Jackson County Real Property Committee met July 17.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
Call to Order (5:30 PM)
Members Present: Clark, Flowers, Hunter, St. Julian, Williamson and Willis
Members Absent: Thomas
Also Present: Sarah Patrick, Vicki Hunsberger, Bonnie Vaughn, Betti Mucha, Shannon Odom, Janece Beckman, Kate Fakhoury, Patty
Mullen, Ginny Donney, Teresa Eubanks, Kevin Lipe, Holly Cormier, Kathryn Sime, Michelle Tweedy
Review of FY18 Funding Applications
I. 17-2660 Archway Inc.
Odum with Archway began with a brief summary of what Archway does in the
community. Archway provides classroom and home developmental care for children from birth
to five years old. There is typically a waiting list so they attempt to help the most needy based
on their internal questionnaire. The 708 funds are used as 25% matching funds for a federal
grant. Archway serves both Perry and Jackson county, although most of their clients are from
Jackson county, Perry county does fund them as well. The 708 funds are necessary to provide
programming in Jackson county. Archway is asking for $1000 increase from their funding last
year due to the fact that this program is generally underfunded.
II. 17-2661 Centerstone of Illinois
Sime stated that Centerstone was asking for a ten percent increase because they have seen an
increase in the number of people they serve. The programs that will be funded will remain the
same. They have seen an influx of homeless people using the services and medicaid funding for
psychiatric services is low and the 708 funding helps supplement that and the school based
programming and crisis services. The board reviewed the list of schools that have services
III. 17-2662 Good Samaritan Ministries
Mullen began by giving a description of Good Samaritan Ministries; they are a homeless shelter,
soup kitchen, transitional housing and emergency shelter facility. She then informed the
committee that Good Samaritan has seen a large increase of population with mental health
needs. They are not asking for an increase in funding this year.
IV. 17-2663 Perry-Jackson Child Advocacy Center
Mucha described what the Perry-Jackson Child Advocacy Center does for the children in
Jackson County. She expressed how much their interviews have increased in Jackson County
since opening the facility in Murphysboro. The 708 funds go to paying for the rent and utilities
on the facility. They recently wrote a grant, which if they receive it will allow them to provide
12 counseling sessions in Perry County to the children that qualify. The board inquired about
numbers regarding the client increase since opening the facility in Murphysboro.
V. 17-2664 Shawnee Health Service
Donney began by reminding the board that they use the 708 funds to fund one of the
counselors and off sets the costs of doing ADHD evaluations for any child. They did ask for a bit
of an increase.
VI. 17-2665 Southern Illinois Center for Independent Living
Vaughn requesting funding for their Jackson County accessible transportation program to cover
the salary and fringe of a driver. Asking for 100% funding to make up for not getting funding
last year. They reduced the number of days available last year to account for losing out on
VII. 17-2666 SIU Clinical Center
Cormier informed the board of the work that the SIU Clinical Center does. The funding request
this year is to continue the testing and evaluation program of children in Jackson County. The
response so far is good and they have already been able to assist some children so far. The
information is being offered through a variety of sources to the schools and community.
VIII. 17-2667 Specialized Training for Adult Rehabilitation Inc.
Lipe stated that the 708 funding helps pay for two vocational training personnel and to match a
grant for the youth transitional services. This year they are requesting a three percent
IX. 17-2668 The Women's Center
Eubanks gave a brief description of the Women's Center and what the 708 funding covers; a
staff and office in the Erma Hayes Center. The board comments that the application does not
reflect the last six years of funding.
Adjourn (6:10 PM)