
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee Met July 12

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Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee Met July 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

Call to Order (5:00 PM)

Members Present: Ashley, Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Mueller and Rendleman

Members Absent: Calandro

Also present: Josh Barringer, Mary Beth Varner, Chad Hill, Cleta Shirley, Sharee Langenstein, Bruce Wallace, Maureen Berkowitz, Julie Peterson, Gene Basden

Approval of Minutes

I. 21-6169 Approval of June 14, 2021 Minutes

A motion was made by Erbes, seconded by D. Bost, to approve the June 14, 2021 minutes as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

Chair's Report

Comparato reported to the committee that it was getting close to budget season and that he wanted to utilize the same process as last year. He noted that by August 2nd, the system would be open for department heads to begin putting in their requests and that by the first week of September the County Administrator and himself would begin having conversations with department heads. Rendleman commented that the Finance committee was not as involved last year with the budget process as he thought it should have been. Comparato stated he did not want to go back to multiple budget meetings each week, noting their lack of efficiency. Rendleman stated he believed the Finance committee has a duty to be more involved in the budget process and that it should not be left to the County Administrator and Finance Chair. He also stated that he thinks the committee should see and consider all departments automation funds during the budget process. He requested the Finance Chair to consider a way for the committee to be more involved with the budget process this coming year, even if it means additional meetings. Mueller commented that she agreed with Rendleman about the involvement of the Finance committee and the automation funds.

Comparato also reported that the County was finalizing the CURES Act submission. Additionally, he reported that initial meetings with the ambulance department had been had for labor negotiations. He noted that he would keep the committee up-to-date with the negotiations and would pass information along as he received it.

II. 21-6182 County Energy Contract

This item was moved to the beginning of the meeting. Wallace from AGE recommended to the committee that they do nothing at this time as far as renewing a contract due to rates being high at this time. The committee briefly discussed the County's use of electricity vs. gas and how AGE was involved.


III. 21-6170 Work Comp Update

The County Administrator commented that there were currently 2 people on work comp.

Rendleman questioned if she could let the committee know who the people were or what department they were from. Comparato asked that he hold that question until executive session.

IV. 21-6171 Payment of HOPE Trust Dental & Vision Claims n the amount of $8,438.67 A motion was made by Rendleman, seconded by Erbes, to approve payment of the HOPE Trust Dental & Vision claims in the amount of $8,438.67. The motion carried by unanimous vote. V. 21-6172 Payment of HOPE Trust Medical Administration Claim in the amount of $260,218.00

Jackson County Sheriff's Office

A motion was made by Mueller, seconded by D. Bost, to approve payment of the HOPE Trust Medical Administration claim in the amount of $260,218.00. The motion carried by unanimous vote.


VI. 21-6173 Payment of County Monthly Claims in the amount of $370,003.47

A motion was made by D. Bost, seconded by Erbes, to approve payment of County Monthly Claims in the amount of $370,003.47. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

VII. 21-6174 Approval of On Demand Claims in the amount of $20,899.27

A motion was made by D. Bost, seconded by Rendleman, to approve On-Demand claims in the amount of $20,899.27. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

VIII. 21-6175 Payment of Board Member Travel Expenses in the amount of $3,394.15 There were two changes to the per diems. Calandro and Rendleman had changes to their per diems. The new total voted on was $3282.80. The changes will be reflected on the full Board agenda.

A motion was made by Mueller, seconded by Rendleman, to approve payment of Board

Member Travel Expenses with the above mentioned changes in the amount of $3282.80. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

IX. 21-6176 Approval of Delinquent Tax Resolution 2021-55 Parcel #16-25-253-017 A motion was made by Rendleman, seconded by Mueller, to approve Delinquent Tax Resolution 2021-55 Parcel #16-25-253-017. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

X. 21-6177 Approval of Delinquent Tax Resolution 2021-56 Parcel #10269

A motion was made by Rendleman, seconded by Mueller, to approve Delinquent Tax Resolution 2021-56 Parcel #10269. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

XI. 21-6178 Approval of Delinquent Tax Resolution 2021-57 Parcel #16-25-253-016 A motion was made by Rendleman, seconded by Mueller, to approve Delinquent Tax Resolution 2021-57 Parcel #16-25-253-016. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

XII. 21-6179 Approval of Resolution 2021-58 A Resolution Establishing Civil Fees and Criminal and Traffic Assessments to be Charged by the Clerk of the Circuit Court

A motion was made by D. Bost, seconded by Rendleman, to approve Resolution 2021-58 A Resolution Establishing Civil Fees and Criminal and Traffic Assessments to be Charged by the Clerk of the Circuit Court. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

XIII. 21-6180 Public Defender Salary Adjustment

A motion was made by Mueller, seconded by D. Bost, to approve the Public Defender Salary Adjustment. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

XIV. 21-6193 Resource Coordinator Salary

This item was discussed in executive session.

XV. 21-6181 County Administrator Contract

This item was discussed in executive session.

XVI. 21-6183 Cash Summaries by Bank

This item was informational only. Rendleman commented that he would like the Treasurer or State's Attorney Office to identify departments automation funds on the basis of restricted or not for the committee to use during the budgeting process.

XVII. 21-6184 Revenue by Department

Jackson County Sheriff's Office

This item was informational only.


Old Business

New Business

Executive Session

XVIII. 21-6185 Executive Session under 2 (c) 1 & 11 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act to Discuss Personnel and Possible Litigation

A motion was made by Mueller, seconded by Erbes, to approve going into Executive Session under 2 (c) of the Illinois Open Meetings act to Discuss Personnel and Possible Litigation. The motion carried by the following vote:

Yes: 6 - Ashley, Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Mueller and Rendleman

Absent: 1 - Calandro

Adjourn (6:44 PM)

Members Present: Ashley, Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Mueller and Rendleman

Members Absent: Calandro

Once out of Executive Session, the following motions were made:

Rendleman motioned and D. Bost seconded to authorize the County Administrator to negotiate the work comp case to make a settlement. The motion passed by the following vote:

YES (6): Ashley, Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Mueller, Rendleman

Absent (1): Calandro

Mueller motioned and Rendleman seconded to raise the Resource Coordinator's salary by $10K for the life of the ARP funding grant contingent on the consent of the ARP taskforce members at the ARP meeting July 13, 2021. The motion passed by the following vote:

YES (6): Ashley, Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Mueller, Rendleman

Absent (1): Calandro

D. Bost moved and Erbes seconded to adjourn, motion carried.
