At a recent meeting, the Carbondale Local Liquor Control Commission agreed to let a restaurant transfer its liquor permit when it moves to a new location.
The Liquor Control Commission receives recommendations for liquor-license applications from the city’s Liquor Advisory Board.
Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the commission.
DATE: June 14, 2016
ITEM NO. 2 – Approval of Minutes from April 19, 2016
Attached are the minutes of the Local Liquor Control Commission meeting held on April 19, 2016.
Recommended Action:
Approve the above-referenced minutes.
Motion by _____________ Second by _______________To______________________________________
April 19, 2016
The Local Liquor Control Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, April 19, 2016, in City CouncilChambers, Room 108 of the Civic Center, 200 S. Illinois Avenue. Chairman John M. Henry called themeeting to order at 7:01 p.m. with the following-named members of the Commission present/absent:
1. Roll Call
Present: Commissioner Adam Loos, Commissioner Navreet Kang, Commissioner Jessica
Bradshaw (7:02 p.m.), Commissioner Carolin Harvey, Commissioner Lee Fronabarger,
Commissioner Tom Grant, and Chairman John M. Henry
Absent: None
Also present were City Clerk Jennifer Sorrell, Interim City Manager Gary Williams, and various members
of City Staff.
2. Approval of minutes from March 22, 2016
MOTION: Commissioner Kang moved, Commissioner Harvey seconded, to approve the minutes ofMarch 22, 2016. DISCUSSION: None. VOTE: Ayes: A. Loos, N. Kang, J. Bradshaw, C. Harvey, L.
Fronabarger, T. Grant, and J. Henry. Nays: None. Motion declared carried.
3. Application to transfer the location of an existing A2 liquor license (Restaurant –
serving all alcoholic liquors) held by Fujiyama from 715 North Giant City Road Suite 11 to
225 North Giant City Road
MOTION: Commissioner Fronabarger moved, Commissioner Harvey seconded, to approve the transfer thelocation of an existing A2 liquor license held by Fujiyama from 715 North Giant City Road to 225 NorthGiant City Road, contingent upon receipt of all outstanding items. VOTE: Ayes: A. Loos, N. Kang, J.
Bradshaw, C. Harvey, L. Fronabarger, T. Grant, and J. Henry. Nays: None. Motion declared carried.
4. Consideration of an application for a Class K license (Movie Theater) for American
Multi-Cinema Inc. d/b/a AMC Theatres University Place 8 at 1370 East Main Street
MOTION: Commissioner Bradshaw moved, Commissioner Kang seconded, to approve the issuance of aClass K license to AMC Theatres at 1370 East Main Street, contingent upon receipt of all outstandingitems. DISCUSSION: There was an inquiry about the anticipated date for project completion. VOTE:
Ayes: A. Loos, N. Kang, J. Bradshaw, C. Harvey, L. Fronabarger, T. Grant, and J. Henry. Nays: None.
Motion declared carried.
5. Citizens’ Comments
6. Adjournment
There being no further business to come before the Local Liquor Control Commission, Chairman Henrydeclared the meeting adjourned 7:08 p.m.
_________________________ ______________________________
Date Approved Jennifer R. Sorrell, City Clerk