
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Crainville Board of Trustees met Feb. 14

Village of Crainville Board of Trustees met Feb. 14.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

Mike Harbin Yea            Sam Jones Yea

Julie Aue Yea                John Oetjen Yea

Martin Bruyns Jr. Yea    Jim Rains Yea

Brad Olson Yea             Jaci Chapman Nay

Ron Mitchell Yea           Tena Steinacher Yea

A quorum was present:


Minutes from the January 17, 2023 regular Board Meeting were presented. There were no corrections.

Motion 1: Oetjen made the motion and Jones seconded the motion to approve the January 17, 2023 Village Board Meeting Minutes as presented. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:

Village Financial Report was given to all Board Members. Board asked that Steinacher find out from Jileck why some months the closing balance on Village Accounts is not the same as the opening balance for the next month. The Board would also like the Treasures Report to show what liabilities the Village has.

Motion 2: Aue made the motion and Rains seconded the motion to bring down $30,000 from the Illinois Fund to the Village General Fund. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried


February 2023 bills were presented.

Motion 3: Oetjen made the motion and Rains seconded the motion to pay the February 2023 bills as presented. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

Visitor Participation

No Visitor Participation for the February 14, 2023 Village Board Meeting.

PSC Engineering (Rodney Potts Reporting)

Sanitary Sewer

The plans for the new Sewer plant are coming along, however, Potts has still not heard from the Carterville attorneys regarding the proposed contract.

Potts presented the Board with two pay estimates. Phase one of the gravity sewer project from Skuta Construction for $53,460.00. This included lining the sewer mains between California St. and Laclede, and Main Str. The resident inspection fee from PSC Engineering for $1,632.00. The Village will be reimbursed 100% for both fees by the ARPA Grant.

Motion 3: Rains made the motion and Jones seconded the motion to approve phase one pay estimate #1 $53,460.00 to Skuta Construction for gravity sewer project; money to initially come out of the Water Fund with full reimbursement to the Village from the ARPA Grant.. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

Motion 4: Harbin made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to pay phase one pay estimate #1 to PSC Engineering $1,632.00 for resident engineering fees; money to initially come out of the Water Fund with full reimbursement to the Village from the ARPA Grant. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

Municipal Drive

Contractors for Municipal Drive have got the parts in for the projects and work to put in the water line will start in ten days.

Several Board Members would like for Ryan Farrar and PSC Engineering to look through the Village and identify roads that need work and prioritize these road projects. There is a concern regarding water that is collecting on the roads, and not draining properly. Bruyns would like for the Village to look at the ditches along these roads to see if work needs to be done to the ditches to facilitate drainage.

Department Heads

Water Report: (Pam Borders)

  1. There are 830 water customers
  2. 616 garbage customers.
  3. 0 Building Permits
  4. 6 new customers
  5. 6 disconnects
  6. Room Rental 1 $45.00
Borders told the Board that every month there are approximately 70-75 people that do not pay their water bill on time. When the water bill is five days late, it is the policy of the Water Office to call and remind those people that they have not paid their bill. If they do not pay the bill by the first of the next month their water is shut off, and it costs $25.00 to have it reconnected. To call these 70-75 people every month takes the office staff one full day, and most of the people that do not pay on time are habitual offenders. The Board had several suggestions to help alleviate this problem. They decided that the office should not have to call to remind customers that they have not paid their water bill. The Board wants Borders to write a letter to all customers that habitually pay their water bill late; telling them that they will no longer receive a letter from the Village informing them that their Water Bill is late. The Board will also amend the ordinance to raise the cost of reconnecting water service from $25.00 to $50.00.

No Water Appeals.

Street/Water-Sewer Presented a Written Report

  1. Started to clean the weeds, dirt, cinders along the curbs on Main and Municipal Drive.
  2. Installed two new water services.
  3. Worked two ice/snow events
  4. Worked on repairing the Lagoon Road
Police Report (Chief Lindley)

Chief Lindley presented his written report. In addition to his written report Chief Lindley told the Board that the Department is having problems with the 2014 Taurus Squad Car. The car has had a multitude of mechanical problems. The latest issue is with the transmission and the Nissan dealership says that the car needs a new torque convertor at a cost of $3,149.64. The car is currently only worth about $3,800. Lindley told the Board that putting in a new torque convertor may not fix the problem, and he feels that the best course of action is to purchase a new squad car. Lindley has been asking all dealerships in the area to see if he could order a new squad car and has been told that the waitlist is long and it could be up to a year or more before they would have a squad car for the Village. Lindley did find a new Ford Explorer squad car at Morrow Brothers in Greenfield Illinois. He can get the car for $39,000 and outfit it for $12,000. The total cost of the car will be $51,752.87. The dealership will give the Village $3,800.00 for the 2014 squad car, and the price reflexes the trade-in. The Village can finance the car ($39,000) with Municipal Finance and pay with three yearly payments.

Motion 5: Aue made the motion and Harbin seconded the motion to approve the purchase of a police squad car from Morrow Brothers for $39,000 to be financed with Municipal Finance with three yearly payments. Oetjen (abstain), Rains (Yea), Jones (Yea), Bruyns refused to vote. The President declared the motion passed.

Lindley would like to purchase three new tasers. The current tasers are several years old and Lindley feels that the new tasers are more economical and reliable. The Board asked him to get a price if the Village purchased three taser outright.

Old Business

Saylor Update

Will be discussed in Executive Session.

Chapter 6 Public Welfare

Tabled until the March Meeting.

New Business

Nathan Palmer Annexation

Nathan Palmer would like to annex the twelve acres on the southside of the McGee Subdivision, behind Joe Helton’s property.

Motion 6: Aue made the motion and Harbin seconded the motion to approve the annexation of Nathan Palmer’s property which is located on the southside of the McGee Subdivision behind Joe Helton’s property. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

Late Payer

See under Pam Border’s Water Report

Agape Road

Officials from Agape School (a private school that is being built on Landing Drive) were present and they asked the Village if they will pave Landing Road. The Board said that once the road is up to specs which are 8 inches of gravel and 3 coats of oil and chip the Village will take over the road. In the meantime, Farrar will try to fix the potholes and maybe grate the road.

A.O.A. Sateri

Select Energy has been bought out by Satori Enterprises. They want permission from the Board to represent the Village to find the cheapest energy provider.

Motion 7: Oetjen made the motion and Rains seconded the motion to allow Satori Enterprises represent the Village to find the cheapest energy provider. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.


Tabled until March Meeting.

2014 Taurus

See under Police Report

Executive Session

Motion 8: Jones made the motion and Oetjen seconded the motion to go into Executive Session at 8:48 to discuss updates on the Saylor property. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.

The Board went into Executive Session at 8:48 p.m.

The Board returned to regular Board Meeting at 9:00 p.m.

Motion 9: Jones made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to adjourn the Board Meeting at 9:00 p.m. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
