
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Illinois Public Health Perinatal Advisory Committee met April 6.

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Illinois Public Health Perinatal Advisory Committee met April 6.

Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:


1. Motion to approve minutes from February 2017.

- 1st Jenny Brandenburg, 2nd Cindy Mitchell, Unanimous Yes

2. Motion to recommend to the department to place and administrative hold on perinatal network changes until the AAP guidelines have been changed.

- 1st Phil Schaefer, 2nd Jenny Brandenburg, 2 Abstain, Rest Vote Yes.

3. Motion to adjourn.

- 1st Cindy Mitchell, 2nd Stephen Locher, Unanimous yes.


Beau Batton called the meeting to order about 1:00 P.M. and went around the room asking everyone introduce themselves.


The minutes from February 2017 were approved.

Agenda Items

1. IDPH Update

- Shannon Lightner requested that the committee come up with recommendations for a couple spots on the committee that still needed filled, such as the neonatologist and the respiratory therapist.

2. Chair Update

- No updates outside of the levels of care group break outs.

3. Old Business

Perinatal Code Revision - Levels of Care Workgroups

- Shannon met with each of the co-chairs and chairs to look at how the team make ups should be and what disciplines should be on each.

- A couple new groups have come up since putting teams together such as implementation and a data collection team.

- Shannon will be meeting with each of the chairs and co-chairs to go over open meetings act, scheduling, what is expected of each of the committees etc.

- Some questions opened to the PAC committee was about duration and feedback/input.

- IDPH plans to meet with all the chairs and co-chairs and each of the work groups should try to have their first meeting prior to the June meeting.

- As

- Suggestion of groups to bring to the work groups:

 Want the work groups to have a meeting with consumers to talk about impacts of the levels of care changes. E.g. Moms who have been transferred or moms who have been in a NICU. (Think of moms who have specific hospital experience and who you would want to see in the focus group, contact Shannon)

 Meet with Perinatal Network Administrators

 Meet with hospital administrators / educators

- Suggested to include other states who have already implemented the American Academy of Pediatrics Levels of care

4. New Business

Perinatal Code Revision Work Groups

- The Department has received numerous CVs of individuals interested in being on the various subcommittees designed to review the perinatal levels of care policy changes.

- IDPH wanted to

5. Committee Updates

Maternal Mortality Review Committee (MMRC)

- First meeting with the new system of evaluation and population health focused case review style.

- Goal is to review every pregnancy related case and eventually plan to do it real time.

- For each preventable case looked at what possible contributing factors were in place: Patient and Family, Community, Facility, or Systems

- Debrief conclusion saw that the abstracts were reviewed well, the pre-review team was incredibly helpful.

Q: Are there categories of the preventable recommendations that will be repeated so the state will know what to focus on?

A: Yes, the idea of MMRIA (the new system of review) focuses more on that.

- The committee plans to take what they learn from the case review to present to the Statewide Quality Council.

Q: Do you give the information back to the hospital after the case is reviewed?

A: No, because this is looking at the population based review.

- The committee also recognized Pat Mitchell for her years of service as she is retiring. 

Maternal Mortality Review Committee – Violent Deaths (MMRCV)

- The group has meeting coming up April 19th

- Have 6 cases to pre-review.

- The MMRC will sometimes have cases that will be shifted over to the MMRCV.

Q: Who reviews the neonatal deaths?

A: Department of Children and Family Services will typically handle these types of reviews especially if they are a ward of the state. The University of Chicago also has a group called FIMR which is the fetal infant mortality review. Bernadette Taylor the network administrator went over what the FIMR covers, but they target and service moms only in the 606 area code.

M&M reviews also look at these types of cases. Currently there is no statewide population based review. Request that Amanda Bennett and Raye-Ann de Regnier speak more to the subject at the next meeting.

Statewide Quality Council (SQC)

- Raye-Ann de Regnier did a presentation from the CoIIN group on the very preterm birth review. Recommended that the group present at the PAC as well

- The presentation covered that when babies are born at the correct level of care hospital have a much higher chance of survival.

- The committee had a discussion on trying to link Medicaid coding or visit with APORS.

- ILPQC gave updates on their face to face meeting, an application to the CDC for grant money, the hypertension, golden hour, and possibly looking at NAS and collaborating with the current NAS review committee.

- Amanda Bennett gave a brief update on the breast feeding blue print.

- Kelly Vrablic covered the baby friendly initiative. IDPH reached out to hospitals to determine where they were in terms of establishing being baby friendly. Based off the results of that survey will be funding some hospitals to help them achieve baby friendly status.

Hospital Facilities Designation (HFDSC)

- Created checklists for hospitals for when they open, decreasing in service, etc. These checklists involve what documentation the Facilities committee would like to see.

- 3 Hospitals plan to close their OB services this year. Cindy then also went over other hospitals who plan to change level of designation.

- The committee voted to put a hold on network change until the new AAP guidelines have gone through. The PAC then discussed reasons or possible reasons for a network change.

- Motion to place an administrative hold on any further network changes. 1st Phil Schaefer, 2nd Jenny Brandenburg, 2 Abstain and the rest vote Yes.


Motion to adjourn: Cindy Mitchell 1st, Stephen Locher 2nd, Unanimous yes.
