Illinois Heartland Library System Advocacy Committee met March 7.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Call to Order:
-by Sandy West at 3:38 p.m.
Roll Call:
Members present: Geoffrey Bant, Tina Hubert, Beverly Obert, Sandy West (Chair), Sara Zumwalt, Leslie Bednar, Chris Dawdy, Ellen Popit
Others present: Stacie Bushong
Approval of February 2017 Minutes:
-Tina Hubert motion. Chris Dawdy second. Motion approved.
Unfinished Business:
-Committee reviewed the updated goals and actions list and recommended it be sent to the full board. Bev Obert motion. Tina Hubert second. Motion carried.
New Business:
-Elevator Speech – Members shared their examples and they will be added to the Goals and Activities document. The purpose of the message is to open up a conversation to introduce IHLS.
- Presentation for the IHLS board meeting – A document will be created to present to the board at the March meeting.
Public Comment:
-It was suggested that elevator speech is simple and uses lay terms.
- The standing meeting day will be the first Tuesday each month at 3:30 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for April 4, 2017.
-Motion to adjourn at 4:37 by Sara Zumwalt. Bev Obert second. Adjourned 4:37 p.m.