City of Murphysboro City Council Met June 8.
Here is the minutes provided by the council:
The Murphysboro, Illinois, City Council met in regular session, pursuant to its ordinances. Mayor Stephens called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. and invited Alderman Hughes to lead the council in prayer. Following the invocation, Mayor Stephens led the council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Mayor Stephens then directed City Clerk Hunziker to call the roll. The roll was called with the following:
Present: Barb Hughes, Don Gladden, Gary McComb, John Erbes, Mike Austin, Mike Bastien, Gloria Campos, W.J. Pittman
Absent: Jance Curry-Witzman, Russell Brown
Promotion of Jim Murphy, Charlie Nance, Adam Tarrants and Michael Dosch to Fire Captain: Chief McBride stated this is a four month process plus all the requirements that must be met. Mayor Stephens administered the oath of office. The four newly sworn in Fire Captains were then pinned with their new badge, two by their wives and two by their daughters. All four received new red helmets with Captain shields.
The council then reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting.
Motion: To approve the minutes of the May 25, 2021, council meeting. All aldermen received a copy of the minutes, for their review, prior to the meeting.
Motion by Alderman McComb
Second by Alderman Austin
Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.
Motion Carried
Motion: To approve the minutes of the May 25, 2021, Public Hearing. All aldermen received a copy of the minutes, for their review, prior to the meeting.
Motion by Alderman McComb
Second by Alderman Austin
Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.
Motion Carried
Alderman Hughes inquired as to:
#184 page 8 McAnelly-COVID sanitation – can we stop after Friday? Yes. page 13 Voss – have we had spring maintenance? Done today.
Alderman Gladden inquired as to:
#184 page 3 – Carl Clover - Have looked over contract, asked only to be paid for mowing. Contract is for more than mowing. Actual amount due is $3500/month, can’t see paying this.
Alderman Erbes inquired as to:
#184 page 6 – General Fund 0 Franchise agreement?
Rent – Public Works? When water wasn’t part of city and when They added it to the city, determined to pay for rent for office Space, etc.
Motion: To approve the accounts payable register #184, through June 8, 2021, accounts receivable through May 31, 2021, and payroll through May, 2021. All aldermen received a copy of the accounts payable, prior to the meeting.
Motion by Alderman Hughes
Second by Alderman Erbes
Mayor Stephens called for a roll call vote.
Yeas: Alderman Hughes, Alderman Erbes, Alderman Austin, Alderman Bastien, Alderman Campos
Nays: Alderman Gladden, Alderman McComb, Alderman Pittman
Absent: Alderman Curry-Witzman, Alderman Brown
Motion Carried
Alderman Pittman opened discussion for Budget & Finance related items.
Old Business: Nothing at this time.
New Business:
Presentation of Financial Reports by Scott Evans, Budget Officer: Mr. Evans stated the Sales/Tax Receipts is a high number again; Income Tax Receipts is a strong number, Operating vs. Budgeted Expenses are currently under budget, Street Department is over budget due to Samron paving with an experimental mixture on Future Lane was put to this line, Insurance is over due to how we get billed for the Liability and Property Casualty insurance, weighted heavy on the front end, actual revenues are currently greater than budgeted; Payroll monthly and year-to-date actuals are under budget. Alderman Erbes asked if the payment for Shomaker Drive was out of the water fund? Yes.
No public comment.
Mayor Stephens opened discussion for Building & Grounds related items.
Old Business:
Consideration of Cemetery Maintenance Contract: Mayor Stephens stated would like a motion to terminate the contract with Clover Mowing to enact the 30 day notice and Mayor have authority to hire someone to mow for next month, not to exceed $30,000 for the rest of the year. Alderman Hughes stated definitely needs to be reworded. Mayor Stephens stated will look at Public Works to do the maintenance and contract out the mowing. Alderman Austin asked split the mowing contracts? Mayor Stephens stated need to look at. Ms. Ripley asked will Mr. Clover be paid per mowing? Mayor Stephens stated yes. Mr. Clover asked if anyone had looked at it recently? Alderman Hughes stated was there on Memorial Day and someone was mowing, found that disrespectful. Mr. Clover stated put dirt on and rain was running through it, washing it away. Don’t understand the payment. Mayor Stephens stated will have Mr. Mills look at it. Thank you for your feedback and your work.
Motion: To Terminate Clover Mowing contract to enact the 30 day notice and Mayor Stephens have the authority to hire someone to mow for next month, not to exceed $30,000 for the rest of the year.
Motion by Alderman Campos
Second by Alderman Hughes
Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.
Motion Carried
New Business:
Consideration of Renewal of Lease Agreement with Murphysboro Park District: Attorney Blake stated this is the agreement for the Youth and Rec Center, expired April 30. They would agree to the same lease for an additional five years. Don’t know if the council wants to review the agreement. Alderman Hughes asked how much the city spends on it each year? Attorney Blake stated if repairs are $2000 or more, city and park split. If under $2000, city pays it. Mr. Evans stated city budgets $6000 for utilities. Mayor Stephens stated can look at and continue the current contract. Alderman Hughes asked for a copy of the agreement. Ms. Ripley stated she will email it out. Alderman Gladden asked if there are any weaknesses in the current contract? Attorney Blake stated not aware of any.
Consideration of Renewal of Intergovernmental Agreement – Traffic Signal Maintenance: Ms. Ripley stated this is the agreement we have had for several years. Outlines maintenance cost split between the city and the state, expires June 30. Alderman Erbes asked about the part of the contract that states Total Compensation Amount no more than $10,000? Ms. Ripley stated she will reach out to Scott Stokes for clarification. Mayor Stephens asked if want to hold over to next meeting? Yes.
No public comment.
Alderman Erbes opened discussion for Community Relations Committee related items.
Old Business: Nothing at this time.
New Business:
Consideration of Sponsorship to the BBQ Championship: Mayor Stephens stated in previous years have provided pies or cookies, spent approximately $700.00. Last year due to COVID did not spend anything. Alderman Campos stated to make a donation as a sponsorship. Alderman McComb stated also do not charge to hook up water, put up barricades. Alderman Hughes added and Auxiliary Police for it. Alderman Gladden stated the whole area is going to be completely redone. Alderman Pittman asked who pays for the electric? Mayor Stephens stated he believes 17th Street does. Alderman McComb asked what amount? Alderman Bastien stated also do welcome packet. Alderman Austin stated Silkworm has done commemorative coins for other events, maybe do that with Mike Mills on one side and the city on the other. He will check on the pricing. Mr. Evans stated there is plenty of funds in the civic celebrations budget line.
Motion: To Approve a Silver Sponsorship of $1000 and cookies to the BBQ Championship.
Motion by Alderman Pittman
Second by Alderman McComb
Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.
Motion Carried
No public comment.
Alderman Bastien opened discussion for Public Improvement related items.
Old business: Nothing at this time.
New business: Nothing at this time.
No public comment.
Alderman McComb opened discussion for Public Works related items.
Old business: Nothing at this time.
New business:
Discussion regarding Mowing the ROW along Rt. 13 from the river to Watson Road: Alderman McComb stated assuming this is mowing the center, have we cleared it with the state? Mayor Stephens stated city of Carbondale hires someone to mow, IDOT says don’t know anything about it, city of Carbondale says have talked to them about it. Mr. Mills stated it takes about three hours. Alderman Pittman stated that he thinks mowing it about once a month will be acceptable.
Motion: To Authorize Public Works to mow the center ROW along Route 13 from the river to Watson Road.
Motion by Alderman McComb
Second by Alderman Pittman
Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.
Motion Carried
Discussion regarding Water Line Extension on Kimmel Bridge Road: Mr. Lee stated it is in our water district but outside the city limits. East of Frederick Lane approximately 3000 feet, have service line over 3000 feet long, not favorable with the EPA. Approached by family going to build four houses in the near future. Billy Korando spoke to all of the families and they have agreed to a $2000 tap fee, which will be $10,000, which will almost cover it all. Alderman Erbes stated will be better off putting in our own lines. Alderman Pittman stated they are responsible from their service line. Mayor Stephens asked what the total cost is? Mr. Lee stated undetermined, PVC pipe shortage. Had $8750 quote for the pipe, has expired, tap fees will pay for the project. Alderman McComb asked if there are any fire hydrants on the road? Mr. Lee stated not now but will have three or four with this change. Cost if $1500-1800 each. Will get another quote. Do have some fire hydrants already.
Motion: To Approve the Purchase of Materials not to exceed $10,000.00, for the Water Line Extension on Kimmel Bridge Road.
Motion by Alderman Pittman
Second by Alderman McComb
Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.
Motion Carried
Consideration of Motor Fuel Resolution for Oil & Chip Program: Mr. Sheffer stated this is based on the list at the last meeting. Made the resolution for $60,000 in case of overages.
Motion: To Authorize the Motor Fuel Resolution for the 2021 Oil & Chip Program.
Motion by Alderman Erbes
Second by Alderman Bastien
Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.
Motion Carried
No public comment.
Mayor Stephens opened discussion for Public Safety related items.
Old business: Nothing at this time.
New business:
Discussion regarding Sidewalks on South 4th Street: Mayor Stephens stated had Mr. Mills take a look, hold to next meeting, have more information for Mr. Mills.
Public comment: Ms. Bastien has received a summons to demolish or repair. Are repairing it, renters left it a mess. We pay taxes, should not matter what it looks like inside. Ms. Zimmerman has contacted them with complaints. Have gone down when she says someone is there and no one is there. Ms. Zimmerman’s yard has trash in it. Mayor Stephens asked do you think the neighbors have had a good quality of life with the renters that were there? Ms. Bastien stated no one has been there for the last year and a half. Renters were paying rent so could not evict. We are repairing it. Mayor Stephens stated the home is a nuisance to the neighborhood. Have been there and the police were there. Summons is what it is. Ms. Bastien stated have talked to the neighbors and she is the only one with complaints. Mayor Stephens stated would be happy to share my inbox with you. I encourage you to work through the court system. Ms. Bastien stated will have to do that. Ms. Barbara Zimmerman stated home has not had anyone in it for eight to nine years, the trailer not in the last year and a half. Two years ago were making meth in the basement. They have torn up my fence, screen windows and back screen door, dryer vent. Squatters are in there. Mayor Stephens asked Attorney Blake what step are we at? Attorney Blake stated filed complaint to authorize demolition of property and the Bastiens and the bank have been served. Now wait to hear their response. Ms. Zimmerman asked when will the no parking signs be put up? Mr. Mills stated have not been put up yet. Mayor Stephens stated will get with Ms. Zimmerman.
Alderman Hughes opened discussion for Personnel related items.
Old business: Nothing at this time.
New business: Nothing at this time.
Alderman Hughes stated there is going to be a retirement at the WWTP in November, need to think about hiring someone so can start training, all that needs to be done is advertise it.
No public comment.
Committee Chair Appointments: Building & Grounds will be chaired by Alderman Erbes. Community Relations will be open so if anyone is interested, contact the Mayor.
Spending Discretion: Doesn’t happen often, each department head has been given discretion to spend $1500, I think. Attorney Blake stated that is set by ordinance, how much they can spend. Mayor Stephens stated would like to have ability to spend $250 for fundraisers, etc. for X times a year or a certain amount per year. Usually asked and there is not much time. Attorney Blake stated it is best done by ordinance. Alderman Hughes stated maybe research smaller towns and see what their discretionary spending amount is.
Hiring of Code Enforcement Officer/Zoning Administrator: Mr. Kennedy’s last actual day is June 24, then vacation time. This office is appointed by the Mayor with council consent. Need to advertise. Alderman Hughes stated code officer and maybe some form of public works director. Alderman Pittman stated if add a second job like that will need to pay accordingly. Alderman McComb stated Mr. Lee and Mr. Mills do a good job, don’t think need a public works director. Mayor Stephens stated will need to move quickly.
Barb Hughes Nothing
Jance Curry-Witzman Absent
Russell Brown Absent
Don Gladden Nothing
Gary McComb City wide clean up went well, busiest one of the last 4-5 years, filled up between 14-17 dumpsters.
John Erbes Nothing
Mike Austin Next meeting at the city council chambers? Yes.
Mike Bastien Nothing
Gloria Campos Nothing
W. J. Pittman Update with the Charlie Ruble discussions? Mr. Sheffer stated working on the Railroad permit, have sent out offers to the property owners, no response.
Richard Blake Nothing
Sandra Ripley Nothing
Scott Evans Nothing
Harold Sheffer Nothing
Steve McBride Nothing
Jamie Ellermeyer Nothing
Eric Kennedy Absent
Tim Lee Nothing
Brian Manwaring Nothing
Darrin Mills Nothing
Pat Gladson Nothing
Katharine Volle The lobby is now open at the Daum Building, thanked the council
for listening to their concerns and Mr. Mills and crew for making it happen.
Leandra Bryant Nothing
Motion: To adjourn.
Motion by Alderman Bastien
Second by Alderman Erbes
Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.
Motion Carried
Meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m.