Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee met Monday, Jan. 9.
Here are the minutes as provided by the committee:
MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2017 5:00 PM
Call to Order (5:00 PM)
Members Present: Burke, Comparato, D. Bost, Hunter, Larkin, Maxwell and Peterson
Also Present: John S. Rendleman, Orval Rowe, Tamiko Mueller, Michelle Tweedy, Dan Brenner, Rebecca Blomer, Derek Misener, Josh Barringer, Susie Kilquist, Miriam Link-Mullison, Luke Phelps, Tony DiFilippo, Amanda Beyersdorff, Tyler Sell, Brice Ethington, Kelly Ethington
Approval of Minutes
I. 17-2055 December 12, 2016 Minutes
Please note that Comparato was seated on the Finance & Administration Committee but due to the constraints of the program could not be listed with the other members on the December minutes.
A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Larkin, to approve the December 12, 2016 minutes as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
II. 17-2069 Discussion of telephony bid proposal
This item was moved up on the agenda to allow the State's Attorney representatives to leave the meeting early.
John S. Rendleman excused himself during this discussion.
Barringer outlined some of the differences between the option to purchase or lease from the CTS bid. Barringer suggested the five year lease option.
A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Maxwell, to approve recommendation to accept the bid as proposed. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Chair's Report
III. 17-2056 2017 Finance & Administration Goals
Chair Hunter outlined what some of the goals of the Finance & Administration Committee should be for the 2017 year. She listed:1. Getting a timeline of things that regularly happen in the year from the Accounting Coordinator; 2. Implementing BS&A software; 3. Getting monthly cash balance reports from the Accounting Coordinator; 4. Health Insurance; 5. Budget Preparation-including education about each department; 6. Labor Contract negotiations; 7. Long-term planning. Hunter then asked what other goals the committee might have.
J.S. Rendleman commented that Rowe is taking the lead on planning the Board Orientation. He also mentioned having an informal meeting of the board before the February County Board meeting might be a good time to go over some board goals. Peterson said she would like to see if there is a way to get the Health Department back to working a full week and being fully staffed. Insurance
IV. 17-2057 Worker's Compensation
The committee reviewed the year end handout presented to them.
V. 17-2058 Liberty National Presenation
DiFilippo from Liberty National spoke to the committee about extra insurance options they offer. The consensus of the committee is that they can come speak to employees at a time that works for them and Tweedy.
VI. 17-2059 Consociate & Windsor Benefit Solutions Report
Phleps with ECCHIC briefly spoke to the committee about what his office does for the county. He said that Dave Schermer will be at the March meeting. Hunter asked him to explain what are his and Schermer's roll. Phelps outlined what percentage of administrative costs go to his office. Hunter pointed out that an insurance subcommittee will be created at the January board meeting and that subcommittee will be looking into all aspects of the county insurance.
VII. 17-2060 January 2017 Benefits Buzz
VIII. 17-2061 Payment of Health Insurance Claims
A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by D. Bost, to approve paying the Health Insurance claims in the amount of $232,782.73. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
IX. 17-2062 Tort Liability
X. 17-2063 Delinquent Tax Resolutions 2017-01 thru 2017-06
a. DTR 2017-01 Parcel # 15-15-155-003
b. DTR 2017-02 Parcel # 15-15-155-002
c. DTR 2017-03 Parcel # 15-15-155-001
d. DTR 2017-04 Parcel # 15-15-154-002
e. DTR 2017-05 Parcel # 14-08-131-001
f. DTR 2017-06 Parcel # 14-05-432-009
A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Maxwell, to approve Delinquent Tax Resolutions 2017-01 thru 2017-06.
XI. 17-2064 Payment of County Monthly Claims
A motion was made by Maxwell, seconded by Larkin, to approve payment of County Monthly Claims in the amount of $283,019.73. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
XII. 17-2065 Discussion about ordering copy/printer paper
The committee reviewed the difference between two companies that the county orders paper from. The committee discussed the options and Kilquist suggested that for now perhaps the maintenance team can keep track of how much paper is being used by each offi ce.
XIII. 17-2066 State's Attorney Line Item Adjustment Request
The committee reviewed the memo from the State's Attorney's office about line item adjustments they have made.
XIV. 17-2067 River Levee Bond Fund
This item was moved to the February meeting.
XV. 17-2068 FY16 County Audit Schedule
Tweedy gave the committee a timeline for the county audit. Currently, things are on track and depending on when some IMRF/Liability information comes in an extension from the State may be required.
Computing Services
XVI. 17-2070 Discussion of Server Room A/C
Barringer informed the committee that the new server room gets hot and will require and air conditioner. He is looking into different options and bring it to the committee at the February meeting.
XVII. 17-2072 MatrixCare Disengagement Fees
The committee reviewed the options for keeping the data from Rehab & Care with the disengagement of MatrixCare.
A motion was made by D. Bost, seconded by Burke, to approve the MatrixCare disengagement without having them digitize the records. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
XVIII. 17-2073 Computing Services Long-Term Planning
Barringer presented a PowerPoint to the committee about his long term plan for the IT department.
Old Business
New Business
Executive Session
Adjourn (7:00 PM)
D. Bost moved and Maxwell seconded to adjourn, motion carried.