
Carbondale Reporter

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Anne West Lindsey Public Library District Board met Feb. 28

Anne West Lindsey Public Library District Board met Feb. 28.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The meeting of the Anne West Lindsey District Library Board of Trustees, on February 28, 2023, was called to order at 7:10 pm by President Allison Owen and a quorum was established. In attendance were Elaine Miskell, Sheri Hunter, Allison Owen, and Nancy Schmidt. Bill Slider, Jim Koonce and Heather Abell Castlebery were not present. Library Director, Mary Stoner, Library Staff, Pam Alstat, and Financial Secretary, Jennifer Sigler, were present as well.

The approval of the agenda, a motion by Sheri Hunter, was seconded by Elaine Miskell. Motion carried.

A motion to approve the minutes from the January 24, 2023 meeting was made by Sheri Hunter and seconded by Elaine Miskell. Motion carried.

There were no Public Comments.

From the agenda item, Communications:

(1) Allison Owen reported on attending the February TIF meeting held in Cambria representing the Anne West Lindsey Library. She distributed the Village of Cambria Tax Increment Financing District TIF Annual Report Summary FY 2022.

(2) Mary Stoner reported fund distribution breakdown tax from Williamson County treasurer was deposited in the amount of $580.29.

(3) Mary Stoner reported $538,000.00 from Williamson County Levy Proof Report.

The Anne West Lindsey District Library Financial Secretary, Jennifer Sigler, reported on the Anne West Lindsey District Library’s assets, profit and loss, and profit and loss budget vs. actual, July 2022 through January 2023, deposit detail, and check detail for the month of January 2023.

A motion to approve the Financial Secretary’s Report was made by Elaine Miskell and seconded by Sheri Hunter. Motion carried.

In the Library Director’s Report, Mary Stoner reported the following:

(1) The Adult Services program had a total of 186 patrons attending programming in the month of February 2023.

(2) Mary Stoner worked on the memorial for J.P. Barrington

(3) The library’s Facebook and Instagram page has shown an increase of followers.

(4) Mary Stoner filed certification of ballot at the County Clerk’s office.

(5) Mary Stoner filed non-homestead tax exemption form at the County Treasurer’s office.

(6) Mary Stoner faxed a signed copy of Levy Proof Report to the County Clerk’s per Phil Lenzini’s approval.

(7) Mary Stoner purchased children’s books and Valentine’s Day decorations for the February holidays.

(8) Mary Stoner consulted with Brian Miller on the high energy bills incurred at the library.

(9) Mary Stoner announced the passing of beloved library volunteer, Marilyn Starkey.

(10) Mary Stoner continued work on hiring a new Children’s Librarian.

(11) Mary Stoner revised the Strategic Plan and By-Laws per Board approval.

(12) Mary Stoner prepared bills and monthly revenue statement for the bookkeeper and met with Jennifer Sigler to start preparing the FY 23/24 budget.

(13) During the month of February, library staff processed 243 items and issued 35 new library cards.

(14) Circulation statistics continue to rise for the adult collections.

(15) Cricut classes continue to be popular with the adult patrons.

(16) Debra Miller, an actress from Chicago who founded the company Historical Women of Letters, will put on a one-woman show at the library on May 24th at 5 pm.

(17) Preparations for the Summer Reading Program are underway, including a painting and beginner yoga session.

(18) The Teen Services program had a total of 144 patrons during the month of February.

(19) The Teen Services program, STEAM Crafternoons, are continuing as scheduled with extra days scheduled as interest continues to grow.

(20) The Teen Services take and make craft kits for the month of February were Valentine Day themed; with DIY soaps for the Tween/Teen craft in February.

(21) The Children’s Program had a total of 57 patrons during the month of February. Programs included story hours, STEAM stations and other children’s programming.

Elaine Miskell made a motion to accept the Library Director’s Report, and the motion was seconded by Sheri Hunter. Motion carried.

Under the agenda item, Committee Reports, a letter from a former employee was discussed and the committee members addressed the listed concerns.

The Anne West Lindsey District Library Five Year Strategic Plan: 2022-2026 packet was distributed to all board members. The planning team included Allison Owen, Jim Koonce, Sheri Hunter and Mary Stoner. Sheri Hunter made a motion to approve the Strategic Plan and seconded by Elaine Miskell. Motion carried.

Mary Stoner discussed, under the agenda item Other Business, the high electric bill at the library with a comparison chart of the 2021 and 2022 Ameren electric bills. Brian Miller will be consulted for recommendations. There are other viable options recommended by Ameren instead of Homefield Energy, which is the current provider under Ameren. Heather Abell Castlebery will be consulted to review the proposed contract agreement which will show a significant difference in our favor from 12 cents per kWh down to 7.489 cents per kWh which was submitted by the powercompany.com, AEP Energy, Inc.

The Maintenance Report February 2022 was distributed under the agenda item, New Business. The sink hole on the hill behind the children’s room was addressed that appears to be spreading. We possibly need more funds in the maintenance budget to address this issue. Nancy Schmidt made a motion to approve the Maintenance Report and was seconded by Sheri Hunter. Motion carried.

In Other Business, Sheri Hunter suggested placing a picture of Anne West Lindsey in the reading room above the fireplace. Allison Owen mentioned a scholarship is given in her mother’s name to a graduating Carterville High School student each year. Our library and SIU have information and memorabilia on Anne’s life and career.

The next Anne West Lindsey District Library Board Meeting will be held on March 28, 2023.

A motion to adjourn was made by Elaine Miskell and seconded by Sheri Hunter. The Anne West Lindsey District Library Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.
