
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Makanda Board of Trustees met Oct. 4

Village of Makanda Board of Trustees met Oct. 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


CALL TO ORDER: Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by President Tina Shingleton.

ROLL CALL: Clerk called the roll of the Village Board: Trustees Hilliard, Allen, Dalton, Ross, and Wolff, were present. Trustee Pitcher was absent.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: President asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Trustee Wolff made a motion to accept the minutes. It was seconded by Trustee Ross. Voice vote. All members present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.

CITIZEN’S HEARING: Present were Robby and Kim Baker, David Stankiewicz, Nina Kovar, Russ Kramer and Debbie Dunn. Robby addressed the Board with questions regarding, among other topics, the culverts and drainage around the Bell Building. Robby reported that the culverts were small and needed to be cleaned out. With clarification it was determined that several of the culverts belong to the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). Robby will call IDOT and ask that the culverts be cleaned out. Robby will provide the Village President with the locations of the Village culverts that need to be cleaned. Robby suggested that a pump could be installed to help with the drainage around the Bell Building. Robby also suggested that perhaps a cinder block outhouse could be built by the Village to help relieve some of the heavy use the single toilet in the Bell building receives from the public. Trustees Hilliard and Ross explained the limitations of being in a floodplain as well as those due to IDOT and railroad property right of ways. Robby reported that he will be opening a shop in the back of the Bell Building. As a pharmacist, he is considering offering CBD products, in his shop. David reported that he has had another rash of robberies and asked if he could attach the warning signs that he had purchased, to the Village pole that has the No Outlet sign attached to it. David was told that as Baggett Lane was a public road, he would need to put up his own pole and attach his signs to that. David then addressed the concerns that residents had expressed regarding the gunfire they hear coming from his property. David reported that when he is doing target shooting, he shoots into a 12-foot berm and not toward the downtown area, the road, or the park. David also reported that there are other people in the valley who also own and shoot guns. Nina added that they take all precautions, and do not shoot toward any populations or after dark, and they have not had any complaints from the people on the adjacent properties. Russ inquired if it would be possible to use a smaller mower, and mow around a sign that said, “slow down”, that he had placed in the Village right of way, instead of taking the signs down. President and several Trustees explained that the right of way extends 20 feet from the center of the road, and the Village has 9 miles of right of way to maintain, with the large mower. It was suggested that Russ might put the sign, on the electric pole, to keep it out of the way of the mower. Debbie Dunn, who is our liaison to the Jackson County State’s Attorney office, was contacted by their office to ask if the Community Center could be used for an informational townhall meeting regarding the SAFE-T Act (Bail Reform) to be enacted effective January 1, 2023. They are looking at the week of October 24th in the evening. President asked if this would be acceptable and if there is a specific day to recommend. This date was acceptable by the Village Board. Debbie will pass this information on. The State’s Attorney’s office will be providing flyers with a list of all the meetings scheduled throughout Jackson County in different locations.

PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS: President advised she had received correspondence from Illinois EPA regarding another acceptance period for the Unsewered Communities Construction Grant Program to assist communities to construct wastewater collection and/or treatment facility for areas where there is no existing facility. After discussion Board decided not to pursue.

Correspondence received from FEHR GRAHAM, an environmental engineering firm located in Champaign, Illinois, introducing themselves and offering their services, if needed.

Correspondence was received asking if the Village would like to be included in the International League of Cities Directory. Annual membership fee is $250. It was decided not to be included in the Directory.

President advised Board there have been a few requests regarding Village permit requirements or restrictions for short-term rentals. Was not advised specifically if the locations are within the Village. Advised Village currently does not have any permit requirements or restrictions.

President received an email from Select Energy advising that Homefield Energy mistakenly enrolled several businesses throughout Southern Illinois into our Municipal Aggregation programs. As a result, they sent letters to business customers they identified as using greater than 15,000 kWH’s annually on September 8. If we have a business contact inquiring about these letters and why they are being dropped from the program, they should be directed to Jordan Haarmann, Director – Procurement & Business Development. President also advised Board that AGE (Affordable Gas & Electric) & Select Energy Partners are now one and the same.

President was asked by Robby Baker if we would spread gravel on parking lot across from Boardwalk. He is willing to pay for the gravel. Since this is on railroad right-of-way, both Mr. Baker and Village President called Canadian National for approval. Travis from the Anna office approved. Dan checked cost of gravel. Parking lot would need approximately 4 loads of gravel costing around $550. If we had someone to haul gravel it would cost $290 per trip (total $1,160). President recommended that the Village haul and pay for gravel. If approved, Dan would like to do work on Monday, October 10. Trustee Wolff made a motion that the Village haul and spread gravel on parking lot and pay for gravel. It was seconded by Trustee Allen. Voice vote. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.

CLERK: Distributed the required forms to the Trustees who are running for re election in April 2023, to be completed by the Trustees and returned to the Village Clerk. Trustees running are Cliff Hilliard, Bob Wolff, and Lennie Pitcher

TRUSTEES: Trustee Hilliard reported that he has two new “No Smoking” signs, that he will put up, in the Community Center to replace the old ones that are there. Trustee Allen recommended that the Village put a dawn to dusk light on the outside of the Village Hall. Trustee Hilliard suggested a dusk to dawn bulb, that screws into an existing light fixture. Trustee Wolff made a motion that the village put a dusk to dawn light on the outside of the Village Hall. It was seconded by Trustee Ross. Voice vote. Everyone in attendance at roll call voted yes. Motion carried. Trustee Ross reported that she had gotten a bid from Paige Iron Works to install new hand rails at both the Community Center and the Village Hall. The bid for the Community Center is $9,000 for bronze handrails. The bid for the Village Hall is $4,700. President Shingleton recommended that the Village ask Paige Iron Works to put the Village on his list for next year, as the funds will come out of the next fiscal year’s budget which begins May 1, 2023. The Village will approve the bid once the final figures are in. Trustees Ross and Dalton will be cleaning and updating the contents of the display case in the Community Center. Trustee Dalton inquired about any progress on refurbishing the Veterans Memorial now that the weather is cooler. Trustee Hilliard reported that he was going to purchase some paint to use to touch up about a dozen names on the Memorial, that have faded. Trustee Dalton reported that a resident had come to her and reported that there were several people riding 3-wheelers in the downtown area, and causing a disturbance.


A. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer presented the Treasurer’s Report

B. Bills Payable: Treasurer presented the Bills Payable

President asked for a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and pay the bills. Trustee Hillard made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report and pay the bills. It was seconded by Trustee Dalton. Voice vote. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.


A. Finance Committee:

B. Ordinance Committee: President stated the Committee needs to review/update a few of our Ordinances. She and the Village Clerk have spent some time the past couple of months attending Zoom meetings provided by FEMA regarding Floodplain topics. She also advised it is the Flood Plain Managers responsibility (Village Clerk and President) to make sure residents have access to subsidized insurance. To do this, we need to make sure State and local requirements/permits are met. Ordinance Committee will schedule a date to meet and discuss.

C. Street & Road Committee: Trustee Hilliard suggested that the Village consider putting some type of reflectors on all four corners of the bridge on East McGuire Extension. Trustee Allen will investigate the best way to put reflectors on the bridge. Trustee Wolff reported that the culver/ditch near Katrina Hunter’s home at West McGuire Extension, continues to be a hazard for people that attempt to back out of her driveway. The village has put up a wooden barrier there. Trustee Allen recommended putting a guard rail there, the site would have to be JULIE-ed, first.

D. Subdivision Committee:

E. Insurance Committee:

F. Playground Committee:


A. Emergency Disaster Committee:

B. Special Events Committee: President has received the Special Event Permit Application and Fee, along with Certificate of Liability Insurance, covering the Village of Makanda as an additional insured for Vulture Fest on October 15 and 16th, 2022.

Clerk reported that liability coverage for special events, such as Trunk or Treat, that are managed by the Village and or the Special Events Committee, is automatically included in the Village’s liability coverage with IMLRMA. Clerk has given Trustee Ross, Release of Liability forms for any volunteers to fill out. Trustee Ross confirmed that Trunk or Treat will be Monday October 31st from 5 to 7 p.m. Trustee Ross will put up a flyer at the Post Office and post the event on Facebook.

ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS: President Shingleton asked the Board for approval for the IDOT Snow Removal Resolution requesting $2,000 for snow removal for January through December 2023. Trustee Wolff made a motion that the Board move forward and approve the Snow Removal Resolution. It was seconded by Trustee Hillard. Voice vote. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried.


UNFINISHED/OLD BUSINESS: President advised that Frontier called as scheduled on 9/19 regarding broken poles. Work to replace broken poles was done 10/3 and 10/4 after fourth Trouble Ticket.

NEW BUSINESS: Due to a scheduling conflict, President asked if the November 1st meeting could be rescheduled the week of November 7. She asked if Wednesday, November 9 would work with everyone’s schedule. Change was approved and will be noted on posted Meeting Calendars and on website.

Nan Sorrells has contacted IDNR, Office of Water Resources in Springfield for regulations/permits for a 12’ x 20’ unwalled structure on a concrete pad on the property she owns across from the Post Office.

There is a problem with the bathroom faucets in the women’s rest room at the Community Center. We need to have a plumber to check. We had Thad Ellet Plumbing in Herrin to update plumbing at the Village Hall and Community Center in 2020. President asked if they could be contacted to check the bathroom sinks. Board approved. President will contact Thad Ellet Plumbing to have them check both men and women’s restrooms for replacement.

GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: President reminded everyone that Cleanup Day is scheduled for October 22.

ADJOURNMENT: President asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was made by Trustee Wolff and seconded by Trustee Ross. Voice vote. All present at roll call voted yes. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 8:48 p.m.
