
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

DeSoto Board of Trustees approves dusk-to-dawn lights for fire department


DeSoto Board of Trustees met Tuesday, Jan. 17.

Here are the minutes as provided by DeSoto:




MinutesBoard of Trustees Regular Meeting

January 17, 2017 

President John Evans called the second regular meeting of the De Soto Village Board of Trustees to order at 7:00 P.M. Village Clerk Paula Parks was present to record the minutes. Present: Brian Gleason Paulette Johnson Tim Cochran Eric Schuler Larry White John Evans Tony Rushing

Motion made by Paulette Johnson, seconded by Tony Rushing, to dispense with the reading of the minutes and to approve the January 3 meeting minutes and the January 5 Special Nuisance Committee meeting minutes. Motion carried. 

Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Larry White, to approve the December revenue report. Motion carried. Motion made by Eric Schuler, seconded by Brian Gleason, to pay the list of bills. Upon roll call vote: Tony Rushing – Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Larry White – Yes; Tim Cochran – Yes; Eric Schuler – Yes. Motion carried. 

Motion made by Brian Gleason, seconded by Tony Rushing, to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement between Jackson County Telephone System and Village of De Soto for dispatching emergency services. Upon roll call vote: Tony Rushing – Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Larry White – Yes; Tim Cochran – Yes; Eric Schuler – Yes. Motion carried. 

Agreement incorporated by reference. The Board agreed they should not pass the Proclamation for School Choice Week due to the fact that the event is more suitable for metro areas. 

Motion made by Larry White, seconded by Tony Rushing, to schedule the De Soto Lions Club to collect donations at the four-way intersection on May 5 with a rain date of May 12 and on October 6 with a rain date of October 13. Motion carried. Motion made by Brian Gleason, seconded by Tony Rushing, to approve the request for Phillip Gallie to ride along with the Village’s police officers. Motion carried. 

The Public Safety Committee will meet January 23 at 7 PM at the Village Hall to discuss the revisions of the current nuisance ordinance. 

Motion made by Paulette Johnson to purchase an Excelerator Series hand dryer for $600 for the ladies restroom in the big pavilion. Mrs. Johnson withdrew the motion for further investigation on the electrical capacity. Mrs. Johnson reported that the furnace at the park house had to be repaired. 

Trustee Eric Schuler reported that the Fire Department wants to install three new motion lights in front of the building. The Fire Department said they would install the lights if the Village would purchase them. Motion made by Eric Schuler, seconded by Brian Gleason, to purchase three (3) dusk-to-dawn lights for the fire department for $435.99, to be paid from the General Fund, Line Item 150-410, Building Maintenance. Upon roll call vote: Tony Rushing – Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Larry White – Yes; Tim Cochran – Yes; Eric Schuler – Yes. Motion carried. 

Director of Public Works David Griffin reported the following: 1. The landfill numbers are up again – 524 BOD’s; 39.7 suspended solids; 507 Ammonia.2. Mr. Griffin will advise DGS Superintendent Nathaniel Wilson about how to comply with the law requiring the school to test the water for lead contamination. 

Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Larry, to go into executive session at 7:40 PM to discuss possible litigation, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11). Upon roll call vote: Tony Rushing – Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Larry White – Yes; Tim Cochran – Yes; Eric Schuler – Yes. Motion carried. Motion made by Paulette Johnson, seconded by Eric Schuler, to come out of executive session at 8:10 PM. Upon roll call vote: Tony Rushing – Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Paulette Johnson – Yes; Larry White – Yes; Tim Cochran – Yes; Eric Schuler – Yes. Motion carried. President Evans reported that a potential litigation issue was discussed. The Board will be working with counsel to resolve the issue. 

The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 6 at 7:00 p.m. at the Village Hall. 

Motion made by Tim Cochran, seconded by Tony Rushing, to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 PM. Motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, Paula J. ParksVillage Clerk