Jackson County Executive Committee Met March 4.
Here is the minutes provided by the Committee:
Call to Order (5:00 PM)
Members Present: Basden II, Calandro, Comparato, Erbes, Mueller and Peterson
Members Absent: Larkin
Also present: Josh Barringer, Mitch Burdick, Brandi Williamson, Mary Beth Varner, Jennifer Lindsey, Jan Phillips, Sharee Langenstein, Joe Cervantez, Liz Hunter, Kenton Schafer, John Rendleman. Vice-Chairwoman Mueller led the meeting.
Approval of Minutes
I. 21-5801 Approval of February 4, 2021 Minutes
A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Comparato, to approve the February 4, 2021 minutes as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Chairman's Remarks
Mueller noted she had found a Grant for Jackson County and would send the details to the Board office and communicated that the County Administrator could send out the information to the Board members.
Internal Office Matters
II. 21-5802 April Meetings Calendar
A motion was made by Comparato, seconded by Peterson, to approve moving the April Executive Meeting from the 1st to the 8th. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
III. 21-5803 Resource Coordinator Grants Update
The County Administrator communicated to the committee that the Resource Grants Coordinator had been working on the following 5 grant opportunities: CURE, an AFG Grant for the Ambulance Department, a Broadband Grant for Jackson County, a County Abandoned Property Grant that would allow the County to apply for funding to demo 25 abandoned properties and utilize the grounds for other projects, and a Boat Access Area Development Grant. Peterson asked if the Resource Grants Coordinator had reached out to Greater Egypt concerning the Broadband Grant and the Abandoned Property Grant. The County Administrator mentioned that she would discuss with the Coordinator and relay the information. Mueller questioned if the Broadband grant was the same one she had found in 2019 before COVID? The County Administrator noted that it was and that it was a very detailed application that was being worked on.
Computing Services
IV. 21-5808 Security RFP
Barringer noted that this was a draft Security RFP that would give the County and specific departments a dedicated vendor and 24/7 monitoring service. He also noted that the RFP had been submitted to the State's Attorney Office for legal review. Peterson questioned if in the future this would include departments such as ROE, Public Defender, and Probation. Barringer noted that these specific offices had their own IT services, but that they were welcome to be a part of this particular service if they chose to do so. Mueller suggested that this item be held until the next Executive meeting until legal had time to review. Peterson noted that she felt this was an urgent item and asked if it could be submitted to this month's full Board meeting for voting. The first motion failed. With the second motion on the table, Basden asked Barringer if he had enough time to complete this RFP with amendments and have ready for this month's Board meeting. Barringer replied he would if he could have any suggested changes turned in to him by Tuesday of next week. The second motion carried.
A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Comparato, to approve moving this agenda item to the April Executive meeting for review after legal review. The motion failed by the following vote:
No: 6 - Basden II, Calandro, Comparato, Erbes, Mueller and Peterson
Absent: 1 - Larkin
A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Comparato, to approve moving this item to this month's full Board meeting for review with legal review. The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 5 - Calandro, Comparato, Erbes, Mueller and Peterson
No: 1 - Basden II
Absent: 1 - Larkin
V. 21-5804 Open Appointments in March 2021 {9}
1. 708 Board (2)
2. ETSB 911 (2)
3. Jackson/Union Regional Port District (1)
4. Liquor Advisory Board (1)
5. Natural Resource Economic Development Board (1)
6. Oraville Water District (1)
7. Southern Most Illinois Tourism Bureau (1)
VI. 21-5805 708 Mental Health Board Yearly Update
Ms. Williamson (the 708 Mental Health Board Chairwoman) updated the committee on what the 708 board does and what plans it had for 2021. She noted that currently the biggest obstacle the board was having was filling the 2 empty positions. She made note of membership overview, the annual funding request process which included having a public hearing, the quarterly reports that were required by the agencies who were being funded, and the Boards 1 & 3 year goals.
VII. 21-5806 Selection of Next Month's Yearly Update
Peterson commented that she would like to have the Crosswalk Community Action Agency report next month. The committee agreed. The County Administrator noted that she would reach out to the agency for next month's participation.
Old Business
New Business
VIII. 21-5809 Approval of Polling Places
A motion was made by Calandro, seconded by Comparato, to approve recommendation to the full Board the approval of Polling Places. The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 6 - Basden II, Calandro, Comparato, Erbes, Mueller and Peterson
Absent: 1 - Larkin
IX. 21-5807 Alstat Award
The committee discussed a timeline on when nominees should be turned in to the office for committee and Board voting. Mueller suggested that she would like to see the winner announced in June of this year. The committee agreed.
A motion was made by Comparato, seconded by Calandro, to approve the due date of April 26th for all nominations. The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 6 - Basden II, Calandro, Comparato, Erbes, Mueller and Peterson
Absent: 1 - Larkin
Executive Session
X. 21-5810 Executive Session under 2 (c) 3 of the Open Meetings Act to discuss a public office
A motion was made by Comparato, seconded by Peterson, to approve going into Executive Session under 2 (c) 3 of the Illinois Open Meetings Act to discuss a public office. The motion carried by the following vote:
Yes: 6 - Basden II, Calandro, Comparato, Erbes, Mueller and Peterson
Absent: 1 - Larkin
Adjourn (6:04 PM)
Comparato moved and Peterson seconded to adjourn, motion carried.