
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Carbondale School District 95 Board holds public hearing on budget

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At a recent meeting, the Carbondale Elementary School District 95 Board held a public hearing on an amended budget plan.

Below is the agenda for this meeting, as provided by the board.


Agenda Item 5.11

Bd. Mtg. 7/28/16



June 23, 2016

A regular meeting of the Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 was held on

Thursday, June 23, 2016, 6:00 PM at CES95 Administrative Center, 925 South Giant

City Road, Carbondale, IL 62902.

1. Roll Call:

Upon roll call, the following members were present:

Mr. John Major, President

Mr. Roger Pfister, Vice President

Mrs. Erinn Murphy, Secretary

Mr. David Biggs

Mr. Edward Benyas

Ms. Michelle Connet

Mr. Robert Gallegly

Administrators present:

Mr. Michael Shimshak, Superintendent

Mr. Justin M. Miller, Assistant Superintendent

Mrs. Colleen Doyle-Parrott, Director of Curriculum/Instruction & Assessment

Mrs. Jerrah Henson, Director of Special Student Education & Services



Roll Call:

Mr. John Major, President

Mr. Roger Pfister, Vice President (arrived at 6:10 PM)

Mrs. Erinn Murphy, Secretary

Mr. Edward Benyas

Mr. David Biggs (arrived at 6:06 PM)

Ms. Michelle Connet

Mr. Robert Gallegly

Benyas moved, seconded by Gallegly, to enter Executive Session at 5:59 PM

for the purpose of discussing performance, evaluation and compensation of

specific personnel matters, matters relating to student discipline, matters

relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation.

Roll Call:

Yes votes: Major, Murphy, Benyas, Connet, Gallegly

No votes: None

Motion carried.

Gallegly moved, seconded by Murphy, to adjourn Executive Session at 6:58


Roll Call:

Yes votes: Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister



No votes: None

Motion carried.

A Public Hearing on the FY16 Amended Budget was held as part of the

General Board of Education Meeting.

Justin Miller, Assistant Superintendent, presented on the following:

• Handed out the FY16 Amended Budget. The top sheet includes the

Budget as it was approved back in September 2015. The accompany

sheets are the amendments.

• All expenses are detailed by fund. Includes June payroll and all other

expenses up until this morning. The balance is listed for each fund at

the bottom.

• Revenue estimated to be received for this month is between $325,000

to $350,000. This is a particularly low amount compared to last year.

• Estimated deficit this year is about $600,000 to $700,000.

• Some of the revenue expected for FY17 will be delayed due to

pending allocations from the State.

• As we continue to operate on a cash basis, some funding is not

accounted for until cash is received.

• Funding currently being held includes E-Rate and school security


• Forecasting for FY17 and FY18 budgets will be difficult as funding

continues to be delayed.

• Mr. Miller stressed that the District must be as fiscally efficient as

possible in moving forward.

3. Public Comments –John Major

Ms. Margaret Nesbitt: “Good evening. I just want to say I’m back, and I thank you all

so much for the years of service for the I Can Read Program. I have learned,

experienced, and accepted that our children’s {…inaudible.}. But then you find that

{…inaudible…} you need someone that ought to help, and I have found that

somebody this past year {…inaudible.}.”

Mr. Edward Benyas: “I can’t hear you.”

Ms. Nesbitt: “Oh, sorry. I said that when we’ve found that we’re needing financial help,

you need people who are really concerned to help the children. And this year I found

that out with some of the staff from District 95 who reached out to enhance the

program I Can Read, and it is as much appreciated as the financial help from the

Board. So tonight, I have a young lady that was introduced to us from Dr. Elizabeth

Lewin who runs our Summer program, and she is such an outstanding person, that

we couldn’t believe someone could come in and take over a program and it works.

She has a Doctorate from SIU in the May graduation. And she was willing to come in

to help this Summer—the staff as far as I Can Read is kind of… was kind of

wondering if we were going to make it, and this young lady came in with the help of

some of your staff. We have one week left in this Summer program and we’re looking

forward to coming back in the Fall with new growth. New growth, working with the

Board, working with the Superintendent to do some things that can be done, not

financially, but just help the best that we can. And I hope you know that we appreciate


over the years that you have helped. I ran over the years across a lot of people that

need financial support that {…inaudible…}. So I would like for Dr. Moore to come

forward and tell a little bit about her experience this June with I Can Read Program,

and also I like to give out—someone in the I Can Read program made copies of

this—to pass out to each Board member to see {….inaudible…}”.

Mrs. Erinn Murphy, Board Secretary: “Excuse me. How many—how many students

have been participating this Summer?”

Ms. Nesbitt: “This Summer I think we have 30 grade school students. Day-to-day its

around that park {…inaudible…} So we may have 25 today, 30 the next day, 14 the

next day {…inaudible…}”

Mrs. Murphy: “Thank you.”

Ms. Nesbitt: “Dr. Moore.”

Dr. Maya Moore: “Well, with I Can Read we currently had the Summer Camp

Program and each staff, half which were, half weren’t, currently working with District

95 in some capacity. As it’s been said, I was personally recruited by Dr. Elizabeth

Lewin. She has been a big instrumental part of the program in terms of working out

the coordinated testing and things like that, but the actual staff from District 95—I

don’t know what I would do without them. I came in and kind of used some of the

current schedule that had been used before with the curriculum. I came in with an

idea of more of a social emotional learning foundation with students, which went really

well, and I was thankful in that staff already knew or were familiar with using those

tools. Social emotional learning and how to integrate that with writing and reading

enrichments. So the experiences so far have been absolutely amazing, and it’s truly

been amazing working with the kids. Especially a group of kids who are just like

sponges. It’s K through 5, so kids at that age are just absorbing and absorbing. And

especially in this specific area that we work in—actually to be specific I’m from Los

Angeles, California, and so I’m a fish out of water in a major way. In Carbondale in

general. This is kind of foreign to me. Especially in that specific area the kids really

got receptive to how to overcome learning obstacles, what type of emotional

hindrances come up, and how that can actually impede actual academic learning and

cognitive learning. So, in District 95 the teachers have been amazing, administrators

have been amazing in facilitating that and being kind of in the trenches with the

students. So we thank you for grooming the great group of teachers that I have

worked with so far.”

Mrs. Murphy: “Can you just state your name again?”

Dr. Moore: “Maya Moore.”

Mrs. Murphy: “And are you staying? Are you here until the Summer or—“

Dr. Moore: “Well I’ve been here for 3 ½ years and I graduated in May. So I just got my

Doctorate’s at SIU in Cultural Education Program, so I will be leaving in August, but I

was thinking about, since I won’t be too far, coming back and coordinating future

programs for I Can Read. I absolutely fell in love, so we’ll see if I can help out, but it’s

been a great experience.”

Mrs. Murphy: “Thank you.”

Dr. Moore: “Thank you.”

Ms. Jennifer Hartlieb, 3rd Grade Teacher: “Good evening my name is Jennifer

Hartlieb. I’m here representing the Carbondale Education Association and I’m also the


Faculty Council President.”

Mr. Benyas: “I can’t hear you.”

Ms. Hartlieb: “Is that better? How about now? Good. I was pleased that many Board

members wanted to speak to me after the May Board meeting about the proposals

approved by the Board that evening. I’m happy to talk with any of you about concerns

that teachers have, however I wonder if these conversations would have been more

productive if they would have taken place before items were voted on, rather than

after the fact. I received input from a past Faculty Council president, and she gave

me the following information which I am going to quote:

‘The Faculty Council was included at every Board meeting. A report from Faculty

Council was a part of every Board agenda, and dialogue was very open between the

Board and the Faculty Council President. I was included in all discussions of the

Board during open part of the meeting, free to ask questions, voice concerns,

etcetera, and the Board members often questioned me. This was especially true

when changes were suggested. Board members always wanted to ensure the ideas

were presented to Faculty Council. Any ideas or presentations to the Board had to

have documented proof that the Faculty Council had heard the recommendation and

needless to say, curriculum changes were almost always smoother, because Faculty

members felt they had a serious, respected voice in the process. We were also lucky

to have Boards, Superintendents, and Curriculum Directors who encouraged our input

and were not threatened by listening to ideas from teachers. On the other side, there

was more respect from the teachers. We still did have our differences, but having

mutual respect was surely a win-win. It became clear when that treating teachers with

respect and professionalism was a positive move for both sides.’

As you aware, the CEA proposal in the Fall which would allow the Faculty Council

President to have more direct involvement in the Board meetings, as was presented

has been passed by us, but the Board denied this proposal. The Collective Bargaining

agreement between the CEA and the CES95 School Board clearly states, ‘The

Faculty Council President shall be the faculty representative at Board meetings

except Executive Session.’ The Collective Bargaining Agreement includes over a

page of language pertaining to Faculty Council. This language extensively describes

the role Faculty Council has in the formulation of policy, procedure, and resolving

academic and instructional issues. Academic instructional issues are those that arise

from the area of programs, textbook adoption, instruction, instructional space, and in

school activities. To the great disappointment of many CES95 teachers, the Board

voted on an entire curriculum and assessment proposal at the last Board meeting.

This vote was taken without the Faculty Council having any input on many parts of

the proposal. In some areas of the proposal, the Faculty Council {.inaudible.} and

were completed disregarded. Until CES95 is willing to treat teachers with respect and

professionalism as described by the previous Faculty Council president I quoted

earlier, teachers will continue to feel unappreciated and seek employment elsewhere.

Increase teacher turnover has been proven to lead to decrease student achievement.

I hope you will all strive to work together to create an environment where teachers not

only seek employment in our District, but feel valued and respected for the

professionals that they are. Doing so will help promote a positive relationship, build

unity, and lead to long-term commitment to CES95. In the end, this is what’s best for

our students and our community. Thank you for your time.”

4. Approval of Agenda

Biggs moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend approving the Agenda

Roll Call:

Yes votes: Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister

No votes: None




Motion carried.

5. Consent Agenda Items

Benyas moved, seconded by Biggs, to approve the following Consent Agenda




5.1 Minutes

5.11 Regular – May 26 and June 7, 2016

5.12 Executive – May 26, 2016

Roll Call:

Yes votes: Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister, Murphy

No votes: None

Motion carried.

5.2 Financial Reports

5.21 Approval of Bills

5.22 Treasurer’s Report

5.23 Monthly Budget Report

5.24 Schools Activity Fund Reports


5.3 Communications

5.31 IASB Board member Activities Summary

5.32 Joint Annual Conference Announcement

Roll Call:

Yes votes: Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister, Murphy

No votes: None

Motion carried.


6. Committee Reports COMMITTEE REPORTS

6.1 President’s Remarks – John Major

• Reported on Joint Annual Conference Announcement this November

in Chicago. Board members will need to make arrangements with E.




6.2 Committee Reports

6.21 Public Relations Committee – Robert Gallegly

• The Public Relations Committee scheduled for Tuesday, June 7, 2016,

4:00 PM at CES95 Administrative Center.

• The committee cancelled the meeting due to lack of quorum. No

business has been conducted.

• Mr. Gallegly has reached out to IDOT on signage for the District that

promotes achievements. IDOT will make the signs with no charge to

the District for a set period of time. The District will need to draft a

letter with the signage details and submitted to City Hall for the

Mayor’s approval.


• The next committee meeting has been scheduled for July 19, 2016,

4:00 PM at the CES95 Administrative Center.

6.22 Policy Committee – Roger Pfister

• The Policy Committee met on Thursday, June 16, 2016 at 5:00 PM at

CES95 Administrative Center

• The committee reviewed the Parent Student Handbook, discussed

criteria for appropriate content for the new website, and policy


• The next committee meeting has been scheduled for July 14, 2016,

9:00 AM at the CES95 Administrative Center.

6.3 Administrative/Staff Reports ADMINISTRATIVE/


6.31 Assistant Superintendent’s Report – Justin M. Miller

Mr. Miller reported the following:

• Furniture needs for the upcoming school year are being assessed.

• Mr. Miller attended an auction in Mt. Vernon to purchase furniture for

the District. Total cost was $127.50.

• Transportation has been arranged for Friday to pick up the furniture


• Surplus technology items will first be made available to community,

non-profit, non-religious groups. Any items not claimed will be


• The District has been contacted by the Fire Department and Park

District in preparation for the July 4th fireworks event in Carbondale.

Area behind the middle school for use was requested and approved.

The back parking lot will be closed that day. The front parking lot will

be assessed.

• There are over 75 chairs in storage at the District available for

community use for no charge.

6.32 Director of Curriculum/Instruction & Assessment – Colleen Doyle-Parrott

Mrs. Doyle-Parrott reported the following:

• Gave each Board member an ELL data guide composed by teachers

and staff within the ELL Bilingual program. Info within the guide will be

available to all ELL parents, and the guide will be distributed to

families this Fall.

• A grant was received for the Two-Way Immersion program. Laura

Silva, Bilingual Instructional Coach, Michelle Martin, and Amy Tyner

have worked on the grant this Summer.

• A proposal was submitted to a dual-language education conference in

Santa Fe, New Mexico based on designing curriculum on duallanguage

programming based on the work that was done for this

grant. The proposal has been accepted and the work will be presented

at the conference.


6.33 Director of Special Student Services – Jerrah Henson

Mrs. Jerrah Henson reported the following:

• Congratulated the Special Education team as ISBE reviewed the

2014-2015 District data and determined the District meets

requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA).

• The Pre-K program will be pursuing the Award of Excellence for

Inclusion. Only 11 districts in the State have received the award. If the

District receives the award, it will help to improve the overall goal of

increasing inclusive practices in the Pre-K program.

• Ms. Henson will work with staff in submitting a proposal for this award.

6.34 Superintendent’s Report – Michael Shimshak

Mr. Shimshak introduced Dr. Tammy Holmes and Mr. Jimi Bradley for a

presentation on the Restorative Practices program at Carbondale Middle


• Dr. Holmes described how the Restorative Practices program meets

the criteria outlined in Senate Bill 100, which is a requirement by the


• The program was put in place to help improve conflict resolution and

disciplinary measures at the middle school.

• 352 Students across four classrooms in the 6th-8th grades have

participated in restorative conversations

• Meetings were held during lunch periods or by student request.

• Students were not taken out of class for the meetings. A teacher or the

Principal often referred students to Dr. Holmes or Mr. Bradley.

• Dr. Holmes and Mr. Bradley worked with faculty to help resolve

conflicts with students.

• 17 teachers participated in restorative conversations with students.

Conversations were held to allow both parties to talk openly outside a

classroom setting.

• Parents and guardians have come in to participate in restorative

conflict resolution as well.

• Visits were scheduled bi-monthly to alternative schools to access

climate, meet with staff, make recommendations, and measure

progress. Home visits were made occasionally.

• Dr. Holmes and Mr. Bradley gave details about their daily work and an

example of how they have resolved conflicts.

• District-wide training on restorative practices was offered on October

29, 2015.

• Dr. Holmes and Mr. Bradley discussed the program outlook and goals

for the 2016-2017 school year. Both will attend training in October

2016 on skill streaming, student anger control, and moral reasoning.

• A survey on the program was conducted and feedback was shared in

the presentation.



6.35 Enrollment Report - NONE

7. Old Business OLD BUSINESS


7.1 Second Reading and Adoption of the Parent Student Handbook for the 2016-

2017 academic school year.

Pfister moved, seconded by Benyas, Recommend adopting the Parent

Student Handbook for the 2016-2017 academic school year.

Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister, Murphy, Benyas

No votes: None

Motion carried.

8. New Business NEW BUSINESS

8.1 Action on Classified Personnel

8.11 Action on Classified Substitutes - NONE

8.12 Action on Non-Certified and Administrative Staff Increases

Pfister moved, seconded by Gallegly, to table recommendation on noncertified

and administrative staff increases.


Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Gallegly, Major, Pfister, Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet

No votes: None

Motion tabled.

8.2 Action on Certified Personnel

8.21 Action on Resignation

Pfister moved, seconded by Biggs, Recommend accepting the resignation of

Matt Brown as a Special Education Teacher at Thomas School effective June

23, 2016.

Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Gallegly, Major, Pfister, Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet

No votes: None

Motion carried.

8.22 Employment of Special Assignments

Pfister moved, seconded by Gallegly, Recommend the employment of the

following Special Assignments for the 2016-2017 school year:

Lewis School

Art Club Sponsor – Laura Silva

Science Coordinator – Jennifer Liss

Elementary Chorus – Pam Leenig


Carbondale Middle School

6th Grade Student Council – Alfred McGowan

7th Grade Student Council – Catherine Siefert

8th Grade Student Council – Paula Siefert

Conservation Cats – Amber Ragsdale

Instrumental Music Sponsor – Shadi Frick

Math Counts Sponsor – Ashley Burgener

Beta Club Sponsors – Derrick Glenn and Ryan May

Cheerleading Sponsor – Keyandra Levy

CMS Athletic Director – Kevin Helfrich

Head Softball Coach – Onda Karayiannis

Head Cross Country Coach – Brent Jackson

Assistant Cross Country Coach – Heath Laughard

Head Boys Track Coach – Kevin Helfrich

Head Girls Track Coach – Brent Jackson

Assistant Girls Track Coach – Heath Laughard

Head Volleyball Coach – Robin Yancy

Head Boys Basketball Coach – Heath Laughard

Assistant Boys Basketball Coach – Jimi Bradley

Head Girls Basketball Coach – Alfred McGowan

Assistant Girls Basketball Coach – Alisha Robinson

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Major, Pfister, Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly

No votes: None

Motion carried.

8.23 Employment of Special Education Aide(s)

Benyas moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend the employment of Cedric

Malone as a Pre-K Instructional Aide assigned to Parrish School for the 2016-

2017 school year, pending a clear CBI.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Pfister, Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegy, Major

No votes: None

Motion carried.

8.24 Employment of District School Nurse

Murphy moved, seconded by Benyas, Recommend the employment of Anita

Powers as the District School Nurse, pending a clear CBI.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister

No votes: None

Motion carried.

8.25 Employment of Family Consumer Science Teacher

Pfister moved, seconded by Gallegly, to table recommendation of the

employment of a Family Consumer Science Teacher.



Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Pfister, Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major

No votes: None

Motion tabled.

8.26 Employment of Math Teacher

Benyas moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend the employment of Angela

Blumenstock as a Math Teacher assigned to Carbondale Middle School for

the 2016-2017 school year, pending a clear CBI.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister

No votes: None

Motion carried.

8.27 Employment of Physical Education/Art Teacher

Pfister moved, seconded by Gallegly, to table recommendation for the

employment of Physical Education/Art Teacher.


Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister, Murphy

No votes: None

Motion tabled.

8.28 Employment of In-School Suspension RTI Teacher

Pfister moved, seconded by Benyas, to table recommendation for the

employment of an In-School Suspension RTI Teacher.


Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister, Murphy, Benyas

No votes: None

Motion tabled.

8.29 Employment of Language Arts Teacher

Pfister moved, seconded by Benyas, to table recommendation for a Language

Arts Teacher.


Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister, Murphy, Benyas, Biggs

No votes: None

Motion tabled.

8.3 First Reading of IASB New and Updated Policies


8.10 Connection with the Community


8.4 Action on 2016-2017 Board Meeting Schedule

Benyas moved, seconded by Biggs, Recommend that the 2016-2017 Board

Meetings be held on the 4th Thursdays of each month, except for the months

of August, November, and December.

Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Gallegly, Major, Pfister, Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet

No votes: None

Motion carried.

8.5 Employment of Independent Consultant

Pfister moved, seconded by Biggs, Recommend the employment of Dr.

Tammy Holmes as an Independent Consultant not to exceeed $45,000.

Roll Call Vote:

Yes votes: Major, Pfister, Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly

No votes: None

Motion carried.

8.6 Action on Approving Surplus of Technology Equipment

Pfister moved, seconded by Gallegly, Recommend approving the surplus of

technology equipment ot be recycled as presented.

Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Pfister, Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major

No votes: None

Motion carried.

8.7 Action on FY16 Amended Budget

Benyas moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend approving the FY16

Amended Budeget as presented.

Roll Call & Signature Vote:

Yes votes: Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly, Major, Pfister

No votes: None

Motion carried.

9. Next Scheduled Meetings

9.1 Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Finance Committee Meeting

CES95 Administrative Center

925 South Giant City Road

Carbondale, IL 62902


9:00 AM

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Policy Committee Meeting

CES95 Administrative Center

925 South Giant City Road

Carbondale, IL 62902

9:00 AM

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Public Relations Committee Meeting

CES95 Administrative Center

925 South Giant City Road

Carbondale, IL 62902

4:00 PM

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Regular Board Meeting (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)

CES95 Administrative Center

925 South Giant City Road

Carbondale, IL 62902

6:00 PM

6:05 PM Motion and Roll Call Vote to go into Executive Session (CLOSED) for the

purpose of discussing matters relating to the performance, evaluation and

compensation of specific personnel matters relating to student discipline, matters

relating to collecting bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation.

7:00 PM Reconvene Regular Board Meeting Public Session (OPEN TO THE


10. Public Comments – John Major

Mr. Ellis Reed, Carbondale, IL: “Ellis Reed. I like to state that I’m a State and Federal

taxpayer. This is on Old Business. I attended the 5-26 District 95 school board

meeting, and I saw that the Carbondale NAACP President Ed Dorsey give each

school board member a letter stating that ‘the Carbondale, Illinois NAACP calls on the

Board to reconsider the termination of Parrish School Assistant Principal Reverend

Darryl Cox’. My question is did the District 95 school board members, of the board,

reconsider the termination of Parrish School Assistant Principal Darryl Cox?”

Mr. John Major: “Yes, we talked about it.”

Mr. Reed: “And the termination stands?”

Mr. Major: “Yes.”

Mr. Reed: “Second question on the restorative justice—“

Mr. Major: “Can’t hear you. I didn’t hear—you started the question, I didn’t hear you.”

Mr. Reed: “The second question is concerning the restorative justice report that was

given. Carbondale NAACP President Ed Dorsey also gave each member a letter

stating that the Carbondale NAACP cannot support the Carbondale police in schools

program at this time. My question is will the District 95 Carbondale police in

elementary schools program be reinstated Fall 2016.”

Mr. Major: “When we did send a letter to the NAACP talking about each item, so we


did respond to that. It has been responded to.”

Mr. Reed: “Will it be reinstated in the Fall? Will the program be reinstated?”

Mr. Major: “No.”

Mr. Pfister: “Yes, we haven’t talked—it has not been proposed to us from the city or

from anybody to reinstate it, so it has not been reinstated. Doesn’t mean it won’t be in

the future, but we haven’t had anybody request that it be reinstated.”

Mr. Reed: “Okay. Thank you.”

11. Adjournment

Pfister moved, seconded by Gallegly, to adjourn at 8:27 PM.

Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Major, Pfister, Murphy, Benyas, Biggs, Connet, Gallegly

No votes: None

Motion carried.


Mr. John Major, President


Mrs. Erinn Murphy, Secretary



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