State Representative Paul Jacobs (IL) | Representative Paul Jacobs (R) 118th District
State Representative Paul Jacobs (IL) | Representative Paul Jacobs (R) 118th District
Voting is underway for the 6th Annual 'Makers Madness' competition, which aims to determine the Coolest Thing Made in Illinois. Over 250 products from across the state are vying for this title. The nominations span various categories, including energy storage equipment, medical products, electric vehicles, space exploration components, and confectionery items.
Rep. Paul Jacobs encouraged public participation by stating, “I encourage everyone to help promote our local Illinois products and the companies that make them. They help our local economy by creating jobs for our residents.”
Mark Denzler, President and CEO of the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association, highlighted the significance of the event: “The products nominated in this year’s contest represent the wide diversity of our state’s dynamic manufacturing industry, which anchors our economy and drives our communities forward. We wish all of the manufacturers nominated the best of luck and extend a special appreciation to the women and men on shop floors across Illinois who make these incredible products.”
The voting process is conducted online, where individuals can cast their votes up to five times daily until March 16. The results will be revealed on March 18. Subsequently, a bracket-style tournament will commence with weekly head-to-head matchups leading up to April 6.
An awards ceremony is scheduled for April 9 at the Governor’s mansion, where The Coolest Thing Made in Illinois will be officially announced.