Village of Crainville Board of Trustee Met June 8.
Here are the minutes provided by the board:
Mike Harbin Yea Sam Jones Yea
Julie Aue Nay John Oetjen Yea
Martin Bruyns Jr. Yea Jim Rains Nay
Brad Olson Yea Jaci Chapman Yea
Ron Mitchell Yea Tena Steinacher Yea
A quorum was present:
Crainville Village Board is continuing to follow IML COVID-19 guidelines. The Board Meetings are now open to the public. However, those people that want to attend a Board Meeting will have to follow social distancing guidelines, and they must wear a mask.
Minutes from the May 11, 2021 regular Board Meeting were presented. There were no corrections.
Motion 1: Harbin made the motion and Jones seconded the motion to approve the May 11, 2021, Village Board Meeting Minutes as presented. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report:
Steinacher presented the Treasurer’s Report. Steinacher recommended to the Board that they approve bringing down $30,000 from the Illinois Funds to the Village General Fund.
Motion 2: Jones made the motion and Harbin seconded the motion to approve bringing $30,000 from the Illinois Funds to the Village of Crainville’s General Fund. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
May 2021 bills were presented. The UMB bill should not be on the Water bills. This bill was paid in May.
Motion 3: Oetjen made the motion and Harbin seconded the motion to pay the June 2021 bills as corrected. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
Visitor Participation
There was no Visitor Participation at the June 8, 2021 Crainville Board Meeting.
Ron Modglin Report (Rodney Potts Reporting)
Norton St. Storm Sewer
Clean-up in on Norton Street Storm Sewer replacement is complete. The area has been seeded and strawed. The retainage fee that was withheld is $925.00, Modglin recommended that the Board pay Scott Escue Construction the retainage fee of $925.00.
Motion 4: Jones made the motion and Oetjen seconded the motion to pay Scott Escue Construction the retainage fee of $925.00 for the Norton Street Storm Sewer project. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
Barr Street Culvert Status
The materials have been ordered for the Barr Street Culvert. The project will get under way as soon as materials come in.
Sewer Smoking
The sewer smoking within the Village is 2/3 complete. Modglin has not been able to complete the sewer smoking due to the rainy weather. He hopes to have the sewer smoking done and a report ready for the Board at the July Meeting.
At the May Meeting Rodney Potts told the Board that the Village’s lagoon was either at capacity or close to capacity, Potts told the Board that the Village Lagoon’s capacity is 250,000 gallons per day and the peak use would be 750,000 gallons a day. Potts gave the Board a chart that shows that the Village lagoon is at capacity. The chart also showed that several months had days where the lagoon was over the peak capacity of 750,000 gallons. Potts told the Board that the E.P.A. is going to require that the Village either expand the current lagoon or utilize a sewer plant.
Potts gave the Village two options to address the Village’s sewer issue.
Option 1: Expand the current lagoon system. The new lagoon system will have to test and treat for both ammonia and phosphorus. He estimates that this project will cost 3 million dollars, and in order to help pay for this project the average customer sewer bill would be approximately $56.99 per month. The $56.99 will be for sewer only and would not include the charge for water usage. The issue that Potts sees with option 1 is that within the next 10-20 years the E.P.A. may not allow municipal lagoon systems and at that time would force the Village to utilize a sewer plant.
Option 2: The Village would tie into the sewer plant that Carterville is building. This would require the Village to build a building that will have bar screen facility, a pump station, and grit removal. The Village would still operate cell 1 at the current lagoon for times when there is overflow. The cost to tie into the Carterville sewer plant would be 1.7 million dollars, and the cost to the customers would be approximately $41.55.
The Board will look over the materials that Rodney Potts handed out, and will discuss the issue again at the July Board Meeting.
Department Heads
Water Report: (Pam Borders)
There are 778 water customers
583 garbage customers.
1 Building Permits
5 new customers
5 disconnects
Room Rental 0
Water Appeals
There were no Water Appeals.
Street/Water-Sewer Presented a Written Report
Hamilton Co. Construction is in town putting in fiber optics, as a result there has been more locates than usual.
Mowing, bush hogging and weed spraying.
Voltage transformer was replaced in electrical panel at lagoon lift station.
Sewer manhole replacement at 1310 Marion St.
Two water leaks on Marilyn St. and Victor Ln.
Police Report (Chief Lindley)
Lindley presented a written report regarding traffic stops and burglaries.
Lindley presented Axon in-car video system. Some of the features of the Axon system are dual-view camera, interior camera, video recall, wireless mic. The system will cost $8,542.90 the first year, and $6,936 per year for 4 additional years. The Board had several questions that Chief Lindley will ask the Axon Representative. The issue was tabled.
Old Business
Motion 5: Harbin made the motion and Oetjen seconded the motion to approve the 2021/2022 Village of Crainville Budget as presented by Mayor Mitchell. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
At the May Board Meeting, Brandon Smith presented the need for the Village to purchase a new dump truck. The Freightliner truck that the Street/Water Department would like to purchase will cost $78,747, and the cost to equip the truck will be $53,645.85 which will bring the total cost of the truck to $132,392.88. The Village can finance the truck with Government Capital for an interest rate of 2.7%. The Village can make annual payments for either 5 or 7 years. Payments will start one year from the signing of the contract and will be due annually until the loan is paid off.
Motion 6: Oetjen made the motion and Jones seconded the motion to purchase the Freightliner Truck and equip the truck for a total of $132,392.00, and to finance the truck with Government Capital for 4 years and make an initial payment of a $30,000. The vote on the motion is as follows: Harbin (yea) Bruyns (nay). The vote was 3-1, and President Mitchell declared the motion carried.
Easton Proposal
The Village has had a problem with muskrats at the lagoon. In May Easton’s Wildlife and Mole Control came out and inspected the lagoon area and removed the muskrats. Easton’s charged the Village $800.00 for the inspection and the removal of the muskrats. The Village decided to ask Easton’s what they would charge for inspection and removal of any muskrats until the end of 2021. Easton’s said that they will come out in June, September, and December do an inspection and remove any muskrats that they find. The cost for the contract will be $600.00.
Motion 7: Jones made the motion and Harbin seconded the motion to sign a contract with Easton’s Wildlife and Mole Control for inspection and removal of muskrats in the lagoon area for $600.00 for 3 inspections that will occur in June, September and December. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
New Business
S.I.E.G Contract
Motion 8: Oetjen made the motion and Harbin seconded the motion to renew the Village’s contract with the Southern Illinois Enforcement Group for $2,175. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
R-I Setbacks
There are issues with the Zoning Ordinance and the setbacks. The Zoning Ordinance will be reviewed.
Martin’s Memo
Martin Bruyns sent board members an email regarding information on the sewer plant and lagoons. Bruyns told the Board that Rodney Potts report to the Board covered the issues in his email.
CDBG Resolution
Mitchell explained to the Board that there are block grants available to residents of a community to improve their homes and property. Those residents that want to participate have to have an annual income under a certain amount. The Village has been collecting applications from residents that would qualify for the grants. The next step in the process is for the Village to apply for the program. To help be considered for the grant the Village needs to pass a resolution and commit $5,000 toward the project.
Motion 9: Jones made the motion and Oetjen seconded the motion to approve a resolution for the Village to apply for the Community Development Block Grant, and commit $5,000 toward the application. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
Stefan Drive
A resident on Stefan Drive would like for the Village to take over Stefan Drive and maintain the road. This issue was tabled until the Board has additional information regarding this road.
Gun Club Membership
Mitchell asked if any of the Board Members would like to be added to the Village’s membership in the Carterville Gun Club. The Board decided that if any Board Members want to be added to the Village’s membership to the Carterville Gun Club, they will have to pay for what it would cost the Village to add them to the membership role. The cost to those Board Member that are interested would be $100.00 per year.
Sealing and striping the Village Parking lot
Mitchell told the Board that it has been six years since the Village Parking lot has been sealed and striped. Mitchell said he has a bid from Asphalt Maintenance for $2,764 to stripe and seal the parking lot. He also got a bid from Park and Seal for $3,764. The Board decided to have the parking lot sealed and striped, but would like to see if Asphalt Maintenance could do it in September.
Motion 10: Jones made the motion and Harbin seconded the motion to have Asphalt Maintenance seal and stripe the Village’s Parking Lot for $2,764. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
Castellano’s duplexes on Marion Street
The request from Castellanos to put up additional duplexes on Marion Street was tabled; until the Zoning Board meets and makes a recommendation to the Board.
Sewer Pit Lining
The Village had a sewer pit, over by Carriers, that fell apart. Skuta Construction rebuilt the sewer pit, and recommended that the Village line the pit. The cost to reline the sewer pit will be $3,400.
Motion 11: Oetjen made the motion and Harbin seconded the motion to have Skuta Construction line the rebuilt sewer pit for $3,400. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
Motion 12: Jones made the motion and Oetjen seconded the motion to pass the Budget and Revenue Resolution for the fiscal year 2021/2022, Resolution Number 2021-06-01. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
Motion 13: Oetjen made the motion and Harbin seconded the motion to pass the Ordinance Levying Taxes for the Fiscal Year 2021/2022, Ordinance Number 2021-06-01. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
Motion 14: Jones made the motion and Oetjen seconded the motion to pass the Annual Appropriation Ordinance, Ordinance Number 2021-06-02. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
Motion 15: Harbin made the motion and Oetjen seconded the motion to pass the Ordinance Abating General Obligation Bond Tax Levy for the Tax Year of 2021, Ordinance Number 2021-06-03. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
Executive Session
Motion 16: Jones made the motion and Harbin seconded the motion to go into Executive Session at 8:55 p.m. to discuss bereavement pay. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
The Board came out of Executive Session at 9:00 p.m.
Bereavement Pay
The Board approved the following Bereavement Pay for full-time employees:
“A maximum of three days paid time off for the funeral of immediate family. Immediate family shall be defined as spouse, child, parent, grandparent, sibling, step-parent, step-child, step siblings, as well as mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, and daughter-in-law. Employees shall be entitled to one day paid off for extended family member’s funeral.”
Motion 17: Harbin made the motion and Jones seconded the motion to provide bereavement pay, as stated, for all full-time employees. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.
Motion 18: Jones made the motion and Aue seconded the motion to adjourn the Board Meeting at 9:10 p.m. All present voted yea and the President declared the motion carried.