
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Yates City Board met Oct. 9

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Yates City Landmark | Yates City Banter / Facebook

Yates City Landmark | Yates City Banter / Facebook

Village of Yates City Board met Oct. 9.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order

Hostetler called the meeting to order at 6:03 P.M.

2. Roll Call

Present: Ron Smith, Dave Mahr, Seth Lekies, Mark Hostetler, Matt Ehens, and Vonda Brinker Also Present: Joy Mahr, Neely Carr, Scott Brunton of Miller Hall & Triggs, LLC, and Molly Richeson of The Weekly Post

3. Pledge of Allegiance

All present stood and pledged to the flag

4. Citizens to Address the Board

No Citizens present

5. Approve Minutes for September 11th Board Meeting and October 2th Committee Meeting

Smith moved to approve the of September 11th, 2024 board meeting and October 2nd, 2024 committee meeting minutes. Ehens seconded the motion. Roll call unanimous.

6. Approve Monthly Bills, Payroll and Financial Statements

Hostetler informed Board of transfers needed in the amount of $2,000.00 from MFT Savings to MFT Checking and $28,000 from Insurance Savings to Corporate Checking. Smith moved to approve transfer. Ehens seconded the motion. Roll call unanimous.

Smith moved to approve the monthly bills, payroll and financial statements. Ehens seconded the motion. Roll call unanimous.

7. Police Report – Chief Randy Benson

Benson reported squad car and body camera installation will hopefully be completed by the end of the week. Any unresolved issues will be addressed with the Galesburg Police IT Department, which would be an additional cost. He will update Hostetler with progress. Benson also reported the retirement of three officers at the end of this year. Benson requested hiring of an experienced Sergeant for replacement of the three officers commencing in November 2024.

8. Discuss/Approve Ordering Eight Loads of CA6 to be Delivered to South Lot in an Amount Not to Exceed $4,000.00

Hostetler reported members of the Board met with Tri-County Masonry LLC and measured the South Lot. Final dimensions are 30’ x 25’ x 8” Plan is to sift old pea gravel and use 4” pea gravel as a base (may need to order more) with rebar and 8” concrete pad. Concrete barricades located at the lot and shed will border the pad and be buried 1’ deep. Mahr and Bruce Brinker will create the area for the pad and barrier before concrete is poured. Tabled until Special Board Meeting on October 16th, 2024

9. Update on Well Project

Hostetler reported the IEPA loan is approved and all documents are signed. Albrecht Drilling was planning to move equipment to Yates City, however there are repairs now needed on equipment before starting the project. No time frame was given for repairs. Scott Bruner reported a signed contract with Albrecht Drilling was still needed, which will be completed October 16th, 2024 at Special Board Meeting.

10. Discuss/Approve New 5-year GFL Contract

Hostetler reported after review and discussion with Eric Shangraw, changes were being made to the contract. Tabled until Special Board Meeting on October 16th, 2024

11. Discuss/Approve Marco Contract Change- Treasurer Machine to Copy, Print, Scan Machine for $0.60 Added to Contract

Joy Mahr reported the upgrade of a copy, print, scan machine would benefit the remote treasurer work delays. The contract would reflect an increase of $0.60 per month. Ehens moved to approve the upgrade. Brinker seconded the motion. Roll call unanimous.

12. Discuss Legality of Board Members Receiving Compensation for Village Work

Scott Brunton reported Elected City Officials can perform work for the Village or have contracts with the Village for services or materials, but only up to $2,000 during a given fiscal year. In order to do so, there are certain procedures that must be approved prior to the person performing work for the Village. The Village Board must approve the Elected Official doing work for the Village by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Village Board, the Elected Official must recuse themselves from the discussion and the vote, and the Elected Officials interest in performing this work must be publicly disclosed and put on the record ahead of the vote. This would be done an annual basis for activities like mowing and snowplowing, such that a motion is made “to allow Trustee ______ to perform [snowplowing/mowing] for the Village during the 2024-2025 fiscal year in amount not to exceed $2,000”

13. Committee Reports

• Sewer – Mahr

Mahr reported 6 new belts were installed on oxidation tanks and weeds were removed from the sand filters

• Streets/Alleys – Smith

Hostetler and Smith reported tree limbs have been cut back and trimmed by Bruce Brinker at multiple intersections around the Village. Brent from Ace in Hole will be finishing Marietta location within the next few weeks

• Technology/Public Grounds – Brinker

Brinker and Hostetler reported the wood on the Town Park Gazebo stairs will be replaced within the next few weeks. The decking patching/replacement will be placed out for bids including estimates for composite/treated/cedar comparison

14. Discussion of Such Other Business as may Properly Come before the Board and Action, if any, to be Taken as Result of Discussions

ADJOURNMENT: Mahr moved to adjourn the meeting. Smith seconded. Roll call unanimous. Meeting adjourned at 6:56 P.M.
