
Carbondale Reporter

Friday, February 21, 2025

IERC selects Jones as SIU diversity research fellow

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The Illinois Education Research Council (IERC) recently announced Sosanya Jones, Ph.D., Southern Illinois University-Carbondale assistant professor in the Department of Educational Administration and Higher Education, as its 2016-17 faculty research fellow with study funding forthcoming.


Jones, with a decade and a half of experience in college administration, education and research, formerly served as a consultant for both The Ford Foundation and The Community College Research Center, both in New York City. Currently, she advises the Atlanta-based Southern Education Foundation on equity and performance funding.


“Dr. Jones’ project is a perfect fit for the interests of the IERC, and we are excited to support her research on performance funding in Illinois,” IERC executive director Janet Holt said.


Jones, whose study is entitled Incentivizing Diversity: Perceptions of the Implementation and Impact of Illinois’ Performance Funding Diversity Indicator, strives to deepen comprehension of the connection among global, domestic and institutional policy and practice, specifically targeting better access, retention and inclusion for historically underrepresented students of color.


IERC functions as an independent research group addressing issues that impact the state of Illinois, following educational trends and communicating its findings to the Illinois P-20 Council and its affiliated committees, as well as making presentations at industry conferences.