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Murphysboro Community Unit School District 186 Board of Education Met April 18

Murphysboro Community Unit School District 186 Board of Education

Murphysboro Community Unit School District 186 Board of Education met Tuesday, April 18.

Community Unit School District #186 Murphysboro, IL 62966


The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by President Mike Cripps at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 18, 2017, in the Board Room at McElvain School, 593 Ava Road, Murphysboro, Illinois.

Board Members present: Mr. Beavers, Dr. Corley, Mr. Cripps, Mr. McBride, Mrs. Miller

Board Members absent: Mrs. Layne, Mr. Runge

Administrators Present: Mr. Grode, Mrs. Bush, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Huppert

Administrators Absent: Mr. Keener, Mrs. Ehlers, Mrs. Gibbs, Mr. Ellermeyer

Others present: Steve Carrington, Georgia Marshall, John Keller, Dawn Taylor, Sharon Fry, Stacie Tefft, Dawn Taylor, Matt Todd, Melinda Pierson, Erin Allison, Monica May, Julie Sikorski, Brian Tripp, Shannon Green, Cara Doerr, Annette Jaynes.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dr. Corley

Mr. McBride made the motion and Mr. Beavers gave the second to approve the agenda as presented.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Layne, Runge The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Beavers made the motion and Dr. Corley gave the second to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following items:

District #186 regular board meeting minutes dated March 21, 2017 District #186 special board meeting minutes dated April 5, 2017 Tri-County regular board minutes dated March 8, 2017 Tri-County Bills for April 2017 Applications Reports

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Layne, Runge The president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Miller made the motion and Mr. McBride gave the second to approve the bills for April 2017 as presented.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mrs. Miller – Aye Mrs. Layne – Absent Mr. Cripps – Aye Mr. McBride – Aye Mr. Runge – Absent Dr. Corley – Aye Mr. Beavers – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Under Communications, the secretary reminded the board and audience that Monday, April 24, 2017 at 5:30 p.m., the board will hold its reorganizational meeting where the new members will be seated.

Fish Bowl items were read.

One request falling under the Freedom of Information Act was presented from Shriver Center in Chicago requesting the number of arrests made on school grounds during the 201516 and 2016-17 school years and whether the district has police officers in our buildings. Information was forwarded in a timely manner.

There were no comments made by the public or employees.

Under Old Business, Mr. Grode discussed the financial status of the district. Still no solution to the state budget crisis. It seems that things at the state level are becoming more political in nature – it may not be resolved soon. HB 109 was a stopgap bill from the House. K12 was funded prior to the election. With no election this year, will funding be released. If things continue, the district may be out of money by December. Tax anticipated warrants could be sought, but that may not be the solution. Should the district borrow money? Who would loan knowing that schools are not getting funded? Mrs. Bush continues to discuss finances with other districts and best solutions for the area. It is also noted that Mr. Grode and Mrs. Bush met with Senator Schimpf regarding the hardship on districts.

Mr. Grode informed the board that the district’s Title I plan was submitted through Rising Star and school wide plans. With the Every Student Succeeds Act, we must review the current plan. This is submitted through IWAS using questions. Mr. Grode will meet with administrators, faculty and staff and prepare the answers. The board will have these at the May meeting after which Mr. Grode will meet with the school PTO groups for their input. It is anticipated that the final plan will be presented to the board for approval in June. Once approved by the board, information will be input into IWAS for grant application.

At the last board meeting, the board approved the purchase of $100,000 worth of computer/technology equipment and upgrades. Mrs. Bush obtained interest rates from American Capital, First Bank and Trust, First Southern Bank, Murphy Wall State Bank and Regions Bank for a 5 year lease purchase. Mr. McBride made the motion and Mrs. Miller gave the second to approve a lease purchase with First Bank and Trust Company at an interest rate of 2.25% over a period of 60 months ($5,823.80 interest; $121 lease fees).

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. McBride – Aye Mr. Runge – Absent Mr. Cripps – Present Mrs. Miller – Aye Mr. Beavers – Aye Mrs. Layne – Absent Dr. Corley – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Under New Business, Mr. Beavers made the motion and Dr. Corley gave the second to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with Centerstone for the 2017-2018 school year.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Layne, Runge The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. McBride made the motion and Mrs. Miller gave the second to authorize the administration to prepare diplomas to graduate the Class of 2017 on May 13, 2017 for those students meeting the graduation requirements.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Layne, Runge The president declared the motion carried.

As a result of a public comment made at the March meeting, Mr. Wilson spoke to the board in regard to the classification of valedictorian/salutatorian. He feels that not having these titles better suits more students given the way grades are calculated and classes are offered. He welcomed any questions or concerns in the future regarding the subject.

As the district has done in the past and is being recommended by the administration, Mr. Beavers made the motion and Dr. Corley gave the second to approve an interfund loan from the Working Cash Fund to the Transportation Fund in order to meet transportation fund needs up to $600,000 and to repay the loan when the district receives the state mandated categorical funds.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Layne, Runge The president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Miller made the motion and Mr. McBride gave the second to move into closed session pursuant to Section 2 of the Open Meetings Act, 5 Illinois Compiled Statutes 120/2(c), to review:

1. The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees of the district including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity.

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mrs. Miller – Aye Mr. Beavers – Aye Mr. Cripps – Aye Mr. McBride – Aye Dr. Corley – Aye Mr. Runge – Absent Mrs. Layne – Absent

The president declared the motion carried.

The board moved to closed session at 7:32 p.m.

The board returned to open session at 8:15 p.m.

Mr. Beavers made the motion and Mr. McBride gave the second to approve the closed session minutes from the regular meeting dated March 21, 2017 and special meeting dated April 5, 2017.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Layne, Runge The president declared the motion carried.

Mrs. Miller made the motion and Dr. Corley gave the second to voluntarily transfer the following: Erin Allison from GJAL special education Kristin Reiman from HS physical education to HS special education Stacy Tefft from HS English/LA to HS Social Studies Jennifer Cochran from MMS STEM to MMS Academic Coordinator Andrew Wilson from GJAL day custodian to maintenance

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mrs. Miller – Aye Mr. Beavers – Aye Mr. Cripps – Aye Dr. Corley – Aye Mrs. Layne – Absent Mr. Runge – Absent Mr. McBride – Aye

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. McBride made the motion and Mr. Beavers gave the second to approve the posting of the following: GJAL Elementary Special Education HS Physical Education HS English/LA MMS Band/Music

A roll call vote was recorded as follows:

Mr. McBride – Aye Mrs. Layne – Absent Mr. Cripps – Aye Mr. Beavers – Aye Mrs. Miller – Aye Dr. Corley – Aye Mr. Runge – Absent

The president declared the motion carried.

Mr. Beavers made the motion and Dr. Corley gave the second to adjourn the meeting at 8:16 p.m.

A voiced vote was recorded as follows: Aye – All; Nay – None; Absent – Layne, Runge The president declared the motion carried.
