
Carbondale Reporter

Friday, February 21, 2025

Carbondale District 165 Board reviews updated District Board Policy Manual

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At a recent meeting, the Carbondale Community High School District 165 Board reviewed the updated District Board Policy Manual.

The board oversees all matters related to the district’s schools. It includes seven non-partisan members who serve four-year terms.

Below are the minutes from this meeting, as provided by the board.

Board of Education

Carbondale Community High School District #165

Board Minutes - May 19, 2016

Link to May 19, 2016 Board of Education Meeting Video: https://vimeo.com/169146634


The regular scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of School District 165 was held in the cafeteria of Carbondale Community High School, 1301 East Walnut Street, Carbondale, Illinois, on Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

Upon roll call, the following members were present:

Linda Flowers Francis Tsung

Joe Hudgins Brian Woodard

Vicky King

The following members were absent:

Kathy Booziotis Brad Cole

Also present:

Stephen Murphy CCHSEA Represented

Donna Fager Southern Illinoisan Represented

Daniel Booth

President Woodard declared a quorum present and the regular scheduled meeting of May 19, 2016, was called to order. Member Vicky King served as Secretary Pro Tempore due to Secretary Kathy Booziotis’ absence.

Approval of Minutes: Motion by Hudgins, seconded by Flowers, to approve the regular scheduled meeting minutes of April 21, 2016, as presented. Roll call: Flowers, Hudgins, King, Tsung and Woodard voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Old Business: There were no old business items.

2016 Graduation Ceremony: Superintendent Murphy reminded everyone of the 2016 Graduation Ceremony on Saturday, May 21, 2016, at 1:00 p.m. at the SIU Arena.

2016 CCHSEA Teacher of the Year: Tarrie Dullum was selected as the 2016 CCHSEA Teacher of the Year.

CCHS Administrators Earn Principal Of the Year Honors: Daniel Booth and Stephanie Finke earned Principal of the Year Honors from the Illinois Principal Association.

CCHS Physics Team Receives 1st Place State TEAMS Competition: The CCHS Physics Team received First Place State TEAMS Competition.

Social Studies Department Presentation: Stephanie Finke, Assistant Principal/Social Studies Department Co-Chair, did a presentation for the Board regarding the activities of her department.

Public Comments: Carlton Smith addressed the Board of Education regarding concerns he had with early bird classes and ARP.

Payment of Bills: Motion by Tsung, seconded by Flowers, to pay the remaining bills for the month of April, 2016; and, those available for payment for the month of May, 2016. Roll call: Hudgins, King, Tsung, Woodard and Flowers voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Superintendent Murphy advised the Board the district had received its second General State Aide payment for the month of April bringing the district up to date with payments outside of Rebound funds.

2016 Summer School Programs: The Board received information regarding the 2016 Summer Enrichment Program and Rebound Summer Program.

Permission to Bid 2016-17 Milk and Bread Products: Motion by King, seconded by Tsung, to grant permission to bid milk and bread products for the 2016-17 school year. Roll call: King, Tsung, Woodard, Flowers and Hudgins voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

2016-17 Employee Health, Dental and Vision Insurance Renewal Premiums: Motion by Hudgins, seconded by Flowers, to grant approval of the renewal premiums from Blue Cross/Blue Shield and EyeMed Vision Care for the 2016-17 employee health, dental and vision insurance as presented. Roll call: Tsung, Woodard, Flowers, Hudgins and King voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Working Cash Abatement Authorization Resolution: Motion by Tsung, seconded by Flowers, to approve the Resolution to Abate $220,000.00 from the Working Cash Fund to the Education Fund as presented. Roll call: Woodard, Flowers, Hudgins, King and Tsung voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Resolution to Permanently Transfer FY16 Interest Earned in Working Cash Fund to Education Fund: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Hudgins, to approve the Resolution to Permanently Transfer $11,000.00 from the Working Cash Fund to the Education Fund. Roll call: Flowers, Hudgins, King, Tsung and Woodard voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

2016-17 COPE Safe Schools Program Intergovernmental Agreement: Motion by Hudgins, seconded by King, to approve the 2016-17 Intergovernmental Agreement for School Districts Alexander-Jackson-Perry-Pulaski-Union Regional Office of Education COPE Safe Schools Program as presented. Roll call: Hudgins, King, Tsung, Woodard and Flowers voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

2016-17 Project SOAR Alternative Educational Program Intergovern. Agreement: Motion by King, seconded by Hudgins, to approve the 2016-17 Intergovernmental Agreement for School Districts Jackson-Perry Regional Office of Education Project SOAR Alternative Educational Program as presented. Roll call: King, Tsung, Woodard, Flowers and Hudgins voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

IASB Agreement for School Board Policy Online Services: Motion by Hudgins, seconded by King, to approve the Illinois Association of School Boards Agreement for School Board Policy Online Services as presented. Roll call: Tsung, Woodard, Flowers, Hudgins and King voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

District Board Policy Manual and Update P.A. 99-0456: The Board received the District Board Policy Manual and Update P.A. 99-0456 for first reading. Board of Education action on the District Board Policy Manual and Update P.A. 99-0456 will occur at the June 16, 2016, Board of Education meeting.

Executive Session: Motion by King, seconded by Flowers, to go into executive session to discuss information regarding the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees. Roll call: Woodard, Flowers, Hudgins, King and Tsung voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried. The executive session convened at 7:53 p.m. The executive session adjourned at 8:50 p.m. The public session reconvened at 8:51 p.m. President Woodard stated no action taken during executive session.

Resignation: Motion by Hudgins, seconded by King, to accept the resignation of Connie Morgan (art teacher) effective at the end of the 2015-16 school year as presented. Roll call: Flowers, Hudgins, King, Tsung and Woodard voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

Employment of Personnel

2015-16 Summer School

Motion by Flowers, seconded by Hudgins, to employ the following 2015-16 summer school personnel as presented subject to final enrollment numbers:

Driver Education/Classroom Instruction

--May 31—June 24, 2016

--Personnel: Kim Wheeler—36 Hours

Greg Storm—20 Hours

Jeff Hansen—20 Hours

Driver Education/Behind-the-Wheel Instruction

--Personnel: Kim Wheeler, Greg Storm, Jeff Hansen, Krystal Emrick

Monitor Personnel

--May 31—July 1, 2016

--Personnel: Andrew Smith

John Gilbert Summer Enrichment Program

--May 31 – June 17, 2016

--Personnel: Stephen Arvanis, Suzanne Asaturian, Bill Curtin, Brenda Berg, Jo Carol Deniston, Cheryl Drue, Tarrie Dullum, Betsy Geiselman, Andrew Gwinup, Terri Goodin, Tammy Helvey, Sandra Jordan, Jennifer Kennedy, Connor Kocher, Meredith Lipe, Justin Merriman, Erinn Murphy, Michael Peterson, Ronesha eterson, Cara Polcyznski, Luke Schroeder, Dallas Terry and Katie Vieceli.

Roll call: Hudgins, King, Tsung, Woodard and Flowers voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

2016-17 Teaching Personnel: Motion by Flowers, seconded by Hudgins, to employ the following 2016-17 teaching personnel as presented:

1. Kara Gregory as a full-time Chorus Teacher. Ms. Gregory’s education and experience will place her at Line 7, Column MA/MS on the Teacher Salary Schedule ($58,490.00).

2. Donald Moberley as a full-time CTE Industrial Technology Teacher. Mr. Moberley’s education and experience will place him at Line 9.5, Column MA/MS on the Teacher Salary Schedule ($62,425.00).

3. Melanie Nelson as a part-time (4/6-time) CTE Health Occupations Teacher. Ms. Nelson’s education and experience will place her at Line.5, Column BA/BS prorated on the Teacher Salary Schedule ($28,894.68).

4. Jane Rendon as a part-time (4/6-time) Foreign Language-Spanish Teacher. Ms. Rendon’s education and experience will place her at Line 5, Column BA/BS+24 prorated on the Teacher Salary Schedule ($35,802.00).

5. Jennifer Kennedy as a part-time (4/6-time) Art Teacher. Ms. Kennedy’s education and experience will place her at Line 8.5, Column MA/MS prorated on the Teacher Salary Schedule ($40,567.32).

6. Cara Polczynski as a full-time English Teacher. Ms. Polczynski’s education and experience will place her at Line 0, Column MA/MS on the Teacher Salary Schedule ($47,472.00).

7. John Gund as a full-time English Teacher. Mr. Gund’s education and experience will place him at Line 0, Column MA/MS+12 on the Teacher Salary Schedule ($49,111.00).

8. Crystal Harsy as a full-time English Teacher. Ms. Harsy’s education and experience will place her at Line 6, Column BA/BS+24 on the Teacher Salary Schedule ($55,277.00).

9. Ethan Graham as a full-time Social Studies Teacher. Mr. Graham’s education and experience will place him at Line 4, Column BA/BS+12 on the Teacher Salary Schedule ($50,490.00).

Roll call: King, Tsung, Woodard, Flowers and Hudgins voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

2016-17 Extra-Duty Personnel: Motion by Tsung, seconded by Hudgins, to employ the following 2016-17 extra-duty personnel as presented:

Cheerleading Coach: Lisa Bastien

Girls Bowling Coach: Jarrod Ritter

Roll call: Tsung, Woodard, Flowers, Hudgins and King voted yes. Nay, none. Motion carried.

June Board Meeting: The June Board meeting will be Thursday, June 16, 2016.

Adjournment: Motion by King, seconded by Hudgins, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.