blues festival. It was fun and a success.

Gloria Campos Welcome my sister who is a hurricane refugee. Alderman

should bring baskets for apples. 7th Street is sinking several inches. Public works is aware.

W. J. Pittman Nothing.


Ed Heller Nothing.

Sandra Ripley Nothing

Harold Sheffer Nothing

Steve Swafford City hall backup generator. Need new generator, cost approximately $2600.

Chad Roberts NRA grant matching funds for fence made it through.

Scott Evans Nothing

Eric Kennedy Nothing

Tim Lee Do we need small tractor? No, Alderman McComb using his truck.

Darrin Mills Nothing

Jim Stewart Relaying information-Thanks to Shawn Stearns who donated $100 and Tourism who donated $250 for upgrades and changes to the Murphysboro sign.

Motion: To adjourn Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Campos Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor. Motion Carried Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
