
Carbondale Reporter

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Jackson County Real Property Committee met July 15

Webp chairs

Jackson County Real Property Committee met July 15.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

Call to Order (4:46 PM) Members Present: D. Bost, Edmond, Erbes, Mueller and Peterson Members Absent: Mendoza, Jr. and Morris

Also present: Mitch Burdick, Maureen Berkowitz There was no quorum until 4:46, thus the meeting began late.

Approval of Minutes

I. 20-5165 Approval of June 10, 2020 Minutes

A motion was made by Erbes, seconded by Mueller, to approve the June 10, 2020 minutes as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote.


II. 20-5166 Western Egyptian Notice

Peterson communicated to the committee that this was an informational agenda item. She also pointed out that there had been a hold on the weatherization project due to COVID.

Land Use & Economic Development

III. 20-5167 Greater Egypt Regional Planning & Development Commission

Peterson reported that Cary hired 3 new people. He applied for and received a$400,000 supplemental Cares EDA grant. Also there was information from the Delta Regional Authority regarding a zoom call for the stakeholders which has been forwarded out by the County office.

IV. 20-5168 Supervisor of Assessments

A. Approval of the New Lease Berkowitz reported that the County tax bills will be mailed out 7/16/20 and that the Assessments office is encouraging citizens to call with questions rather than come to the office due to COVID concerns. Berkowitz also reported on the lease agenda item noting it was the same as last year with the only difference being that it was $100 more per month. A motion was made by Erbes, seconded by Mueller, to approve the Assessment Office's new lease. The motion carried by unanimous vote. V. 20-5169 Jackson Growth Alliance

Mueller communicated to the committee that the JGA was still in a process of transition and that they are assigning names to jobs that need to be completed. She also mentioned that the JGA is looking for volunteers to help with the transition process.

VI. 20-5170 Comprehensive Plan

Peterson noted that there was nothing new for this agenda item. VII. 20-5171 River Levee Project Update

Burdick noted that he has had conversations with the consultants and that the river levels continue to come down. He noted that it was hopeful to complete the project this coming fall season.

Highway Department

VIII. 20-5172 SIMPO-Southern Illinois Metropolitan Planning Organization

Peterson relayed that the policy committee did not meet this month and that there was nothing new for this agenda item.

IX. 20-5173 Jackson County Bike Routes

Erbes expressed the importance of the Bike Trails to the local economy and noted that currently with COVID, there is more bike traffic in the County. X. 20-5174 Payment of Highway Monthly Claims in the amount of $504,077.93

A motion was made by Mueller, seconded by Erbes, to approve the payment of Highway Monthly Claims in the amount of $504,077.93. The motion carried by the following vote: Yes: 5 - D. Bost, Edmond, Erbes, Mueller and Peterson Absent: 2 - Mendoza, Jr. and Morris

XI. 20-5175 County Highway Department Update

Burdick gave a County Highway Update to the committee, noting his attached letter should be referenced for more detailed information. He noted updates to current projects, budgets, and items relating to COVID-19. XII. 20-5184 HMG Engineering Contract-Giant City Rd and Pleasant Hill Rd Intersection Project

A motion was made by Mueller, seconded by Erbes, to approve the HMG Engineering Contract- Giant City Rd and Pleasant Hill Rd Intersection Project. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

County Buildings & Grounds The County Administrator communicated to the committee that demolition on the Cra ne Building will begin this month and that a s ma ll structure had been built outside the Willis building to protect the a wning from falling bricks. Peterson noted that fut ure plans for l easing or buyi ng new County buildings would be discussed at a later date.

Old Business

New Business

Executive Session

Adjourn (5:16 PM) Mueller moved and D. Bost seconded to adjourn, motion carried.
