Carbondale Public Library Board of Trustees Met Feb. 10.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Statement prior to start of the meeting.
The Board President determines that an in-person meeting is not practical or prudent because of the statewide COVID-19 disaster. This meeting is being recorded.
Call to order.
4:30 p.m.
Roll call.
Introductions, audience and visitors. Visitors are asked to introduce themselves at this time and present any issues they wish to discuss. Visitors wishing to address specific agenda items will be granted two to five minutes at the discretion of the President, not to exceed a total of twenty minutes. The Library Board may cut short any comments that are irrelevant, repetitious, or disruptive. (Id. at 1425-26).
In the webinar environment participants may type questions or statements into the Q&A at this time and may request access to speak during this portion of the meeting via the Q&A or by using the hand raising function.
Don Prosser, President
Susan Tulis, Vice President
Roland Person, Secretary
Julian Pei, Treasurer (2)
Philip Brown
Joyce Hayes
Barbara Levine
Chastity Mays (1)
Harriet Simon (3 excused)
The number following the Trustee’s name indicates the number of absences this fiscal year.
Staff present.
Diana Brawley Sussman, Library Director; Gwen Hall Grosshenrich, Finance Manager President’s report.
Secretary’s report.
1. Approval of January 13, 2021 minutes. Susan Tulis made a motion to accept the minutes with minor corrections. Philip Brown seconded. Roll called: 8 yeas. 0 nays. 0 abstentions. MOTION passed.
Correspondence and communications.
Financial report.
1. Approval of bills payable up to and including bills due February16, 2021 to March 15, 2021. Barbara Levine made a motion to pay the bills. Joyce Hayes seconded. Roll called: 8 yeas. 0 nays. 0 abstentions. MOTION passed.
2. Acceptance of the financial report for January 2021. Discussed temporary petty cash deficit. Barbara Levine moved to accept the financial report. Susan Tulis seconded. Roll called: 8 yeas. 0 nays. 0 abstentions. MOTION passed.
3. Acceptance of the final FY22 budget. Only minor adjustments were made to the final FY22 budget in comparison to the preliminary budget passed in October. Discussed reduced interest from Illinois Funds due to the bond market. Added a $5,000 grant to the FY21 anticipated revenue and expenses. The board suggested minor grammatical corrections to the narrative report. Philip Brown moved to accept the FY22. Joyce Hayes seconded. Roll called: 8 yeas. 0 nays. 0 abstentions. MOTION passed.
Librarian’s report.
1. Building and grounds maintenance. The drains backed up in restrooms; the city came to vacuum out the manholes. Josh Fenton has refinished the wooden handrails along the ramps, stairs, and balcony. We are researching the possibility of putting solar on the Brush and/or main buildings, to determine the affordability of such a project. Ameren will cover a portion of the cost of a new boiler; we are awaiting estimates to determine cost.
2. COVID-19 procedures. The library is open by appointment. The board agrees that this arrangement can continue until staff have been vaccinated and developed some immunity. They see no need for a February Emergency Policy meeting, but the Director can call a meeting if anything changes. Susan Tulis reported that Morris Library is open at SIU, though their stacks are closed. They are having difficulty with mask compliance and keeping people away from closed stacks.
3. Other. Discussed the Mentorship Project, a multi-community project in partnership with Carbondale United to provide resources to youth at risk of exposure to violence. An Illinois Humanities grant will cover a portion of costs, and additional grant applications are in process with Healing Illinois and The Rotary Club Foundation.
Committee reports.
1. Approval of the January 19, 2021 Emergency Policy Committee minutes. Don Prosser made a motion to approve these minutes with minor grammatical corrections. Susan Tulis seconded. Roll called: 8 yeas. 0 nays. 0 abstentions. MOTION passed.
Unfinished business.
New business.
1. Patron behavior. None.
Adjourned at 5:10