
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Study highlights exodus of young professionals from Illinois

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State Senator Terri Bryant | Illinois General Assembly

State Senator Terri Bryant | Illinois General Assembly

Young professionals are rapidly becoming one of Illinois’ top exports, according to new data from SmartAsset, which ranks Illinois among the top states losing millennials to more tax-friendly states.

The report ranked states based on how many young households earning $200,000 or more left in 2022. Illinois came in second, with 1,323 households between the ages of 26 and 35 choosing to move to more tax-friendly states.

Illinois’ high tax burden has long been cited as a major factor in driving residents out of state and compounding Illinois’ outmigration problem. Just this spring, Governor Pritzker signed nearly $1 billion in new taxes into law, primarily to fund spending on the migrant crisis he invited to the state.

State Senator Terri Bryant says that as long as the Governor and his allies continue pushing their misplaced priorities at the expense of working families, residents will continue to seek genuine relief elsewhere. They stress that state leaders need to recognize these trends and do more to protect families working daily just to make ends meet.

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) will soon accept sealed bids for approximately 30 agricultural lease contracts covering the 2025-2029 crop years. These leases are designed to enhance wildlife populations and improve recreational areas while promoting sustainable farming practices that benefit both the environment and wildlife habitats.

IDNR sites with available leases will be listed on BidBuy, Illinois’ official procurement site. A non-mandatory vendor conference will be held for each lease, with details included in the public notices.

IDNR encourages bidders to register on BidBuy using the appropriate NIGP codes for farming activities. Once registered, they will receive notifications about upcoming agricultural lease bid openings.

National Farm Safety and Health Week is observed from September 15 to 21, highlighting the importance of safety in the agricultural industry.

This year’s theme, “Don’t Learn Safety by Accident,” stresses the need for farmers and communities to take a proactive approach to safety education. Each day focuses on a different aspect, including equipment safety, health and wellness, and reporting farm-related injuries.

With harvest time approaching, this week serves as a reminder to stay cautious and mindful of risks associated with farming. In 2022 alone, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics recorded 417 fatalities in agriculture. Farmers continue facing hazards such as tractor accidents, roadway collisions, and confined space dangers.

Recognized since 1944, National Farm Safety and Health Week encourages farmers to adopt safer practices. By focusing on awareness and preparedness, it aims at reducing accidents within one of the nation’s essential industries.

In an effort to address growing needs of Illinois’ older adult population, state aging officials are organizing roundtable discussions open to service providers, caregivers, older adults,andthe general public.

Over coming months,theIllinois DepartmentonAging(IDoA)isworkingwithregionalAreaAgenciesonAgingtohosta dozenroundtablediscussionsstatewideto informthedevelopmentofIllinois'2026-2028 State Planon Aging.Thisplanisastrategicframeworktoimproveandpromotethequalityoflifeforolderadults,theirfamilies,andcaregivers.Severalin-personroundtablediscussionsarescheduledacrossthestatewithlocationsincludingDuBois,Mt.Vernon ,Quincy ,Springfield ,Peoria,Dixon,andMaywood.Additionaltalksincludingvirtualeventswillbeannouncedlaterinthefall.ParticipantsareencouragedtoRSVP.Forupcomingdates ,locations,andcontactinformationvisittheIllinoisDepartmentofAging'swebsite.ThecurrentStatePlanonAgingcompletedinJuly2021runsthroughfederalfiscalyear2025.WiththegeneralelectionjustaroundthecornernowisthetimeforIllinoisresidentstolearnmoreaboutthevotingprocessandhowtoregister.Whetheryou'reafirst-timevoterorneed toupdateyourinformationvotingisawaytomakeyourvoiceheard ingovernment.VoterrequirementsinIllinoisincludebeingaU.S.citizenlivinginyourelectionprecinctforatleast30dayspriortoElectionDaybeingatleast18yearsoldbythedateofthegeneralelectionIndividualsservingasentenceinapenalinstitutionarenotpermittedtovoteandvotersmayonlyclaimtherighttovoteinonelocation.ForthoseneedtochecktheirregistrationstatusorwanttoregistertovotevisittheIllinoisOnlineVoterRegistrationApplicationWebsite.StateSenatorTerriBryantandStateRepresentativearehostingafreeSeniorHealthFairattheMt.CarmelSeniorCenteronSeptember27thfrom9a.m.to11a.m.Avarietyoflocalvendorswillbeonhandtodiscussprogramsandservicesthatbenefitseniors.Legislativebrochureswillalsobeavailable.