
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Jackson County Mental Health (708) Board hears agency reports

Jackson County Mental Health (708) Board met Monday, Jan. 23.

Here are the minutes as provided by Jackson County:



MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 2017 5:30 PM


Call to Order (5:37 PM)

Members Present: Clark, Hunter, St. Julian and Thomas

Members Absent: Flowers, Williamson and Willis

Also Present: Ginny Donney, Shannon Odom, Holly Cormier

The consensus of the members present was that Hunter should conduct the meeting in the absence of the Chair.

Hunter welcomed the newest 708 Board Member, Steven St. Julian.

Approval of Minutes

I. 17-2128 November 21, 2016 Minutes

Since the board members present were not at the last meeting the minutes will be held until the March meeting.

Agency Reports

Odom with Archway gave a brief introduction of the agency and the program that is funded by the 708 Board. She then reported that due to the delay in the State releasing funds Archway is feeling a bit of a crunch but overall they are currently doing fine.

Donney with Shawnee Health gave a brief introduction of herself, the agency and the programs funded by the 708 Board. St. Julian inquired about grief therapy for older adults and Donney explained how that is incorporated.

II. 17-2129 Review of 4th Quarter Reports

The board reviewed the submitted 4th quarter reports. St. Julian abstained from voting due to the fact that he was not on the board in the last fiscal year.

A motion was made by Thomas, seconded by Clark, to approve the agency 4th quarter reports.

The motion carried by the following vote:

Yes: 3 - Clark, Hunter and Thomas

Absent: 3 - Flowers, Williamson and Willis

Abstain: 1 - St. Julian

Old Business

III. 17-2130 SIU Clinical Center FY17 Service Contract

The board reviewed the contract changes requested by SIU legal to the SIU Clinical Center contract with the 708 Board. The board discussed several options for handling this issue. Thomas stated that she does not mind reading the proposed changes but she would like more time; the other members present agreed. The consensus of the board is to table the item to give the members more time to read through the proposed changes. The board briefly discussed the idea of engaging an attorney. Hunter mentioned that she would like to discuss the matter with the Chair of the County Board. In an effort to get the SIU Clinical Center going on their proposed program the 708 Board agreed that they could hold a special meeting in a week or two to address the SIU Clinical Center contract. The committee coordinator will follow up with the board members later in the week.

IV. 17-2131 Memorial for Jim Scales

The committee coordinator used the wrong word on this agenda item. This item should be listed as: Appreciation of Jim Scales.

The board discussed ways that they would like to honor the 30+ years that Mr. Scales served the 708 Board. The concensus of the board is to get a plaque for Mr. Scales and to talk with the County Board to see if there can be a Resolution of Appreciation presented at the next County Board meeting. The committee coordinator will contact the County Board Chair about this and find the exact amount of time Mr. Scales served.

V. 17-2132 Funding Application Deadline

The board discussed possible due dates for the FY18 funding applications, dates for the public hearing and when the FY18 budget may be do.

A motion was made by Thomas, seconded by St. Julian, to approve setting the date for the FY18 funding application deadline at July 3 and the Public Hearing to be held on July 17 prior the scheduled Board meeting. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

VI. 17-2133 Election of Vice-Chair

The board briefly discussed possible Vice Chair's. The consensus was to ask the committee coordinator to contact Margo Willis to see if she would be interested.

New Business

VII. 17-2134 1 and 3 year plans

The board tabled this until the March meeting so the members could review the previous plans.

VIII. 17-2135 Engagement of an Attorney

The board discussed what they would like to do with regard to engaging an attorney. Hunter stated that she will speak with the County Board Chair about this matter. The board also discussed finding an attorney who might work with the 708 Board for free, entering into an agreement with the State's Attorney's office and whether this is something that will be needed in the future. This item will be on the March agenda.

Adjourn (6:26 PM)

Clark moved and Thomas seconded to adjourn, motion carried.