
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of De Soto Board of Trustees met Jan. 16

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Village of De Soto Board Members | Village of De Soto Website

Village of De Soto Board Members | Village of De Soto Website

Village of De Soto Board of Trustees met Jan. 16.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

President Eric Schuler called the second monthly meeting of the De Soto Village Board of Trustees to order at 7:00 P.M.  Village Clerk Paula Parks was present to record the minutes.

Present  Tony Rushing          Brian Gleason

              Eric Schuler             Jennifer Morgan

              Rachel Alstat 

Absent:  Paulette Johnson    Cristy Desormeaux

Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Brian Gleason, to dispense with the reading of the minutes and to approve them. Motion carried.

Motion made by Jennifer Morgan, seconded Brian Gleason, to approve the December revenue report. Motion carried.

Motion made by Brian Gleason, seconded by Tony Rushing, to pay the list of bills. Upon roll call vote: Tony Rushing – Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.

Treasurer Dana Smith reported that the Village is required to file the employee W-2’s electronically for 2023. The Village does not have the necessary software to e-file them. Purchasing the Enhanced Payroll feature for QuickBooks would cost the Village about $55 per month. The Village’s auditors offered to e-file the forms for the Village for $250.00-$300.00, which is more economical.

Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Rachel Alstat, to hire Rice & Sullivan to e-file the Village’s employee W-2 Forms for up to $300.00 for the 2023 filing. Upon roll call vote:

Tony Rushing – Yes; Brian Gleason – Yes; Jennifer Morgan – Yes; Rachel Alstat – Yes. Motion carried.

Motion made by Jennifer Morgan, seconded by Brian Gleason, to allow the Jackson County Board to use the De Soto Village Hall as a polling place for the Primary Election on March 19, 2024, and the General Election on November 5, 2024. Motion carried.

Motion made by Brian Gleason, seconded by Tony Rushing, to allow Rivers of Living Water Fellowship Church to install an 18” by 24” sign with 12” x 6” arrows on the east side of Highway 51 across from W. Jackson Street. Motion carried.

Director of Public Works Danny Vancil reported that the grinder pump needed for the park lift station has been discontinued. After investigating the problem, Mr. Vancil discovered that the pump was clogged with a sock. The pump was repaired and is working. Mr. Vancil said there is no need to purchase a pump at this time.

President Schuler reported that Majestic Enterprize, Inc. has satisfactorily abated the mold at the park house.

Trustee Brian Gleason reported that he and Police Chief Doan felt that the police department’s rights for jurisdiction in the township were no longer beneficial. The Village has only two (2) full time officers, so the resources are not available to serve the township. Conditions have changed, and the township has expanded. Trustee Gleason recommended terminating the rights with the township. Chief Doan will look into the procedure for terminating the rights.

The Park Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for March 23 with a rain date of March 30.

Motion made by Jennifer Morgan, seconded by Brian Gleason, to allow the Lions Club to collect donations at the four-way intersection on May 3, 2024, with a rain date of May 10, 2024, and October 4, 2024, with a rain date of October 11, 2024. Motion carried.

The Board authorized Director of Public Works Danny Vancil to replace a section of culvert on the 400 block of Hickory St. north of the trestle.

The next village board meeting will be held Monday, February 5 at 7:00 PM at the village hall.

Motion made by Tony Rushing, seconded by Jennifer Morgan, to adjourn at 8:11 PM. Motion carried.
