
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Herrin City Council plans stoplight removal

Meeting 09

The Herrin City Council met Jan. 9 to plan a stoplight removal.

Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the council:


Mayor Steve Frattinicalled the meeting to order and asked John Steve, Herrin House of Hope to lead us in prayer. Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Shelly Huggins, City Clerk called the roll and the following were present:

STEVE FRATTINI Mayor SHELLY HUGGINS City Clerk CARL GOODWIN absent Treasurer JOHN BREWSTER City Attorney SHEILA AHLGREN Alderman Ward I DAVID SHOEMAKE Alderman Ward I DEON McGUIRE absent Alderman Ward II PAUL YORK absent Alderman Ward II STEVE MILLER absent Alderman Ward III SCOTT KINLEY Alderman Ward III BILL SIZEMORE Alderman Ward IV MARILYN RUPPEL Alderman Ward IV

MINUTES OF Motion made by Alderman Shoemake, seconded by Alderman Ahlgren to approve the minutes DECEMBER 26 of the December 26, 2016 Council Meeting. Alderman Shoemake, Kinley, Sizemore and Ruppel 2016 MEETING voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".

TREASURER'S Treasurer Carl Goodwin had nothing to report. REPORT

BUDGET OFFICE Carrie Cravens, Budget Director had nothing to report.

CODES Codes Administrator Robert Craig stated that a garage has been tore down on 8th St.

PUBLIC WORKS Bill Sizemore, Chairman of the Public Works Committee thanked the street & alley dept. for their work during the first snow event of the year.

Tom Somers, Public Works Director stated we used about 50 ton of salt cinder blend during snow event.

PUBLIC Marilyn Ruppel. Chairman of the Public Improvement Committee had nothing to report. IMPROVEMENT

PUBLIC SAFETY Quinn Laird, Police Chief commended the detectives for their work in the arrest of John Frizzell, 20 of Herrin regarding a situation with a 3 month old. He is in jail on S200,000 bond.

Fire Department had no representatives here.

David Shoemake. Chairman of the Public Safety Committee had nothing to report.

FINANCE Motion was made by Alderman Shoemake, seconded by Alderman Ruppel to authorize bills to be paid before the Council. Alderman Kinley, Sizemore, Ruppel, Ahlgren and Shoemake voted "Yea. None voted "Nay".

INSURANCE Deon McGuire, Chairman of the Insurance Committee was absent from the meeting.

LIBRARY Marilyn Ruppel, Liaison for the Herrin City Library gave the November 2016 report. There re 5.490

LIAISON registered borrowers, 55,185 volumes available, 375 titles loaned, 1,304 borrowed. We are now accepting credit cards at the library.

CIVIC CENTER Scott Kinley, Liaison for the Herrin Civic Center gave a report. The Civic Center has teamed up with LIAISON Harness Digital Marketing and Megabytes for more social media presence. They attended their first ever bridal show and handed out brochures in hopes of receiving some rentals. 1/21 SI Opry.


ORDINANCE 1 - Herrin Hospital has asked to vacate a 4 block of Lyerla St. IDOT is planning on removing the stoplight 2017 VACATE at Lyerla & Park Ave. soon. We normally charge 19.5 cents per sq. foot but will wave since hospital is not

PORTION OF for-profit. Motion made by Alderman Sizemore, seconded by Alderman Kinley to pass Ordinance 1-2017 LYERLAST. Vacating a Portion of Lyerla St. Alderman Sizemore, Ruppel, Ahlgren, Shoemake and Kinley voted "Yea".

None voted 'Nay.

APPROVE K-9 Motion made by Alderman Shoemake, seconded by Alderman Ruppel to approve the purchase of K-9 dog. PURCHASE Alderman Ruppel, Ahlgren, Shoemake, Kinley and Sizemore voted "Yea. None voted "Nay".

MAYOR The feline facility is having electrical done this week. This will be followed by HVAC and water/sewer.

The FBLA animal control fundraiser raised $3,000 for animal control. Mayor spoke at the HWC and those Members took up a collection of items for animal control

Next Monday is a zoning meeting at 6 p.m. for 424 S. 9th St. There will be a finance meeting next week as well, once a date/time is chosen it will be posted.

COUNCIL The council had nothing to report.

PUBLIC Helen Russell asked about taking the removed light at Lyerla and putting at Brewster. Brewster intersection does not meet IDOT's criteria.

EXECUTIVE Motion made by Alderman Kinley, seconded by Alderman Shoemake to go into Executive Session pursuant

SESSION to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)21 Discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06. Alderman Ahlgren, Shoemake, Kinley, Sizemore and Ruppel voted "Yea. None voted "Nay".

OPEN MEETING Motion made by Alderman Ahlgren, seconded by Alderman Kinley to go back into open session. Alderman

Ahlgren, Shoemake, Kinley, Sizemore and Ruppel voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".

OPEN EXECU- Motion made by Alderman Kinley, seconded by Alderman Sizemore to open all closed Executive Session TIVE SESSION Minutes. Alderman Shoemake, Kinley, Sizemore, Ruppel and Ahlgren voted "Yea". None voted "Nay".

ADJOURN Motion made by Alderman Shoemake, seconded by Alderman Ahlgren to adjourn. Alderman Shoemake,