Illinois Heartland Library System Budget and Finance Committee met March 17.
Here is the minutes as provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order – 3:00 p.m.
2. Roll Call
Members present: Mary Biel, Rachel Fuller, Tina Hubert, and Sandra West
Others present: Adrienne Elam, Rhonda Johnisee, Colleen Dettenmeier, and Shirley Paden
Absent: John Phillips
3. Approval of Minutes – February 21, 2017 - Motion to approve by Sandra West, seconded by
Mary Biel. Motion approved by unanimous roll call vote.
4. Unfinished Business - Motion to accept Revised Financial Policies by Sandra West, seconded
by Rachel Fuller. Motion carried. After discussion of the possible grammatical corrections
it was decided that Tina Hubert will send a copy to Adrienne Elam of the recommended
corrections. Adrienne Elam will then have the corrections made. A motion was made to
recommend that the new revised Financial Policies go directly to the Executive Committee.
Motion to accept by Sandra West and seconded by Rachel Fuller. Motion carried by
unanimous roll call vote.
5. New Business –
February 2017 Bill Payments - Motion to accept by Rachel Fuller, seconded by Sandra
West. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Tina Hubert questioned if both nonroutine
items, labeled B - check #18283 and G – check #18329, on the Disbursement
Summary Report (5.1) were for legal counsel and second opinions for the Open Meeting
Act and the Attorney General Opinion regarding hiring situations. Per Adrienne Elam, a
second counsel’s opinion was sought after regarding the Attorney General Opinion.
February 2017 Credit Card Transactions – Motion to accept by Rachel Fuller, seconded
by Mary Biel. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote. Tina Hubert questioned what
action is being taken regarding Beverly Obert’s request at the February 28, 2017 IHLS
Board Meeting pertaining to the Fred Pryor Subscriptions. Adrienne Elam shared that
there will be a new activity report section that will highlight classes taken and in
addition, the Accounting Department’s information will be included in their tasks
completed for that month.
Financial Reports as of February 28, 2017 - Motion to accept by Mary Biel, seconded by
Sandra West. Motion carried by unanimous roll call vote.
6. Next Steps – Sandra West questioned the next steps and if there has been any news
received from the Illinois State Library (ISL) pertaining to the FY2017-FY2018 Budget.
Adrienne Elam shared that no direction has been received from the ISL.
7. Next Meeting – Wednesday, April 12, 2017 at 3:00 p.m.
8. Public Comment – None.
9. Announcements – None.
10. Adjournment – 3:26 p.m. Motion to approve by Sandra West, seconded by Mary Biel.
Motion approved.