The Jackson County Mental Health (708) Board met Aug. 15 to discuss the 2017 budget.
Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the board:
MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 2016 4:00 PM
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Call to Order (4:05 PM)
Members Present: Flowers, Hunter, Scales and Williamson
Members Excused: Clark, Thomas and Willis
Also Present: Holly Cormier
I. 16-0568 Discussion of FY17 Budget
Suggested Actions: Other
The Budget Committee did introductions and then began working on a chart comparing the
amounts requested by agencies in FY16 with those requested for FY17. Scales informed the
committee how the 708 Board has done their budget for previous years. After the committee
members reviewed the difference between what was requested in previous years compared to
what is requested this year they discussed how much they want to budget for FY17. There was
some discussion about PTELL, administrative assistant fee and the idea of offering mini
grants. Next the committee asked Ms. Cormier questions about the SIU Clinical Center
proposed program, what the need is for the program and how many potential participants
there might be. Finally, the committee discussed how the funds should be allocated to
agencies and came up with their final requested amounts for each agency.
A motion was made by Board Liaison Hunter, seconded by Vice-Chair Williamson, to forward
the Budget Committee's FY17 budget proposal to the 708 Board. The motion carried by
unanimous vote.
Hunter moved and Williamson seconded to adjourn, motion carried.