Joppa’s coal-based power plant is set to close by 2025, taking tax revenues and 115 jobs with it.
Federal regulations on the industry are forcing the plant – owned by Vistra and in operation since 1953 – to close, according to state Sen. Dale Fowler (R-Harrisburg).
“I’m working closely with Vistra and the personnel, as well as the Joppa plant to do everything we can to find opportunities for these employees," Fowler told KFVS12.
Mayor Bill Daniel told WPSD Local 6 that Illinois is not friendly to the coal industry and they’ve seen the closure coming for years. There are plans to potentially turn the plant into a solar battery storage facility, but if realized the operation would not come anywhere near replacing the jobs lost.
"A 110-person employer is something that is hard, hard, hard to replace," said McDaniel.
Workers aren’t the only ones losing out.
“Vistra is planning on closing the Joppa plant from coal burning, which will affect dramatically, from a current value from about $11 million, to down to probably just the land value of about $250,000,” Massac County assessor Gary Hamm said.
Joppa’s schools get most of their revenue from property taxes on the land on which the facility burns coal.
"Their assessed value is at right around $11 million, so the amount of income we get from property taxes from there is our main source of income," said Joppa-Maple Grove Schools Superintendent Dr. Vickie Artman.
If the district tries to remain open, the revenue burden would be pushed to local taxpayers. Without the tax revenue from Joppa’s plant, tough cuts may be in the school district’s future or the district might even face a complete assimilation into another district.