
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Genoa City Council met April 26

City of Genoa City Council met April 26.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ACCEPTANCE OF CREDIT CARDS FOR THE PAYMENT OF ANY FINE, FEE, CHARGE, TAX, OR COST IMPOSED OR COLLECTED BY OR ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF GENOA AS AUTHORIZED BY THE ILLINOIS LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACCEPTANCE OF CREDIT CARDS ACT (50 ILCS 345/1 ET. SEQ.) Mayor Brust called the public meeting on the acceptance of credit cards for the payment of any fine, fee, charge, tax or cost imposed or collected by or on behalf of the City of Genoa as authorized by the Illinois Local Government acceptance of credit cards act (50 ILCS 345/1 ET.SEQ.) to order at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Pulley, Freund, Stage, Cravatta, Hughes and Holcomb were present. Alderman Winter was absent. Quorum present.

Public Comment – None

Motion to close the public hearing of the City Council was made by Alderman Cravatta, seconded by Alderman Freund. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Pulley, Freund, Stage, Cravatta, Hughes and Holcomb voted yes.

Motion to adjourn the public meeting of the City Council was made by Alderman Wesner, seconded by Alderman Cravatta. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 7:02 p.m.

Mayor Brust called the meeting of the City Council to order at 7:02 p.m. Roll call was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Pulley, Freund, Stage, Cravatta, Hughes and Holcomb were present. Alderman Winter was absent. Quorum present.

Mayor Brust led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Guest Speakers – None

Motion made by Alderman Hughes to accept the minutes of the April 5, 2023 City Council meeting, seconded by Alderman Holcomb. No further discussion. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried.

Motion made by Alderman Hughes to approve payment of the account’s payables for April 15, 2023, seconded by Alderman Holcomb. Alderman Stage asked what cameras were being purchased. City Administrator Seguss stated that these are replacement cameras for ones that are currently not working, no further discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Pulley, Freund, Stage, Cravatta and Holcomb voted yes. Motion carried.





APPROVE AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS FOR CERTAIN MUNICIPAL OBLIGATIONS: Motion made by Alderman Holcomb to approve an ordinance authorizing the acceptance of credit card payments for certain municipal obligations, seconded by Alderman Hughes. No further discussion. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Pulley, Freund, Stage, Cravatta, Hughes and Holcomb voted yes. Motion passed.

APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH ENCAP INC. FOR GENOA PRAIRIE AREA MANAGEMENT NOT TO EXCEED $18,000: Motion made by Alderman Wesner to approve and authorize the mayor to execute an agreement with Encap Inc. for Genoa Prairie area management not to exceed $18,000, seconded by Alderman Pulley. A Proposal and Payment Agreement with ENCAP, who has maintained the prairie areas in Genoa for many years; the city spends $2000.00 per visit for timely herbicide applications, usually 3 times a year. In 2024, it will be time to do a prescribed burn, which they have worked into the $6,000 budget for maintenance per year by only doing one maintenance visit in 2024. Employees at ENCAP have used our prairie areas for outreach programs with NIU students for education and have donated volunteer hours. The owner has been generous again by allowing this burn in 2024 at a special discounted rate. For comparison, Public Works had another company bid for a prescribed burn using the same area map, which was much more expensive. The comparison quote and map of the area to be done was given to council. Public Works also attempted to get a third quote but was unable to get a response. No further discussion. Alderman Hughes asked about the authorize burn, Public Works Director Janice Melton stated that these are prescribed burns of the prairie areas to prevent unscheduled burns, it gets all the underbrush done; the last time we had done this was 7-10 years ago. Aldermen Wesner, Pulley, Freund, Stage, Cravatta, Hughes and Holcomb voted yes. Motion passed.

APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR ATTRACTIONS FOR HARVEST FESTIVAL WITH FOUR SEASONS AMUSEMENTS, NOT TO EXCEED $8,110.00: Motion made by Alderman Pulley to approve and authorize the mayor to execute service agreement for attractions for Harvest Festival with Four Seasons Amusements, not to exceed $8110.00, seconded by Alderman Stage. This Service Agreement includes rides for Harvest Festival that will take place on October 6th and 7th. The Harvest Fest Committee has been actively planning for the event and after reviewing options for attractions, opted for the “pirates revenge swing ride” and the “state fair super fun slide” included in the attached service agreement. Alderman Holcomb asked if these were different rides than last year. Alderman Pulley stated that they have decided on different rides and hoping to get some more sponsorships to have a few more rides added. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Pulley, Freund, Stage, Cravatta, Hughes and Holcomb voted yes. Motion passed.

APPROVE THE USE OF 5 PARKING SPACES ON ROUTE 72 ADJACENT TO 502 WEST MAIN STREET FROM 8 AM TO 3 PM ON JUNE 3, 2023 FOR A VITALANT BLOOD DRIVE: Motion made by Alderman Holcomb to approve the use of 5 parking spaces on Route 72 adjacent to 502 West Main Street from 8am to 3pm on June 3, 2023 for a Vitalant Blood Drive, seconded by Alderman Hughes. City Administrator Seguss stated that they did ask them to do a blood drive that is sponsored by the city at a later date; city is currently working on the details and information will be handed out hopefully in the Fall. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Pulley, Freund, Stage, Cravatta, Hughes and Holcomb voted yes. Motion passed.

APPROVE AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE REGARDING COMMERCIAL STORAGE OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES AND TOBACCO AND VAPE SHOPS: Motion made by Alderman Pully to approve an ordinance amending the Unified Development Ordinance regarding commercial storage of recreational vehicles and tobacco and vape shops, seconded by Alderman Holcomb. There is an interest within the City of Genoa to allow Commercial Storage of Recreational Vehicles as a Special Use in the City Industrial zoning district. The Commercial Storage of Recreational Vehicles is not currently allowed. The City’s U.D.O. only allows residents to store their recreational vehicles on their residential property. The Ordinance in the packet outlines that Plan Commission’s recommendation for Special Use Requirements for Commercial Storage of Recreational Vehicles. Additionally, there is also interest in limiting Tobacco Store and Vape Shops to the Suburban Industrial zoning district. The City’s Unified Development Ordinance does not call out tobacco stores and vape shops specifically in the Table of Permitted Uses and therefore, historically, the use has been allowed in areas in which convenience stores are allowed. The Plan Commission met on April 13th and held a Public Hearing for the amendments and ultimately recommended approval to the City Council of both amendments. Alderman Wesner asked if we amend this ordinance what happens to the gas stations that sell tobacco and vape. City Administrator Seguss stated that the ordinance calls out at least the definition calls out a percentage of the sales have to be less than 50% of total sales; where as a tobacco and vape shop could not achieve that. The current tobacco and vape shop are grandfathered in. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Pulley, Freund, Stage, Cravatta and Holcomb voted yes. Alderman Wesner voted no. Motion passed.

CLOSED SESSION: Motion made by Alderman Pully to go to Closed Session for the purpose of approving the minutes of the previous closed session and for the purpose of releasing closed session minutes, seconded by Alderman Freund. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Pulley, Freund, Stage, Cravatta, Hughes and Holcomb voted yes. Motion passed.

RECONVENE REGULAR SESSION: Motion made by Alderman Wesner to reconvene regular session, seconded by Alderman Freund. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Pulley, Freund, Stage, Cravatta, Hughes and Holcomb voted yes. Motion carried.

RELEASE CERTAIN CLOSED SESSION MINUTES: Motion made by Alderman Cravatta that the minutes of closed session meeting of the Genoa City Council be released in or in part for public inspection in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. The minutes to be released are those which are set forth on the list which has previously been submitted to and reviewed by the members of the city council, which list is before me now. Minutes to be released are 9/7/22 and 2/16/23. Alderman Cravatta further moved that the city clerk be requested to prepare the minutes as reflected on this list for public inspection as soon as possible, seconded by Alderman Holcomb. Roll call vote was taken. Aldermen Wesner, Pulley, Freund, Stage, Cravatta, Hughes and Holcomb voted yes. Motion carried.


Finance Report – Treasurer & Finance Director, Jan Tures stated that we are finishing up expenditures for fiscal year 2023, trying to get all departments to get invoices in sooner vs later. We have 4 business that have not yet picked up their new liquor licenses that go into effect 5/1/23. Working on changes to go to a full page system for the utility billing, we have hit a few hiccups but are hoping that by June 1st we will be up and running. We are starting the audit already; the preliminary work list is due by May 16th; in the council packet is the March 31st budget numbers if anyone has any questions, please let Jan know.

Public Works – Public Works Director, Janice Melton stated that the water department completed their inventory of all the service lines that the City of Genoa serves, the inventory was sent to the State of Illinois as needed and on time. The lead service lines are being scheduled for removal/replacement with copper from the main to the b box in areas that we have targeted for road improvement. FEHR Graham has been updated so they know. Continuing with the meters and so far, since the beginning of the year the meters that have reached their useful/accurate time are being replaced. New meters 10 and Replacement meters 52, we only have 15 meters on hand due to radios, we want to keep at least 8 for new construction. Once the new radio part of the new meters come in, we will have more. Radios also serve for the larger meters. The water department did receive a certificate from the state with no violations this year. We did get PFAS tested back in 2021, the City of Genoa has no detectable PFAS in our water. Sewer department has been video taping areas in town to find the areas that need the pipe lining the most. Janice will have some videos for the next meeting. The areas that they found is a targeted area and there is one area that they will have to correct with some digging as it has sunk in. The plant itself is running well and they were able to get the new pump in #3 it is pumping at a minimum of 30% more than the older one. In the street department has been busy planting, Central Park is almost completed there are only a couple more trees to put in then they will be mulching those in. The bulb cypress grove is in, there is a video on social media. Flowers for the downtown area will not be ready till at least May 15th so there is a tentative June 1st date for those to be completed. Asphalt plants have opened, asphalt patching will be continuing as weather permits. West Church had a large patch that was completed. The citywide gravel work will continue as weather permits. The past few weeks Janice attended a waste water conference most of the talk and lectures were on the PFAS, regulations and upcoming testing. City of Genoa is not on the radar, eventually with the 5 new unregulated contaminants we will be called upon to do testing, we have our source water protection plan in place; the city is ready when it happens. Mayor Brust congratulated public works on the certificate, it is 15 years straight of compliance. Alderman Hughes wanted to thank public works for the updated lighted on the entrance to River Bend, it looks great.

Police Department – Chief Smith stated that he wanted to thank the city and residents for all the kind words for when Kane passed, a thank you to Genoa Animal Hospital for their donation of the cremation cost. The police department has applied for another officer camera grant, this is our second grant, it is for 5 body cams and 1 additional squad camera for our new squad that we are getting. In 2025 all police officers in town have to have body cameras, we have some but we are short 2. The current ones we have are starting to get out dated technology wise. Our tornado siren will hopefully be updated in the next month or two. The department has been billed for it and it will be paid under the current budget. Golf cart/ATV stickers are in, the current ones expire on May 1st, another reminder will go out to everyone.

Administrative Report – City Administrator, Alyssa Seguss stated there is a reminder for the strategic planning workshop on May 9th from 4pm-9pm. Before the next meeting on 5/3 there will be head shots taken for those that have not had them or anyone that would like theirs updated as well as a new group photo. The city participates in the Northern Illinois Independent Purchasing Cooperative it is a group in Northern Illinois that gets together and purchases electricity as a cooperative to get better pricing for their municipality, the contract was just renewed for another 3 years with about $42,000 savings per year to purchase the electricity as the cooperative. The city is currently having website issues, they cannot see or manage the website from city hall, which is creating issues when they need to update or upload agendas; they are working on it and hope to have a resolution in the next week or so.

Mayor’s Report – Mayor Brust stated that himself, Alderman Cravatta and City Administrator Seguss went last week to IML Lobby Day in Springfield, it was a great event spent some time with Senator Andrew Chesney, saw Representative Tony McCombie and had a great dinner.

ANNOUNCEMENTS – Mayor Brust announced that Alderman Winter had her baby Scotty Winter, congratulation to her and her family.

Motion to adjourn the meeting of the City Council was made by Alderman Wesner, seconded by Alderman Pulley. Voice vote was taken. All voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m.
