The Illinois Energy Conservation Advisory Council met Jan. 19 to recommend a five year cycle for communities to change energy usage.
Here are the meeting's minutes, as provided by the council:
IECAC Meeting Minutes Page 1 January 19, 2016 Illinois Energy Conservation Advisory Council Meeting Meeting Minutes January 19, 2016 Council Members In Attendance: Lisa Mattingly, Chairman, Capital Development Board Bruce Selway, IL DCEO Office of Energy & Recycling Bruce Maxey, AIA/BLDD Architects David Wytmar, Groundwork, Ltd. (by phone) Don Plass, Building Code and Fire Academy George Patterson, Bennett & Brosseau Roofing Inc. (by phone) Tom Ayers, City of Rock Island (by phone) Ryan Nation, Hanson Engineers (by phone) Tom Buchheit, BRiC Partnership Jason Huelsmann, Home Builders Association of Greater Southwest Illinois Others in Attendance: Ian Blanding, Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (MEEA) Darren Meyers, International Energy Conservation Consultants LLC Jeff Mang, Polyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturers Association (PIMA) Jerry Grant, DuPage County Eric Lacey, Responsible Energy Code Alliance Bill McHugh, Chicago Roofing Contractors Association (CRCA) Elizabeth Scanlan, City of Chicago Ellen McDonald, Chemical Industry Council – Illinois Steve Baden, RESNET Eric Makela, CADMUS Group Chairman Mattingly called the meeting to order at 10:36 a.m. Chairman Mattingly took roll call of the council members. She then asked for introductions of others in attendance. Chairman Mattingly asked for approval of the December 3, 2015 meeting minutes. Mr. Ayers moved the minutes be accepted as submitted and Mr. Plass seconded. No nays were heard. Motion carried. Mr. Selway provided an update on DCEO initiatives. He stated that he is working with the current grantee for training which is Mr. Meyers. There is currently no budget to pay for Mr. Meyers grant or training; however they may provide minimal trainings to facilitate the adoption of the new code. He did not have details at this time. Mr. Selway also told the Council that DCEO has submitted a request to PNNL – DOE to customize REScheck for Illinois. He also mentioned that DCEO’s website has been updated with all of the current information on the energy code. Their website is A discussion followed regarding the time frame for PNNL to customize REScheck. Chairman Mattingly went over the current amendment process for the Code and mentioned some suggestions that had already been given to her. These included a standardized form for submitting proposals, publishing all proposals on line. She then asked the council for other IECAC Meeting Minutes Page 2 January 19, 2016 ideas. Mr. Ayers and Mr. Plass both suggested following the process that the International Code Council (ICC) uses for their code adoption hearings. Discussion followed. Chairman Mattingly will research ICC’s process and will use that as a basis to draft an amendment process for the ILECAC. This will be provided back to the Council for review and approval at a future meeting. It was noted that the two subcommittees, residential and commercial, would be kept as part of the process. Discussion was then moved to agenda item #6, the code adoption cycle. Mr. Ayers stated that he thinks if the adoption period is changed that the Council should still review and make recommendations on adoption. He also suggested that the Council review the Code and amendments one year after Illinois adoption to determine if any changes should be made. Mr. Plass commented on the cost to communities to make these changes every three years. He also mentioned the vote that ICC took a while back to lengthen the code cycle. He said that 39% voted to do this. Mr. Plass recommends a five year cycle or a percentage change in energy. The five year cycle would be in line with ISO. Mr. Buchheit agreed with the concerns over the three year cycle and how it relates to equipment that is developed to meet these codes. Mr. Selway expressed concern with the three year cycle and how it relates to enforcement. A motion was made by Mr. Plass that he, Mr. Ayers and Mr. Selway would develop a survey to get opinions about the code cycle and a list of organizations to send the survey to. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ayers. No nays were heard. Motion passed. Chairman Mattingly introduced agenda item #7 and then turned the discussion over to Mr. Plass. Mr. Plass made a motion to delete Section R406 from the 2015 Illinois Energy Conservation Code. Mr. Buchheit seconded. Mr. Plass provided information (handout) regarding the republication of ANSI/RESNET 301-2014 to ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2014. It removed HERS from the standard and was replaced with Energy Rating. He went on to present five points why the ILECAC should reconsider the inclusion of Section R406 in the Code. A discussion followed. It was mentioned that Section R102 of the Code allows for alternative methods, if approved by the code official, which would allow for the use of the compliance method. A roll call vote was taken. There were 3 ayes, 5 nays and one council member abstained. The motion did not carry. Mr. Plass made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Ayers seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 12:29 p.m.