Carterville Community Unit School District No. 5 Board of Education met July 28.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The carterville Community Unit School District No. 5 Board of Education met in special session at the carterville High School in the Timothy C. Bleyer Auditorium at 5:00 p.m.
Board President Mr. Schwartz called the meeting to order. The following members were present:
Mr. Glover
Mr. Griffith
Mr. Mccann
Mrs. Monje
Mr. Schwartz
Mr. Sizemore
Mr. Yewell
Superintendent Liddell, Assistant Superintendent Barnstable, Principals Hartford, Owens, Rogers, and Webb, Assistant Principals Clark, Diel, and Tyner were also present.
Agenda Item 2 -Visitor Participation
Jenny Tolen spoke to the Board and Superintendent Liddell about some questions regarding remote learning. She was concerned about computer, internet, and availability of teachers.
Agenda Item 3 - New Business
Agenda Item 3.1 - Review and Approve Amended Calendar
The motion was made by Mr. Glover (seconded by Mr. Griffith) to approve the amended 2020-21 School calendar as presented. The motion carried with all present voting 'Aye'.
Agenda Item 3.2 - Review and Approve Return to Learning Plan
Superintendent Liddell reviewed the Return to Learning Plan with the Board and audience.
The motion was made by Mr. Mccann (seconded by Mr. Glover) to approve the Return to Learning Plan as presented. The motion carried with all present voting 'Aye'.
Agenda Item 4 - Adjournment
The motion was made by Mr. Glover (seconded by Mr. Griffith) to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried with all present voting 'Aye'.