
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Carbondale Community High School District 165 Board of Education met March 23

Board room

Carbondale Community High School District 165 Board of Education met March 23.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order—President

2. Roll Call—Secretary

3. Approval of Minutes

a. Reschedule Regular Meeting and Executive Session of February 23, 2023

b. Special Meeting and Executive Session of March 21, 2023

4. Old Business

5. New Business

a. Public Comments

b. Recognition of Student/Teacher Achievements and Correspondence

1. FOIA Requests

c. Payment of Bills and ESSER II and ESSER III Grant Expenditures

1. Payment of Bills

2. ESSER II and ESSER III Grant Expenditures

d. Committee Reports

1. Principal’s Report

2. Superintendent’s Report

3. Strategic Plan: Goal Three Action Plan Update

e. Bids and Quotes

1. Request to Solicit Yearbook Publication Bids

2. Awarding of District Janitorial Services Bid

f. 2023-24 School Calendar

g. 2023-24 IHSA Membership Renewal

h. Personnel

1. Resignation Agreement and General Release

2. Resignations/Retirements

3. Employment of 2022-23 Extra-Duty Personnel

4. Employment of 2022-23 Rebound Grant Employee

5. 2022-23 Volunteers

6. 2022-23 Personnel to be Notified of Honorable Dismissal

7. 2023-24 Administrative and Professional Support Personnel Employment Contracts

8. 2023-24 Re-Employment of Tenured and Non-Tenured Faculty and Educational Support, Cafeteria, Maintenance, Aide and Monitor Personnel

9. Employment of 2023-24 Science Teacher

i. Appointment of New Board of Education Member

j. Seating of New Board of Education Member

k. Executive Session

6. Closing Comments

7. Adjournment
