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Yates City Landmark | Yates City Banter / Facebook
Village of Yates City Board met Dec. 11.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
1. Call to Order
Hostetler called the meeting to order at 6:03 P.M.
2. Roll Call
Present: Tom Kinzer, Dave Mahr, Seth Lekies, Mark Hostetler, and Vonda Brinker
Also Present: Neely Carr, Joy Mahr, Scott Brunton of Miller Hall & Triggs, LLC, and Molly Richeson of The Weekly Post
3. Pledge of Allegiance
All present stood and pledged to the flag
4. Citizens to Address the Board with Disregard to Truth-In-Taxation Hearing
No Citizens present
5. Truth-In-Taxation Hearing and Adoption of Tax Levy
Hostetler formally opened the hearing at 6:04 P.M. Hostetler announced that the estimated total property taxes to be levied for 2024 are $81,000.00, which represents the 18.59% increase over the previous year. No public open comments. Mahr moved to adjourn the hearing. Lekies seconded the motion. Roll call unanimous. Hearing adjourned at 6:07 P.M.
Kinzer moved to Revise/Amend the Agenda, for after the hearing, to adopt Tax Levy as part of Line Item #5. Mahr seconded the motion. Roll call unanimous.
Kinzer moved to adopt the Tax Levy. Lekies seconded the motion. Roll call unanimous.
6. Approve Minutes for November 13th Board Meeting and December 4th Committee Meeting
Kinzer moved to approve minutes for November 13th Board Meeting and December 4th Committee Meeting. Lekies seconded the motion. Roll call unanimous.
7. Approve Monthly Bills, Payroll and Financial Statements
Kinzer moved to roll the MFT CD for 6mo and approve monthly bills, payroll, and financial statements. Lekies seconded the motion. Roll call unanimous.
8. Police Report – Chief Randy Benson
Chief Benson was not present. Police Report was given to Board.
9. Discuss/Approve New Water Rate Ordinance to Reflect New Garbage Rate at $0.30
Kinzer made note that it is $0.30 per month for a year. Residential and refuse garbage pick up basic fee rate will be $14.68 and recycle $1.15 for total of $15.83/mo. For non-water customers there will be an additional $7.00 administrative fee for a total of $22.83/mo. Kinzer moved to approve that the new water rate ordinance reflects the new garbage rate. Brinker seconded the motion. Roll call unanimous.
10. Discuss/Approve New Water Rate Ordinance to Reflect Water Rate Increase at 3%
New water rates are as follows for In-Town: $53.90 for first 1,000 gallons; Out-Of-Town: $62.48 for first 1,000 gallons; For all customers: $12.73 per 1,000 gallons over 1,000 gallons. New sewer debt service charge, minimum service charge, and basic user charge are as follows: debt service charge $5.92 per month, minimum service charge $5.33 for under 1,000 gallons, and basic user charge 6.52 per 1,000 gallons over 1,000 gallons. Kinzer moved to approve the new water rate ordinance reflects the new water rate increases. Brinker seconded the motion. Roll call unanimous.
11. Discuss/Approve Purchasing a 72” Skeleton Grapple Bucket for Skid-Steer in the Amount of $1,339.95 + $300.00 Shipping for a Total Amount of $1,639.95 from All SkidSteers Inc.
Lekies moved to approve the purchase of a skeleton grapple bucket in the amount of $1,639.95. Brinker seconded the motion. Roll call unanimous.
12. Discuss/Approve Revised Marco Contract
Joy Mahr discussed Marco rep was to switch everything to one contract and our cost will be “close” to what we were paying before. This is to be resolved by the end of the year. TABLED until January 8, 2025 Board Meeting.
13. Discuss/Approve New Ordinance for Village Snowplowing Sidewalks and Business Responsibility
Hostetler discussed that Jim Ralston will no longer be plowing sidewalks. Businesses are ok doing it themselves. Discussion was had on liability reasons with insurance and having a policy/resolution for this. The Board plans to adopt a policy stating Businesses have the primary responsibility for their sidewalk area and Public Works/Board would be used secondary. Kinzer moved to adopt a policy for businesses responsibility. Lekies seconded the motion. Roll call unanimous.
14. Discuss/Approve Santa’s Breakfast Donation in the Amount of $300.00
Kinzer moved to approve a donation in the amount of $300.00 to the Fire Department for their Santa Breakfast. Lekies seconded the motion. Roll call unanimous.
15. Discuss/Approve Harvest Home Committee Donation in the Amount of $300.00
Lekies moved to approve a donation in the amount of $300.00 to the Harvest Home Committee for new stoves. Kinzer seconded the motion. Roll call unanimous.
16. Discuss/Approve Holiday Bonuses for Employees in the Amount of $100.00
Hostetler put to question the approval of Holiday Bonuses for Employees in the amount of $100.00 after taxes with passing votes as follows:
Ayes: 3
Nays: 0
Absent: 2
Abstain: 2
17. Discuss/Approve Other Bonuses
Hostetler announced an additional $275.00 performance bonus for Neely Carr for going above and beyond. Brinker moved to approved the additional bonus. Lekies seconded. Roll call unanimous.
18. Committee Reports
• Technology/Public Grounds – Brinker
Brinker reported the Christmas tree on the gazebo was up and decorated.
19. Discussion of Such Other Business as may Properly Come before the Board and Action, if any, to be Taken as Result of Discussions
Joy Mahr reported there were 7 water shut offs this month, 4 have not been resolved as of date. Public Works employee, Brian Efnor, hit a resident’s fence while operating on
20. Discussion of Probable or Imminent Litigation Affecting or on Behalf of the Village.
At 6:36 p.m. a motion was made by Kinzer to enter executive session to discuss probable or imminent litigation affecting or on behalf of the Village. Lekies seconded the motion. Roll call unanimous. At 7:02 p.m. Kinzer moved to end the executive session. Mahr seconded the motion. Roll call unanimous. In open session, roll call was taken at 7:02 p.m. Present: Tom Kinzer, Dave Mahr, Seth Lekies, Mark Hostetler, Vonda Brinker, Joy Mahr, Neely Carr, and Scott Brunton of Miller Hall & Triggs, LLC.
ADJOURNMENT: Kinzer moved to adjourn. Lekies seconded. Roll call unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 7:03 p.m.