City of Carbondale Preservation Commission met February 13.
Here is the minutes as provided by the commission:
1. Roll Call: Mr. Clark called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Members Present: Wren, Clark, Doherty, Ittner, Van Awken, Benedict, and Zurlinden
Members Absent: Comparato and Sigler
Staff Present: Lawrence
Guests: Bruce Ashby
2. Approval of Minutes: Ms. Ittner moved to, and was seconded by Mr. Wren, approve the
minutes of January 9, 2017.
The motion to approve the minutes passed with a unanimous voice vote.
3. Communication and Reports:
a) Educational and Technical Assistance Committee
Ms. Ittner spoke about having the Oral History projects available at both City Hall and
the Carbondale Public Library. Ms. Ittner also stated that she is in the process of
completing Marion Mitchell’s oral history and she gave a report on how the oral history
is going.
Ms. Benedict spoke about a book called Architectural History of Carbondale by Susan S.
Maycock and Ms. Ittner stated that Ms. Maycock is donating all of her materials to
Morris Library.
b) Nomination and Hardship Committee
Nothing to report.
c) Work Plan Committee
Nothing to report.
d) Certificate of Appropriateness Committee
Ms. Lawrence spoke about the potential purchase of 513 West Walnut Street and that she
never heard anything from the potential buyers so they would not be following through at
that address. Ms. Lawrence stated that the board at the Varsity was interested in putting
color on the marquee message board on the building at certain times of the year and
possible imagery as well, to attract more people to the theater. Ms. Ittner asked for a copy
of the current agreement with the Varsity to see if the changes are possible and Ms.
Lawrence stated that she would be emailing the Commissioners the copy within the next
few days. There was then discussion about the Preservation Commission’s role with the
Varsity renovations and signage change.
e) Founder’s Park Subcommittee
Mr. Clark spoke about the subcommittee going in front of City Council and the
possibility of moving forward after hearing the City Councils thoughts. Mr. Clark also
spoke about the power point presentation that was going to be shown at the City Council
meeting on February 14th and the feedback that he received from the fellow
Commissioners. Ms. Ittner questioned when the City Council would get back to the
Preservation Commission with their thoughts about Founder’s Park. Ms. Lawrence stated
that she felt that City Council would have an answer to the request at the time of the
presentation. There was then discussion about the Commission members attending the
City Council meeting to show support for the presentation and the presentation being
listed on the City Council agenda, but it will be listed in the minutes of the meeting.
There was also discussion about the Carbondale Park District meeting and what they had
in the works for the Founder’s Park location. Ms. Lawrence stated that she had emailed
the power point presentation to the City Manager and he asked for one amendment to be
made to the presentation with the scale of the map.
f) Founders’ Day Subcommittee
Mr. Van Awken spoke about the communications that he has had with other local parks
and their successes at similar events at their locations that the Founder’s Day
subcommittee might be able to use for their event. Mr. Clark stated that moving forward
with Founder’s Day planning might be easier once the Commission has presented to City
4. Old Business:
a) Ms. Lawrence stated that at the last meeting it was a mentioned about reviewing the
list of potential properties of historic designation and that a new resolution would
have to be put forth to amend the current list of properties. Ms. Lawrence stated that
the Commission would have to look at the properties that need to be added or
removed from the property list because it has been since 1992 that the list was
updated. It was then discussed whether process would fall under a certain committee
or if a subcommittee would need to be formed for this process and researching the
properties that were demolished and if a permit was issued. Ms. Lawrence and Ms.
Ittner then discussed providing the Commission with a list of designated properties
and which ones are on the national registry and the state registry.
b) The potential placard for the new development east of the Carbondale Public Library
was then discussed. Mr. Sigler was provided the information from Ms. Lawrence in
order to reach out to the doctor’s office going in at that location but she was unaware
of any action taking place at this time.
c) Ms. Lawrence stated that after speaking with the Director of Development Services,
the Preservation Commission would be able to use some of the department’s budget
to print a letter of introduction if they choose to do so. Ms. Lawrence stated that she
also looked at the resumes that were provide by the Commissioners and that they
were not as descriptive at she had anticipated and the Commissioners might need to
provide more information if they want to move forward with the letter. The
formatting of the bios, the desired result of providing the letters of introduction, and a
possible deadline for the bios to be turned into Ms. Lawrence was then discussed.
Mr. Zurlinden stated that the Commission’s presence and letting the community know
who Commission members were would help with the involvement in the community.
Ms. Ittner discussed putting the bios in the Carbondale Communique. Ms. Lawrence
stated that she would do some research into what needs to be included in the bios and
what the City expects to be included.
d) Mr. Wren stated that he was going to look at the images located in the planning
library and that he would email out the different images that might possibly be used
for Commission feedback. Ms. Lawrence brought up a suggestion from Steven
Mitchell, the Economic Director for the City of Carbondale, to use historic pictures
from the era of the last solar eclipse in this area for the project.
e) Ms. Lawrence stated that the call for nominations for the Annual Historic Award
Program is currently listed in the Carbondale Communique and the she was providing
the Commission with a list of previous awardees from past years. Mr. Clark
questioned if the Commission should have more involvement in getting nominations
for these types of award programs and Ms. Ittner expressed the need for involvement
and seeking out properties. It was then discussed about looking ahead to 2018 of
getting certain properties recognized. Ms. Lawrence then stated that she would have
the nominations for the Commission to look at the next meeting to discuss who the
award would be presented to. It was then discussed what makes a property qualify for
this award.
5. New Business:
a) Ms. Lawrence discussed the FY 2016 annual report that she provided to the
Commission and certain items that might need to be added to the report for the end of
the year. Ms. Ittner stated that the oral histories need to be added to the report and the
possibility of adding their neighborhood walk thru that was done. It was also
discussed the monitoring of the downtown buildings to make sure buildings are not
falling into disrepair.
b) Ms. Lawrence stated that it was discussed with her that standing committees needed
to be reviewed and people needed to be added to certain committees. It was then
discussed how many people could be on certain committees and who would like to be
in certain committees. Kathy Benedict and Jordan Wren were added to the
Educational and Technical Assistance Committee. Ms. Lawrence also discussed the
duties of the Certificate of Appropriateness Committee and asked if anyone would
like to serve as alternates for that committee. Ed Van Awken, Jordan Wren, and
Barbara Doherty all stated that they would serve as alternates for the COA committee.
6. Comments by the Public, Commission Members or Staff:
Ms. Lawrence stated that she was asked to make the Commission aware that their
regularly scheduled meeting for August 21st needed to be cancelled or moved due to the
eclipse activities. As a result, the Commission decided to add a meeting to the schedule
on July 17th. Ms. Lawrence also spoke about the Downtown Design Standards meeting
that will be taking place on March 8th and passed out materials to advertise the event.
7. Adjournment:
Mr. Clark adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m