
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Carbondale Zoning Board of Appeals met Dec. 7

City of Carbondale Zoning Board of Appeals met Dec. 7.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1. Call to Order and Roll Call 

2. Approval of Minutes: 

November 16th, 2022

3. Citizens Comments and Questions 

4. Hearings: 

ZBA 23-04: William Martin is requesting a variance from Section 15-2.11.11 of the Carbondale Revised Code, which outlines the City’s setback regulations for minimum side yard width for all R-1 Districts.

5. Old Business 


6. New Business 

a) Approval of 2023 Planning Commission/ZBA Meeting Calendar

b) City Council Update

7. Adjournment
