Sallie Logan Public Library Board of Trustees met May 4.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Jeanne Goforth called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.
Members Present: Sara Faye Marten, Bill Center, Debbie Tindall, Debbie Martin, Shirley Krienert , Jan Kerr, Jeanne Goforth and Don Gladden
Members Absent: Vic Harris
Visitors Present: None
Staff Present: Loretta Broomfield, Library Director
Minutes: Reviewed and discussed. A motion was made by Shirley Krienert and seconded by Don Gladden to change the sentence about the Eclipse to read: Motion made by Don Gladden to keep the Library open on Eclipse Day and at Loretta’s discretion to close during the period of 1 – 1:30 for the Eclipse and the motion was seconded by Sara Faye Marten. All Approved. Motion made by Shirley Krienert to approve the March minutes as amended and the motion was seconded by Sara Faye Marten. All approved. Motion carried.
Financial Report: Reviewed and discussed. It was noted that this was the last month of our Fiscal year.
Statistical Review: Reviewed and discussed, Line 43, SAM in-house computer use is now correct, and the prior years were overstated, problem with the software and prior years cannot be fixed.
New Business: Non-residential Program Participation and Fee. According to State Library we are required to check our non-residential fees yearly. Using a Mathematical formula in the Illinois Administrative Code, our current minimum fee is $84.48. Motion made by Don Gladden that we set our Non-residential fee to be $85.00 effective 5/5/17 and the motion was seconded by Debbie Tindall. Motion was approved with one abstaining. Motion carried.
It was suggested by Debbie Tindall that Loretta contact the Director of the Carbondale Science Center who expressed interest in having a project with our library this summer.
Old Business: Bank cards are now signed to reflect new officer. City auditors were here on Monday with no problems detected.
Committee Reports: Loretta will send out a new list of committees and members.
Finance Committee: Nothing.
Building and Grounds: Nothing.
Personnel: Nothing.
Long Range Goals: Debbie Tindall suggested sending out an online survey through Survey Monkey to current patrons with emails.
Library Director’s Report: We have received the replacement tax of $7,229.05.
Trustee Comments: Nothing to report
Shirley Krienert made a motion to adjourn and Don Gladden seconded the motion. All approved. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.