
Carbondale Reporter

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Johnston City Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met Jan 19

Johnston City Community Unit School District 1 Board of Education met Jan 19.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of the Johnston City Community Unit School District No. 1 met at a regular Board meeting held on January 19, 2023 with Closed Session beginning at 6:45 p.m. and the regular meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Unit Office, 200 E. 12th Street, Johnston City, IL. President Chris Cullum called the meeting to order and asked the clerk for the attendance roll call.


Present: Chad Barras, Jimmy Dean, Patti Martin, Randy McIntosh, Greg Smiley, Keven Stroud, and Chris Cullum

Absent: None

Motion made by Jimmy Dean and seconded by Keven Stroud to approve the consent agenda consisting of the following:

A. Approval of Regular and Closed Session Minutes of the 12/15/22 Regular Meeting B. Approve Destruction of Closed Session tapes listed below in Accordance with 5 ILCS 120/2.6c 7/16/20, 8/20/20, 9/24/20, 10/15/20, 11/19/20, and 12/17/20 C. Approval of Treasurer’s Report

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Martin, McIntosh, Smiley, Stroud, and Cullum Motion Carried.

Motion made by Chad Barras and seconded by Patti Martin to approve the bills for payment.

Voting Aye: Barras, Martin, McIntosh, Smiley, Stroud, and Cullum

Abstaining: Dean

Motion Carried.

Motion made by Jimmy Dean and seconded by Randy McIntosh to adopt and approve the second reading of the IASB PRESS Policy Updates as presented.

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Martin, McIntosh, Smiley, Stroud, and Cullum Motion Carried.

Jim Siefert, Hurst-Rosche, submitted construction project updates to the Board. The Lincoln Canopy Project needs to have metal installed between the two rooflines. Mr. Siefert hopes to have the drawings for the Jefferson School Projects at the February meeting. The current timeline for the District Office Project is to have a special meeting to approve and authorize bids for the project, have a pre-bid meeting February 13, 2023, and to have approve the bids at the regular February meeting. The District received the Maintenance Grant for the flooring at both the High School and Washington School.

Motion made by Keven Stroud and seconded by Greg Smiley to set the High School Graduation on May 12, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. and 8th Grade Promotion on May 18, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Martin, McIntosh, Smiley, Stroud, and Cullum Motion Carried.

Motion made by Jimmy Dean and seconded by Randy McIntosh to approve the JCHS Curriculum Guide as presented.

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Martin, McIntosh, Smiley, Stroud, and Cullum Motion Carried.

Motion made by Chad Barras and seconded by Patti Martin to approve the MOA with Shawnee Health.

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Martin, McIntosh, Smiley, Stroud, and Cullum Motion Carried.

Motion made by Keven Stroud and seconded by Patti Martin to approve the approve out of state trips for the High School CNA students to Sikeston, MO on February 1, 2023 and the High School CNA/Med Lab students to the Shriners Hospital in St. Louis, MO on March 23, 2023 and the overnight trips for the High School Scholar Bowl to the Scholar Bowl Masonic State Competition in Bloomington, IL March 3, 2023 – March 4, 2023 (pending qualification) and to the Scholastic Bowl State Competition in Bloomington, IL March 17, 2023 – March 18, 2023 (pending qualification).

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Martin, McIntosh, Smiley, Stroud, and Cullum Motion Carried.

Motion made by Chad Barras and seconded by Randy McIntosh to approve the following actions regarding personnel: approve the Medical Leave of Absence of Sierra Lee, employ Faith Harvey as a High School Science Teacher, Courtney Childers as Middle School Boys’ Track Coach, and to post a High School Agriculture Teacher position.

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Martin, McIntosh, Smiley, Stroud, and Cullum Motion Carried.

Mrs. Clark informed the Board that an informational meeting for the Laborer’s Construction Craft Preparation Program will be January 25, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the High School and the CNA Pinning Ceremony will be held on January 26, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the High School.

1/19/23 MINUTES -3-

Mrs. Clark informed the Board that the District has not heard from ISBE regarding the Pre-K Grant.

Motion made Jimmy Dean and seconded by Patti Martin at 7:17 p.m. to adjourn the meeting.

Voting Aye: Barras, Dean, Martin, McIntosh, Smiley, Stroud, and Cullum Motion Carried.
