
Carbondale Reporter

Friday, February 21, 2025

Carbondale Liquor Board considers movie theater's permit request

Webp meeting 10

At a recent meeting, the Carbondale Liquor Advisory Board heard a request by AMC Theatres University Place 8, 1370 East Main Street, for a Class K License.

The Liquor Advisory Board is specifically granted the following powers and duties: (1) to review all liquor-license applications; (2) to meet and discuss liquor license applications with all applicants; (3) to render an advisory opinion to the Local Liquor Control Commission as to the merits or problems with each liquor license application it reviews; (4) to receive and investigate complaints made by citizens of the City regarding liquor licenses; (5) to monitor all liquor licensees to assure their compliance with the laws of the city and the State; (6) to review the provisions of this Code pertaining to alcoholic liquor and to make recommendations to the City Council and/or the Local Liquor Control Commission regarding those provisions; (7) to perform such other functions and duties as requested by the City Council, from time to time, by motion.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the commission.

Liquor Advisory Board

April 7, 2016

The Carbondale Liquor Advisory Board held a meeting on Thursday, April 7, 2016, in Room 103 of the Carbondale Civic Center, 200 South Illinois Avenue. Chairman Mark Robinson called the meeting to order at 5:27 p.m. with the following-named members of the Board present/absent:

1. Roll Call

Present: David Cisco, Tasis Karayiannis, Donald Monty, Mark Robinson, John Mills and Steve Payne

Absent: (Two Student Positions Vacant)

A quorum was available to take action on the agenda items. City Staff present for the meeting included Deputy City Clerk Clinette Hayes, Police Lieutenant Matt Dunning, and Fire Inspector Tom Manis (arrived at 5:44 p.m.).

2. Approval of Minutes

D. Monty moved, T. Karayiannis seconded, to approve the minutes from March 3, 2016. All voted aye. Motion declared carried.

3. Application to transfer the location of an existing A2 liquor license (Restaurant – serving all alcoholic liquors) held by Fujiyama from 715 North Giant City Road Suite 11 to 225 North Giant City Road 

Justin Qiu of Fujiyama was present to answer questions from the Board. Mr. Qiu anticipates moving into the new location on May 1, 2016. The Board needed clarification on a few questions on the application. The Board asked if Question #13 was accurate by estimating 5% from liquor sales. Mr. Qiu answered yes. It was also made clear that the third part of Question #13 should read 0% making the total 100%. After discussion between the Board and Mr. Qiu, it was determined that Questions #22 and #26 both should have been answered yes. It was noted that the license year on the application should show July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. The correction should be made on the application. MOTION: J. Mills moved, D. Monty seconded, to recommend approval to transfer the location of the existing A2 liquor license held by Fujiyama from 715 North Giant City Road Suite 11 to 225 North Giant City Road, contingent upon receipt of all outstanding items. All voted aye. Motion declared carried.

4. Consideration of an application for a Class K license (Movie Theater) for American Multi-Cinema Inc. d/b/a AMC Theatres University Place 8 at 1370 East Main Street 

John Rendleman, attorney for AMC Theatres University Place 8, was present to answer questions from the Board. Chairman Mark Robinson recused himself from any action or discussion because Mr. Rendleman is also his attorney. Currently there are 135 locations in the state of Illinois that serve alcohol as well as several other locations around the country. The applicant responded “None in Illinois” to question #21 (has the applicant ever had any liquor license suspended or revoked, or had fines imposed, as the result of a violation of the liquor code). The Board asked Mr. Rendleman for more information on the given response, but he did not have that information. The Board asked that he present that information to the Local Liquor Control Commission at the next meeting for them to take into consideration. MOTION: D. Monty moved, D. Cisco seconded, to recommend approval of an application for a Class K license (Movie Theater) for American Multi-Cinema Inc. d/b/a AMC Theatres University Place 8 at 1370 E. Main St., contingent upon further information provided on question number twenty-one of the application. All voted aye (M. Robinson abstained). Motion declared carried.

5. Citizens’ Comments


6. Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 6:06 p.m.