
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Carbondale Elementary School District #95 Board of Education met June 29

Carbondale Elementary School District #95 Board of Education met June 29.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

A regular meeting of the Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 was held on  Thursday, June 29, 2023, at 6:00 PM at The John Major Learning Center, 1150 E.  Grand Avenue, Carbondale, IL 62901. 

1. Roll Call: 

Upon roll call, the following members were present: 

Ms. Catherine Field, President 

Ms. Markida Roper, Vice President 

Ms. Corey Cawthon, Secretary 

Mr. Tarnisha Green 

Ms. Imani McHenry 

Ms. Stacye Saunders 

Ms. Aimee Wigfall - absent 

Administrators present: 

Ms. Janice Pavelonis, Superintendent 

Ms. Janiece Blake, Chief School Business Official 

Ms. Michelle Martin, Director of Data Reports and Programs 


Roll Call: 

Ms. Catherine Field, President 

Ms. Markida Roper, Vice President 

Ms. Corey Cawthon, Secretary 

Mr. Tarnisha Green 

Ms. Imani McHenry 

Ms. Stacye Saunders 

Ms. Aimee Wigfall - absent 

Roper moved, seconded by Green to enter Executive Session at 6:00 PM for  the purpose of discussing performance, evaluation and compensation of  specific personnel matters, matters relating to student discipline, matters  relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation. No  decisions were made, and no votes were taken. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, McHenry, Roper, Green, Cawthon 

No votes: None 

Absent: Wigfall 

Motion carried. 

Executive Session adjourned at 7:23 PM. 

Voice Vote: 

Yes votes: Saunders, Field, McHenry, Roper, Green, Cawthon 

No: None 

Absent: Wigfall 


Motion carried. 

Public Hearing to Adopt the FY23 Amended Budget 

The Public Hearing to Adopt the FY23 Amended Budget started at 7:29pm.  Chief School Business Official Janiece Blake reviewed the amended budget and opened the floor for discussion. 

Motion by Roper and seconded by Saunders to adjourned the public hearing at 7:35pm. 

Voice Vote: 

Yes votes: Saunders, Field, McHenry, Roper, Green, Cawthon 

No: None 

Absent: Wigfall 

Motion carried. 

3. Public Comments - None

4. Approval of Agenda 

Saunders moved, seconded by Green, Recommend approving the Agenda. 

Roll Call Vote: 

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, Cawthon, Roper, Green, McHenry 

No votes: None 

Abstain: None 

Absent: Wigfall 

Motion carried.  

5. Consent Agenda Items  

Saunders moved, seconded by Green, Recommend approving Consent  Agenda Items, 5.1 Minutes, 5.2-Financial Reports and 5.3-Communications  

Roll Call Vote 

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, Cawthon, Green, Roper, McHenry 

No votes: None 

Abstain: None 

Absent: Wigfall 

Motion carried. 

5.1 Minutes 

5.11 Regular – May 25, 2023 

5.12 Executive – May 25, 2023 

5.2 Financial Reports 

5.21 Approval of Bills 

5.22 Treasurer’s Report 

5.23 Revenue Report  

5.24 Expenditure Report 

5.25 Activity Fund Reports 

5.3 Communications  

5.31 FOIA - None 

5.32 Donations – None 

6. Committee Reports 

6.1 6.11 Communication Report 

President’s Remarks – Catherine Field 

President Field welcomed everyone to our new meeting space in The John Major Learning Center. 

6.2 Committee Reports

6.21 Behavioral Interventions Committee – No Report

6.22 Building and Transportation Committee – No Report

6.23 Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee – No Report

6.24 Policy Committee – Stacye Saunders

6.25 Public Relations Committee - No Report

6.26 Fundraising Development Committee - No Report

6.3 Administrative Staff Reports

6.31 Director’s Report

• La Tonya Mouzon, Director of Student Services – No Report

• Brooke Kensler, Director of Special Education – No Report

• Michelle Martin, Director of Data Reporting and Programs

Summer Learning

All buildings reported that summer learning went very well this summer. Parrish and Thomas consistently had 40 students and Lewis 15 students attending summer learning. Classes were small and teachers loved working with small groups with a focus on reading and math. Carbondale Middle School used summer learning to focus on credit recovery and had about 40 students attending. Most of these students were able to complete the credits they needed to be promoted to the next grade level.

Star Assessment Update

Upon reviewing our end of year Star data, we saw greater growth in reading compared to math. Overall, the district saw a 8% growth in students testing at the meeting and exceeding levels compared to our fall benchmark data. Taking a deeper look at our reading data, students in grade K, 2nd and 5th grades made greater gains. Overall, the district saw a significant decrease of 7.5% in students not meeting in Reading. There was also an overall increase 9% of students meeting or exceeding in reading when compared to Spring 2021. As I have previously mentioned, math scores have continued to be lower and growth harder to obtain. One exception to this was our growth in 2nd grade with a 15% increase and 5th grade with a 9% increase in meeting and exceeding levels compared to the fall benchmark. There was also a decrease in the not meeting level by 15% for our 8th grade students. Overall there was a 3% increase in our meeting and exceeding levels in math.

Reveal Math - The curriculum office, in collaboration with the CMS Math teachers, reviewed math curriculum during the 2022-2023 school year. I am recommending you approve the purchase of McGraw-Hill Reveal Math for the following reasons.

1. CCHS uses McGraw-Hill textbooks for many of their math classes. 2. Our K-5 students are using McGraw-Hill for math.

3. McGraw-Hill has proven to be responsive and very supportive to our needs.

4. McGraw-Hill Reveal Math does have materials to support our accelerated classes.

This will only be a two-year purchase to get materials for this remaining CMS core subject but also keep the curriculum adoption timeline in tack.

6.32 Chief School Business Official – Janiece Blake

• No Report

6.33 Superintendent – Janice Pavelonis

● Current Work

o Strategic plan updates with district administrators

o Vision setting for the new year

o Exciting to see what we have accomplished.

o Financial plans in place based on updates on strategic plan. o Hiring

● Board Retreat date and game plan

o September 9th

o 9 am -1 PM

o Food served.

o John Major Learning Center

● District Resource Officer Vision

o Internal Committee developed with staff from each school.

▪ Cathy Field and Corey Cawthon will represent the board on the committee.

o A few applicants applied from the force so far.

o Gameplan:

▪ Committee to review/edit the roles and responsibilities and overall vision of the role.

▪ Interviews

● John Major Learning Center Dedication Event!

o July 11th at 6:00 pm

o Refreshments will be provided

6.4 Faculty Council – No Report FACULTY COUNCIL

7. Old Business O

7.1 Action on FY23 Amended Budget

Green moved, seconded by Saunders, Recommend approving to adopt the FY23 Amended Budget as presented.

Voice Vote

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, Cawthon, Green, Roper, McHenry

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Wigfall

Motion carried.

8. New Business 

8.1 First Reading of Press Policies 111: Review and Monitoring

4:40 Incurring Debt

5:285 Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus and Commercial Vehicle Drivers

6:210 Instructional Materials

8:70 Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities

No Action Taken

8.2 First Reading of Press Policies 111: Draft Updates

2:110 Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers

4:60 Purchases and Contracts

5:125 Personal Technology and Social Media: Usage and Conduct

5:150 Personnel Records

5:260 Student Teachers

5:30 Hiring Process and Criteria

5:90 Abused and Neglected Child Reporting

6:135 Accelerated Placement Program

6:230 Library Media Program

8:20 Community Use of School Facilities

No Action Taken

8.3 Action on Classified Personnel

8.31 Action on Resignations

Roper moved, seconded by Green, Recommend accepting the resignation of Adriene Sherrill, Student Supervisory Aide at Carbondale Middle School effective May 31, 2023 and Kristen Dunlap-Berg, Instructional Aide at Thomas School effective June 29, 2023

Voice Vote

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, Cawthon, Green. McHenry, Roper

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Wigfall

Motion carried.

8.32 Employment of Paraprofessionals - None

8.33 Employment of Classified Summer School Staff

McHenry moved, seconded by Green, Recommend the employment of the following Classified Staff for the 2023 Summer School Session retroactive effective June 5, 2023:

Sheridan Johnson - Thomas School retroactive effective June 5, 2023 

Patsy Rogers - Carbondale Middle School retroactive effective June 15, 2023

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, McHenry, Roper, Green, McHenry

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Wigfall

Motion carried.

8.34 Action on Release of Employees

Green moved, seconded by Saunders, Recommend the release of the following employees due to failure to return to work effective June 29, 2023.

Mildred Williams - Instructional Aide at Carbondale Middle School 

Samara Gosa - EOC Aide at Carbondale Middle School

Danielle Blythe - Head Cook at Carbondale Middle School

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, McHenry, Roper, Green, McHenry

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Wigfall

Motion carried.

8.4 Action on Certified Personnel

8.41 Action on Resignation

Roper moved, seconded by Green, Recommend accepting the resignation of Hannah Grace Hornbeck, Special Education

Teacher at Carbondale Middle School effective June 22, 2023, Webster McGuire as Head Girls Basketball Coach at Carbondale Middle School effective June 26, 2023, and Tim Estes, Principal at Carbondale Middle School effective June 30, 2023.

Voice Vote

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, Cawthon. McHenry, Roper, Green

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Wigfall

Motion carried.

8.42 Employment of CES95 Faculty

Saunders moved, seconded by McHenry, Recommend approving the employment of the following CES95 Faculty for the 2023-2024 school year, pending a clear CBI.

Meteicha Green - Special Education Teacher at Carbondale Middle School 

Monica Burtley-Miller – Social Worker at Carbondale Middle School 

Kristen Grimmer – 3rd Grade Teacher at Thomas School

Brooke Schmidgall – Special Education Teacher at Parrish School

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, Cawthon. McHenry, Roper, Green

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Wigfall

Motion carried.

8.43 Employment of Special Assignments

Green moved, seconded by McHenry, Recommend approving the following special assignments for the 2023-2024 school year.

Parrish School

Anne Kaszubski – Conservation Kids Club

Thomas School

Alexa Chamberlin – Intermediate Student Council

Brooke Crombar – Intermediate Student Council

Amy Britt-Simpson – Conservation Kids Club

Lewis School

Megan Leonard-Holland – Art Club Sponsor

Megan Leonard-Holland – Intermediate Student Council

Cassandra McGhee – Elementary Chorus

Carbondale Middle School

Larry Wood – Assistant Boy’s Basketball Coach

Shadi Frick – Instrumental Music

Shadi Frick – History Fair

Spenser Morgan – History Fair

Heather Melton – Beta Club

Ashley Burgener - Math Counts

Caleb Cobb - Athletic Director

Tiffany Sherrill – Head Girls Volleyball Coach

Roll Call Vote

Yes votes: Field, Saunders, Cawthon, Roper, Green, McHenry 

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Wigfall

Motion carried.

8.5 Action on 2023-2024 Board Meeting Schedule

McHenry moved, seconded by Saunders, Recommend approving that the 2023-2024 board meetings be held on the 4th Thursday of each month except for the months of November and December.

Voice Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, Roper, Green, Saunders, McHenry 

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Wigfall

Motion carried.

8.6 Action on Parent-Student Handbook

Roper moved, seconded by Green, Recommend approving the Parent-Student Handbook for the 2023-2024 school year as presented.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, Roper, Green, Saunders, McHenry 

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Wigfall

Motion carried.

8.7 Action on Athletic Handbook for Students

Green moved, seconded by McHenry, Recommend approving the Athletic Handbook for Students for the 2023-2024 school year as presented.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, McHenry, Roper, Green, Saunders 

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Wigfall

Motion carried.

8.8 Action on Coaches Handbook

Roper moved, seconded by Green, Recommend approving the Coaches Handbook for the 2023-2024 as presented.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, Roper, Green, Saunders, McHenry 

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Wigfall

Motion carried.

8.9 Action on Treasurer’s Bond

Green moved, seconded by Saunders, Recommend approving the Treasurer’s Bond renewal in the amount of $5,000,000 with M&M Insurance Agency, Inc. underwritten by Ohio Casualty Insurance Company with the coverage date of 07/01/2023 to 07/01/2024 at a cost of $4,000.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, McHenry, Roper, Green, Saunders 

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Wigfall

Motion carried.

8.10 Action on Property/Casualty Insurance

Green moved, seconded by Saunders, Recommend approving the purchase of Property/Casualty Insurance with Prairie State Insurance Cooperative in the amount of $147,545.92 with the coverage date of 07/01/2023 to 07/01/2024.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, McHenry, Roper, Green, Saunders 

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Wigfall

Motion carried.

8.10.1 Action on Workers’ Compensation Insurance

Saunders moved, seconded by Green, Recommend approving the purchase of Workers’ Compensation insurance with Prairie State Insurance Cooperative in the amount of $94,732.47 with the coverage date of 07/01/23 to 07/01/2024.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, McHenry, Roper, Green, Saunders

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Wigfall

Motion carried.

8.10.2 Action on Curriculum Materials

Roper moved, seconded by Saunders, Recommend approving the purchase of McGraw-Hill Reveal Math for 6th – 8th grade for two years beginning the 2023-2024 school year in the amount of $31,451.00.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, McHenry, Roper, Green, Saunders

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Wigfall

Motion carried.

8.10.3 Action on Illinois State University Agreement

Roper moved, seconded by Green, Recommend approving the agreement between the Board of Trustees of Illinois State

University and Carbondale Elementary School District 95 effective May 17, 2023 with a renew period not to exceed (5) years for the purpose of student teacher experience/placement within the district.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, McHenry, Roper, Green, Saunders

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Wigfall

Motion carried.

8.10.4 Action on Centerstone Memorandum of Understanding

Saunders moved, seconded by McHenry, Recommend approving the MOU between Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 and Centerstone for the purpose of collaborating on providing

behavioral health services to district students for the period August 1, 2023 – July 31, 2024.

Roll Call Vote

Yes Votes: Cawthon. Field, McHenry, Roper, Green, Saunders

No votes: None

Abstain: None

Absent: Wigfall

Motion carried.

9. Next Scheduled Meetings

9.1 Thursday, July 27, 2023

Regular Board Meeting (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)

CES95 Administrative Center in the John Major Learning Center

1150 E. Grand Avenue, Suite 2

Carbondale, IL 62901

6:00 PM

6:05 PM Motion and Roll Call Vote to go into Executive Session (CLOSED) for the purpose of discussing matters relating to the performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation.

7:00 PM Reconvene Regular Board Meeting Public Session (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)

10. Public Comments - None 

11. Adjournment

Roper moved, seconded by Green, Recommend Adjournment at 8:15 PM.

Voice Vote:

Yes votes: Saunders, McHenry, Green, Field, Roper, Cawthon

No votes: None

Absent: Wigfall

Motion carried.
