
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Murphysboro City Council met May 9.

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Murphysboro City Council met May 9.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

The Murphysboro, Illinois, City Council met in regular session, pursuant to its ordinances, on the 9th day of May, 2017. Mayor Stephens called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and Pastor Rick Sutton led the council in prayer. Following the invocation, Mayor Stephens led the council in the pledge of allegiance to the flag.

Mayor Stephens swore in Joyce Cottonaro as city clerk; City Clerk Cottonaro swore in Mike Bastien, Jance Curry-Witzman, W. J. Pittman, Danny Bratton and Gary McComb as aldermen and then swore in Will Stephens as mayor. Mayor Stephens then directed City Clerk Cottonaro to call the roll. The roll was called with the following members

Present: Barb Hughes, W. J. Pittman, Russell Brown, Herb Voss, Gary McComb, Danny Bratton, Mike Bastien, Jance Curry-Witzman

Absent: John Erbes, Gloria Campos

Mayor Stephens presented the Williams Syndrome Proclamation to the Family of Carley Rogers.

Motion: To approve the minutes of the April 25, 2017 council meeting. All aldermen received a copy of the minutes, for their review, prior to the meeting.

Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Hughes

Mayor called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Motion: To approve the accounts payable, register #683 through May 9, 2017, accounts receivable through May 9, 2017 and payroll through May 9, 2017. All aldermen received a copy of the accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll for their review, prior to the meeting.

Motion by Alderman McComb Second by Alderman Brown

Mayor called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Committee/Commission Reports:

Alderman Bratton opened Budget & Finance Meeting.

Discussion was held regarding the Senior Citizens van. Tim Lee was going to check on the value of the current van and Joe Balsano, Director of Senior Center, was going to determine the cost of what they want. Since neither person is present we will hold until a later date and/or budget time.

David McComb, of 1102 Steven Lane, addressed the council regarding sewer system problems at his home and water in his basement.

Alderman Brown opened the Building and Grounds Meeting.

Murphysboro Lawn & Garden bid was submitted to Smysor Board. Alderman Brown stated that they are holding a meeting one week from Thursday. Mayor Stephens stated he had submitted a letter to the board requesting funding for several items. Mayor Stephens talked with Bert Ozburn and Bert acted like it would not be a problem to fund the lawn and garden bid as well as to sponsor the August concerts- one of the other funding items the mayor had requested.

Alderman Hughes stated that she observed people walking through the Washington School property and assumed they were going through the property to get to the Mobile Ranch. This is a safety hazard and she thinks we should be proactive regarding the fencing; public works should be erecting the fence now. Mayor Stephens will meet with Darrin in the next two weeks to get this done and invited Alderman Hughes to attend the meeting. Alderman McComb stated that there is a state fence along the highway and people have always cut through the area and will ignore the fencing. Alderman Pittman suggested the fence not encompass the current state fence and gate, and then people can still access the gate and cut through but would not be going through the Washington School property.

Alderman Curry-Witzman stated that there is a safety issue on 17th Street where the excavating company is working. Is this the city’s responsibility or the excavating company? There is fencing there but there must be a gap where the fence is missing and people are going through on the rocks. Mayor Stephens stated that the whole property needs to be rezoned.

There was no public comment.

Alderman Bratton opened the Community Relations Committee Meeting.

Alderman Bratton stated he had a meeting with Martin regarding the status of the Old Depot. Martin fired his mason and has no power to the building at the present time. They are tuck pointing now and after that is done the power will be back on and he plans on getting in the windows and roof within the year. Alderman Hughes stated that someone was working there today.

Don Barrett addressed the council regarding a request by the Masonic Lodge for a reserved parking space at 12th & Chestnut Streets. He has two people working at the Masonic Lodge who are handicapped and the parking space in front of the building is always taken by someone working at the courthouse. Attorney Heller stated we are not allowed to use public property for private use, the city cannot make this a reserved parking space. After discussion it was determined it should be a loading zone on the side area and a handicap spot in front of the building.

Motion: To approve designating a loading zone area on the side street of 12th between Chestnut and Mulberry Streets and a handicap spot in front of the Masonic Lodge.

Motion by Alderman Hughes Second by Alderman Voss

Alderman Bratton called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Alderman Bratton wanted to thank the water, street and sewer departments for the fantastic job they did during the flooding.

Alderman Voss stated he had received a call from Mr. Ziegler who also commented on the terrific job those departments had done.

No public comment.

Alderman McComb opened the Public Improvement Committee Meeting.

There was a discussion of the condition of the property at 5th & Walnut Street. This is the Costa property. There is a May 22, 2017 court date for foreclosure. Mayor Stephens stated that we had cleared the tree that was across the sidewalk. After the foreclosure the bank will own the property and it will be their responsibility to clean it up. Attorney Heller stated that we cannot get a lien against the property for any cleanup we do while it is in mortgage foreclosure. We cannot get a lien against bank’s rights until they own the property.

A discussion was held regarding the condition of the property at 9th & Chestnut-Old Laclede Hotel. Mayor Stephens stated he doesn’t’ know what action we can take; perhaps research what can be done or get it more up to date. Rachel Ensor addressed the council regarding the status of the property. She stated that it is already a local landmark and they now are in the process of applying for a National Register designation. They had someone inspect the property who suggested they should make the property look nicer by painting all the boarded windows. Some of the plywood is painted now but some is not. Ms. Ensor stated the property is secure and safe inside. It needs the dust cleaned up and then we can take better pictures and proceed with the National Register application. She stated that it had a new roof put on several years ago.

No public comment.

Mayor Stephens opened the Public Works Committee Meeting.

Mayor Stephens invited the new councilmen to inform him of the committees that held an interest for them.

Osburn Street extension was discussed. Harold Sheffer stated he had sent plans to IDOT. At the present time the plans are not in compliance with their entrance requirement. Once those are revised and done and IDOT approved we can proceed.

Harold Sheffer stated he will have an estimate by next meeting regarding street repairs on Hanson Street from 6th to 12th Street. He is getting with Darrin.

Discussion was held regarding the bootcamp. Jim Stewart said he had heard the bootcamp was opening in June but he had received no definite word. Mayor Stephens stated he had heard it was opening in June.

Jim stated we need to do some work on the lift station back there. Seventh Street lift station had trouble with the pumps keeping up and he wants bigger horsepower pumps. Harold Sheffer stated it seems to be getting more water in the 7th Street lift station. We need to check it out and see as we are putting in the new street. Alderman Bratton inquired if we hadn’t just redone 7th Street lift station. Since we did shouldn’t we have put in bigger horsepower pumps then? Harold Sheffer stated we need to investigate because it was okay when they redid the lift station.

Jim Stewart informed the council that the new wastewater plant got struck by lighting and Brain is checking it out to see what damage was done.

Alderman Hughes stated that during the safety meeting that was held it was noted that the 1996 bucket truck is dangerous. We should get an estimate for a new one. Safety wise it is a real problem; if we don’t fix it we should take it out of service. Mayor Stephens stated he had checked on the cost and it is approximately $100,000 for new one. He also wrote that request in the letter to the Smysor Board.

Harold Sheffer addressed the status of 7th Street. He had an IDOT meeting and the problem is with the environmentals. They take the longest time. They plan on having the plans ready and just wait for the environmentals to be completed and then proceed.

No public comment.

Alderman Brown opened the Public Safety Committee Meeting.

There was no old or new business and no public comment.

Alderman Hughes opened the Personnel Committee Meeting.

Alderman Hughes stated they are meeting again with the negotiating attorney and they are close with FOP. She sees a good outcome.

No public comment.

Mayor’s Report:

There were no items on the mayor’s report.

Aldermen Announcements/Requests:

Barb Hughes Wanted to thank public works and Jim, they worked tirelessly.

W. J. Pittman Thanks for welcome and looking forward to working with everyone.

Russell Brown Nothing

Herb Voss Nothing

Gary McComb Junior High Soccer Championship will be held here on May 20 and 21st at soccer league fields.

Dan Bratton Welcome Mike, W.J. and Jance. What is status of old shoe factory? Attorney Heller stated we had gotten the rest of the notices out and on May 15 we can file court order to secure the property.

Mike Bastien Looking forward to working on city council. Thanks to Tim Lee for coming out and the work he did during the flooding.

Jance Curry-Witzman Everyone is so welcoming. Looking forward to working with you all.

Department Head Announcements/Requests:

Ed Heller Nothing.

Sandra Ripley Nothing

Harold Sheffer Nothing

Steve Swafford Nothing

Chad Roberts April 1st they could act on seized vehicles and they have filed on three and gotten two already. This means dollars for the police department.

Eric Kennedy Nothing

Brian Manwaring Wanted to recognize public works, sewer, street, police and fire departments during flooding. All departments played a roll.

Jim Stewart Nothing.

Mayor Stephens invited everyone to Brews Brothers to celebrate with him and his family on his re-election.

Motion: To adjourn

Motion by Alderman Bratton Second by Alderman Hughes

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
