Unity Point Community Consolidated School District 140 Board met Feb. 16.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
Roll Call
Approval of Agenda
Approval of January 19, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes
Approval of Consent Agenda
*Approval of Schedule of Bills
*Presentation of Financial Reports
*Jackson County SFST February Distribution
-Letter of Resignation from Heather Petrino, Special Education Teacher, Effective 2023-2024 School Year -Letter of Resignation from Andrew Jones, Paraprofessional, Effective Immediately
Recognition of Guests and Visitors/Public Comment
The Board of Education welcomes the audience to make public or employee comments. The Board has set aside time in the agenda specifically for this purpose. Pursuant to Board Policy 2.230, each speaker shall be limited to a 5- minute presentation. Please be aware that, while this is the time for the public to express its opinions and/or concerns, the Board may or may not comment regarding public presentations. If a matter of public comment warrants discussion or action of the Board of Education, such discussion or action will be added to the agenda for a future meeting.
UPEA Remarks
Approval of 2022-2023 Seniority Lists
*The tentative Seniority List for 2022-2032 has been reviewed and amended as necessary. The list was posted in the building and given to UPEA in accordance with Illinois School Code deadline of February 8, 2023. As part of that requirement, the Board of Education must approve the final list as presented. Following the board meeting, a final posting will be made available to the UPEA.
2023 ISBE Financial Profile
*Attached for Board review is a copy of the “School District Financial Profile” which is the instrument developed by ISBE to help monitor the finances of school districts and identify which are in or are moving toward financial difficulty. Our district will be designated under the category of Financial Recognition when the report is released in March; Financial Recognition means that our district has received a score of 3.80 out of a possible 4.00. Mrs. Brown will provide further explanation at the meeting.
Administrative Updates
*Current Enrollment Figures (As of 2/14/2023)
*Continuous School Improvement Update
-Mrs. Varble will provide an overview of the following items recently addressed by the Continuous Improvement Team (CIT) on February 13:
1. Carbondale Schools Articulation Process & UP Graduate Portrait
Official Employment of Personnel
*Per Board approval in August to hire remaining staff as needed for the current school year, the administration recommends the official employment of the following individual(s) effective immediately:
1. Bus Driver/TBD
Need for Additional March Board Meeting
*The Administration recommends canceling the March 9, 2023 meeting and maintaining the March 23rd date as the regularly scheduled board meeting.
Destruction of Closed Meeting Recordings prior to August 2021
*In accordance with Illinois School Code 5: 120/2.06, the administration recommends the board approve the destruction of the following closed meeting recordings as presented:
-November 19, 2020
-December 17, 2020
-February 25, 2021
-March 18, 2021
-April 15, 2021
-May 20, 2021
-June 17, 2021
Executive Session (To consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body and to discuss student disciplinary matters.) 1. Discussion – Student Discipline Issue
2. Discussion – Superintendent Self-Evaluation Process
Administrative Remarks
Board Remarks