
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee hires auditing firm

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Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee met Monday, Dec. 12 to discuss the hiring of an auditing firm.

Here are the minutes as provided by Jackson County:



Call to Order (5:01 PM) Members Present: Burke, D. Bost, Hunter, Larkin and Peterson Members Absent: Maxwell Also Present: Scott Comparato, John S. Rendleman, Orval Rowe, Susie Kilquist, Dan Brenner, Josh Barringer, Derek Misener, Dottie Miles, Michelle Tweedy, Cheryl Draff, Karen Wolfe 

Approval of Minutes 

I. 16-1978 November 7, 2016 Minutes A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Peterson, to approve the November 7, 2016 Minutes with one correction. The motion carried by unanimous vote. 


 II. 16-1979 Executive Session under Section 2 (c) (2) & (11) under the Illinois Open Meetings Act to discuss collective bargaining matters and resolution of a grievance arbitration matter. A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Comparato, to approve entering Executive Session under 2(c) (2) & (11) under the Illinois Open Meetings Act to discuss collective bargaining matters and resolution of a grievance arbitration matter. The motion carried by the following vote: Yes: 6 - Burke, Comparato, D. Bost, Hunter, Larkin and Peterson Absent: 1 - Maxwell 


III. 16-1980 Worker's Compensation Update Miles reported that those people who were on work comp are now back on regular duty. She is working on the year end OSHA logs, there were 16 claims for the county this year. 

IV. 16-1981 Payment of Health Insurance Claims A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Peterson, to authorize payment of the Health Insurance claims as funds allow. The motion carried by unanimous vote. 

V. 16-1982 2016 Year End Recap and Stop-loss Reimbursement Tweedy updated the committee on the status of the end of the year stop loss payments. The committee suggested that when Dave Schermer attends the January meeting he offer suggestions for reasonable and legal plan changes. 


VI. 16-1983 DTR 2016-51 thru 2016-85 a. DTR 2016-51-Parcel #05-05-301-004 b. DTR 2016-52-Parcel #05-05-383-007 c. DTR 2016-53-Parcel #06-21-105-004 d. DTR 2016-54-Parcel #13-30-331-001 e. DTR 2016-55-Parcel #13-30-331-012 f. DTR 2016-56-Parcel #14-03-456-010 g. DTR 2016-57-Parcel #14-04-338-013 h. DTR 2016-58-Parcel #14-04-338-015 i. DTR 2016-59-Parcel #14-04-357-015 j. DTR 2016-60-Parcel #14-04-393-002 k. DTR 2016-61-Parcel #14-04-397-009 l. DTR 2016-62-Parcel #14-04-402-008 m. DTR 2016-63-Parcel #14-04-405-014 n. DTR 2016-64-Parcel #14-08-131-012 o. DTR 2016-65-Parcel #14-08-204-018 p. DTR 2016-66-Parcel #14-09-105-001 q. DTR 2016-67-Parcel #14-09-106-015 r. DTR 2016-68-Parcel #14-09-106-030 s. DTR 2016-69-Parcel #15-15-152-007, 015 t. DTR 2016-70-Parcel #15-15-154-010 u. DTR 2016-71-Parcel #15-15-155-004 v. DTR 2016-72-Parcel #15-15-160-024 w. DTR 2016-73-Parcel #15-16-276-004, 005 x. DTR 2016-74-Parcel #15-16-281-011 y. DTR 2016-75-Parcel #15-16-404-008 z. DTR 2016-76-Parcel #15-16-458-006 aa. DTR 2016-77-Parcel #16-25-253-027 bb. DTR 2016-78-Parcel #19-17-201-007 cc. DTR 2016-79-Parcel #19-27-355-036 dd. DTR 2016-80-Parcel #05-15-725-004 ee. DTR 2016-81-Parcel #05-36-751-002 ff. DTR 2016-82-Parcel #15-16-228-012 gg. DTR 2016-83-Parcel #14-05-406-002 hh. DTR 2016-84-Parcel #14-04-393-003 ii. DTR 2016-85-Parcel #14-10-127-012 

A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Peterson, to approve Delinquent Tax Resolutions 2016-51 thru 2016-85. The motion carried by unanimous vote. 

VII. 16-1984 Payment of County Monthly Claims The committee reviewed the presented monthly claims. They asked why the claims are higher this month and Tweedy explained that there is a large payment that has to be made at the beginning of the year, the Sheriff's office has a large repair and the animal control truck was purchased. A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Comparato, to authorize payment of the County Monthly Claims in the amount of $1,017,613.89. The motion carried by unanimous vote. 

VIII. 16-1985 Engagement of Actuarial Proposal 

This item was moved to the January meeting when there will be more information available. Tweedy was asked to check into whether Consociate could provide these services to the county. 

IX. 16-1986 Engage Kerber, Eck and Braeckel as auditing firm for FY16 The committee discussed whether or not the county is required to go out for bid and if so how often it is required. Tweedy will look into this before the December County Board meeting. J.S. Rendleman disclosed that he represented KEB about six years ago. A motion was made by Larkin, seconded by Comparato, to approve engaging Kerber, Eck and Braeckel as the FY16 auditing firm provided there is no requirement for the county to go out for bid. The motion carried by unanimous vote. 

Computing Services 

X. 16-1987 Computing Services Update Barringer reported that things are going well right now. He is currently performing light security auditing. Also, in January there will be some changes to the Ipads allowing for board members to have Microsoft Office 360 and their own Apple ID so they can customize the Ipads. J.S. Rendleman mentioned that Hunter and Barringer have also been working on a long term IT plan for the county. XI. 16-1988 Proposal for Clearwave service The committee reviewed the two options presented by Barringer for back up internet services for the county. Hunter recommended the option with more megabytes. A motion was made by Burke, seconded by Larkin, to approve recommendation of the 150Mbps Clearwave Service option at a cost of $875.00 per month. The motion carried by unanimous vote. 

XII. 16-1989 Financial Software Update 

Tweedy updated the committee on the progress of the switch to the new financial s oftware package. The committee asked if the DevNet program would no longer be needed and Tweedy said no but it will work with the new software so there will be less need for her to create her own logs. Currently, there have been no problems with the change over and things are even a bit ahead of schedule. 

Old Business 

The committee briefly discussed Public Act 99-0634 required reporting. 

New Business 

Hunter welcomed Comparato to the board and to his first Finance & Administration Committee meeting. 

Adjourn (6:21 PM) Larkin moved and Comparato seconded to adjourn, motion carried.