Crainville Village Hall | WikipediA
Crainville Village Hall | WikipediA
Village of Crainville Board of Trustees met Jan. 14.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Mike Harbin Yea Sam Jones Yea
Julie Aue Yea John Oetjen Na
Martin Bruyns Jr. Yea Jim Rains Yea
Brad Olson Nay (6:33pm) Jaci Chapman Nay
Tena Steinacher Nay
A quorum was present:
Minutes from the December 10, 2024 regular Board Meeting were presented. There were no corrections.
Motion 1: Bruyns made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to approve the December 10, 2024 Village Board Meeting Minutes as presented. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Village Financial Report was given to all Board Members. There was a discrepancy with line item 4305. Jones will talk discuss this issue with Jileck.
Motion 2: Rains made the motion and Bruyns seconded the motion to bring down $30,000 from the Illinois Fund to the Village General Fund. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.
January 2025 bills were presented.
Motion 3: Harbin made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to pay the January 2025 bills as presented. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.
Visitor Participation
Kelli Hahn was present and asked the Board if the Village could put a speed bump on Main Street in the area of 1203 Main Street. Chief Lindley will step up patrols in that area.
There was a question regarding whether the Village could cut down tree limbs that hang over the streets. Jones said that the Village will contact Ameren to see if they will cut these limbs down.
PSC Engineering Report
North Main Sewer Relocation & Drainage
The Village received 3 bids on the North Main Sewer Relocation & Drainage Project. The lowest bid was from Scott Esque for $72,970.00. The Village will be responsible for the cost of the work on the concrete apron, and the relocation of the sanitary sewer. The cost for terracing and regrading the drainage ditch will be split between the Village and the homeowner. The Village will be responsible for ditch work that has to be done within their utility easement. The homeowner will be responsible for ditch work outside of the easement.
Before work on the North Main Sewer Relocation & Drainage Project can begin, Potts said that PSC Engineering will have to get two easements signed from land owners before the contract will be awarded, and before contractors will be allowed on the land.
Potts told the Board that part of the cost for the North Main Sewer Relocation & Drainage Project can come out of the ARPA Funds. The ARPA funds were originally earmarked for Phase 2 of the Sewer Replacement Project, but that project is currently on hold.
Motion 4: Harbin made the motion and Rains seconded the motion to award the North Main Sewer Relocation & Drainage Project to Scott Esque for $72,970.00 pending upon the Village getting a signed easement from landowners and upon landowners and the Village reaching an agreement for shared cost of the project. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.
Department Heads
Water Report: (Pam Borders
There are 810 water customers
622 garbage customers.
1 Building Permits
2 new customers
4 disconnects
Room Rental 5 $385.00
Water Appeals
There was one water appeal. Julie Eubanks had a water heater that broke, and she had to wait several days before it was fixed. The Board decided that during the time the water heater was broken she will be charged at her average sewer bill, and during the time the water heater was broken she will be charged at her average water usage; water that was used over her average water usage will be charged at the Village’s water cost from Rend Lake Water District.
Street/Water-Sewer Presented a Written Report
The Street Department worked to remove snow and ice from the roads. The Board complimented the Department on the job that they did getting the roads passable during the snow and ice storm.
Replaced a bearing on the F550 salt spreader.
Village generator malfunctioned during the power outages. The control panel had to be replaced cost was $1400.00
The Grand 2 lift station lost power. This loss of power was due to a burnt line coming from Ameren’s meter box. The issue was fixed and power has now been restored to the lift station.
Police Report (Chief Lindley)
Chief Lindley presented his written report.
Old Business
Memorial Garden (Julie Aue)
Julie told the Board that she has talked to the Mitchell Family and they would like the Memorial Garden to be named the Ron Mitchell Memorial Garden.
Julie will order a memorial bench that will be placed in the garden in memory of her late husband Ronald Aue.
Julie would also like to honor the American Legion Women’s Auxiliary by having a flag raising ceremony that will be held in the garden with a potluck following the ceremony. She would like to have this event sometime in the spring.
Tiny House Ordinance
Motion 5: Harbin made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to pass An Ordinance for Development of Tiny House Ordinance, Village of Crainville (Ordinance Number 2025-01-01). All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.
Online Payment Update
The online payment is progressing. There are some bugs that need to be worked out before opening the online payment option.
Solar Ordinance
New Business
Generator Alert System
The Village has no way of knowing if the Village generator is not working. The generator should automatically be running for a limited time once a week. If the generator fails, there is no notification to the Village that the generator is malfunctioning. Village might not know that the generator is not working until the generators scheduled maintenance check which occurs every six months. There is a generator alert system that will alert the Village that the generator is not working. The initial cost to set it up will be $505.00, and yearly cost after set-up will be $80.00 a year.
Motion 6: Harbin made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to purchase the generator alert system for $505.00 and the cost after the initial set-up will be $80.00 a year. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.
John Pasoni
Mr. Pasoni was not present
Deloufleur TIF Payment
Jones met with the representatives of Deloufleur, and they provided all the paperwork that is required to be reimbursed by the Village TIF District. Jones used the formula from the Village’s TIF consultant (Moran) to figure what the tax reimbursement for Deloufleur will be.
Motion 7: Harbin made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to pay Deloufleur $11,569.88 out of the TIF funds. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.
Executive Session
Motion 8: Aue made the motion and Bruyns seconded the motion to go into Executive Session at 7:35 to discuss legal matters and personnel issues. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.
The Board went into Executive Session at 7:35 p.m.
The Board returned to regular Board Meeting at 8:10 p.m.
Motion 9: Harbin made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to adjourn the Board Meeting at 8:14 p.m. All present voted yea and the Acting President declared the motion carried.