Jackson County Finance and Administration Committee met April 14.
Here is the minutes provided by the committee:
Call to Order (5:00 PM) Members Present: Calandro, Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Nehring, Peterson and Rendleman
Also present: Ke ith La rkin, Ta miko Mueller, Gene Basden, Liz Hunter, Ma ureen Berkowitz, Robert Burns
Approval of Minutes
I. 20-4942 Approval of March 16, 2020 Minutes
A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Rendleman, to approve the March 16, 2020 minutes as presented. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
Chair's Report
II. 20-4943 Work Comp Update
The County Administrator noted that there were no new work comp cases.
III. 20-4944 Fiduciary Liability Insurance
Erbes and the County Administrator noted that since the board was no longer self funded, there was no need for the liability insurance. This could be renewed if wanted, but not necessary. Mueller questioned if the money to pay for this was budgeted and the answer was yes the money would stay in county general.
IV. 20-4945 Payment of Hope Trust Dental & Vision Claims in the amount of $19280.15
A motion was made by Comparato, seconded by D. Bost, to approve the payment of Hope Trust Dental and Vision Claims in the amount of $19280.15. The motion carried by the following vote: Yes: 7 - Calandro, Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Nehring, Peterson and Rendleman
V. 20-4946 Payment of Hope Trust Run Out Claims in the amount of $7458.40
Rendleman questioned what "run out claims" were. The County Administrator relayed that these are previous claims not paid by the former insurance company and are now being paid by Hope Trust. The County Administrator noted that there would be about six more months of run out claims which are estimated to be around $100,000 each. A motion was made by Rendleman, seconded by Calandro, to approve the payment of Hope Trust Run Out Claims in the amount of $7458.40. The motion carried by the following vote: Yes: 7 - Calandro, Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Nehring, Peterson and Rendleman
VI. 20-4947 Payment of Hope Trust Medical Admin Claim in the amount of $276,673.00
A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Rendleman, to approve the payment of Hope Trust Medical Admin Claim in the amount of $276,673.00. The motion carried by the following vote: Yes: 7 - Calandro, Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Nehring, Peterson and Rendleman
VII. 20-4948 Health Insurance Task Force
Erbes reminded everyone that the next Health Insurance Taskforce meeting would be April 23 at 4:30pm where the members would discuss going out for bid on a new insurance company. Erbes' opinion was that the county would not have a good opinion of the current insurance program for at least a year. Mueller agreed and noted it was not a smart idea to jump into a new program as of yet.
VIII. 20-4949 Payment of County Monthly Claims in the amount of $238,341.44
This item is being pushed to the full April board meeting as not all departments were able to get their bills turned in on time due to working shortened hours due to COVID-19. The updated amount will be presented at the full April board meeting.
IX. 20-4950 Approval of On Demand Claims in the amount of $143,438.80
Peterson noted that most of the money came from the March election. She also questioned whether there was money in the budget for the election this fall. Rendleman questioned whether this amount of On Demand claims was normal. The County Administrator rela yed that this high amount is not normal. It was explained that part of the money was to pay the election judges, part was the 708 Mental Health Board quarterly checks, and the remaining went to the County Administrator for approval. Comparato questioned whether the County Administrator had turned down any requests for checks and the answer was no, she was told by the board when they passed the On Demand Resolution the intent was not to deny any requests but to allow the Board to keep checks and balances. A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Calandro, to approve On Demand claims in the amount of $143,438.80. The motion carried by the following vote: Yes: 7 - Calandro, Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Nehring, Peterson and Rendleman
X. 20-4952 Delinquent Tax Resolution 2020-33 Parcel #14-05-404-011
A motion was made by Rendleman, seconded by Comparato, to approve delinquent tax resolution 2020-33 Parcel #14-05-404-011. The motion carried by the following vote: Yes: 7 - Calandro, Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Nehring, Peterson and Rendleman
XI. 20-4953 PTAX-451 Supervisor of Assessments Salary Adjustment
The County Administrator noted that this is filled out every year and needs approved so the county will receive reimbursement for the assessors salary. This is a lso completed with some other elected officials. Rendleman asked if this was the same as the stipends that elected officials get, it is not. Berkowitz explained that the County gets reimbursed part of her salary if she stays within a certain percentage for the assessments, which she stated she always has and always will. A motion was made by Rendleman, seconded by Calandro, to approve PTAX-451 Supervisor of Assessments Salary Adjustment. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
XII. 20-4959 Supplemental Funding for Maintenance Overtime
Erbes noted that the Sheriff had contacted him concerning supplemental funding for maintenance overtime. It was requested to use money from the housing of prisoners fund. Nehring questioned the availability of the funds; there is several thousand dollars in the fund right now, it is earmarked to be used to pay off the bonds. Rendleman questioned how many times the board uses this fund to pay for items; the sheriff noted that this was only used to pay for operational expenses and that this was the first request this fiscal year. A motion was made by Rendleman, seconded by Calandro, to approve supplemental funding for maintenance overtime in the amount of $7500.00. The motion carried by the following vote: Yes: 7 - Calandro, Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Nehring, Peterson and Rendleman
XIII. 20-4960 Supplemental Funding For EMA Overtime
Erbes noted the original request amount for this funding was between $16000 and $23000. It was agreed to split the difference which comes to $19500. This money would come from the housing of prisoners fund. Rendleman questioned who the money was for and Erbes noted it was for Orval Rowe. Rendleman also questioned whether he was salaried or not and whether he should be getting paid overtime. Hunter stated that his salary was near the exempt threshold. Nehring noted that they needed to follow the Board personnel handbook and ensure this was the correct procedure. The County Administrator stated that Rowe was an employee of the Sheriff and not subject to the Board personnel handbook, she went on to state that Rowe is not a salaried employee and he received overtime last year during the flood. Rendleman also questioned whether this money would be reimbursed to the County and Burns commented that it was unclear if FEMA would be able to do this or not. Mueller commented that the Board did not pay the County Administrator overtime when she was the only employee in the Board office and the committee should be consistent and fair across the board for all employees. It was reiterated that Rowe is not a Board employee. A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Comparato, to approve to approve supplemental funding for EMA overtime in the amount of $19500.00. The motion carried by the following vote: Yes: 5 - Calandro, Comparato, Erbes, Nehring and Peterson No: 2 - D. Bost and Rendleman
XIV. 20-4955 Supplemental Funding for Animal Control Officer
Erbes commented that the Sheriff had agreed to fund the part-time Animal Control Officer from the housing of prisoners fund. Nehring noted that this was the third request to use money from this fund. Nehring requested that this item be held until budget season and do the hiring in December. Erbes suggested that this item could not wait due to the County Admi nistrator performing Animal Control functions as well as Sheriff's deputies, neither of which have the time or should be doing Animal Control duties. A motion was made by Comparato, seconded by Peterson, to approve supplemental funding for the Animal Control Officer in the amount of $20,000.00. The motion carried by the following vote: Yes: 6 - Calandro, Comparato, D. Bost, Erbes, Peterson and Rendleman No: 1 - Nehring
XV. 20-4954 Per Diem Funding
Erbes noted that his attempt to find additional funding at the previous County Board meeting was denied. He also noted that there was some discussion as to whether to leave the budget as is or find additional funding to pay those board members who are entitled to be paid under the current by-laws. Calandro agreed with Erbes. Comparato noted that he was working with the Legislative Committee to change the current by-laws to eliminate some of the committees which would significantly decrease the Board members per diems. Nehring stated "I feel that if you voted for the current budget and sent it to the full board for approval and are now asking for money to pay yourself, I feel that is disingenuous". Rendleman agreed with Calandro and Erbes, but felt there needed to be a vote at the full April board meeting. Rendleman asked to have the State's Attorney's Office look into whether it was legal to not pay Board members at all. A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Calandro, to approve additional Per Diem funding. The motion carried by the following vote: Yes: 4 - Calandro, Erbes, Peterson and Rendleman No: 3 - Comparato, D. Bost and Nehring
XVI. 20-4951 Payment of Board Member Travel Expenses in the amount of $1726.78
Comparato asked if the board was still within the current budget and Erbes replied yes. Peterson requested that Mueller make a change to her per diem and remove March's finance meeting since she was not part of that committee. Mueller agreed, stating that she had another meeting she was going to add anyway; the County Administrator noted the change to be made. A motion was made by Peterson, seconded by Rendleman, to approve the payment of board member travel expenses in the amount of $1726.78 with the noted above amendment. The motion carried by the following vote: Yes: 5 - Calandro, Comparato, Erbes, Peterson and Rendleman No: 2 - D. Bost and Nehring
Mueller spoke with JGA and they would like permission to use the county's SAM number to apply for a Rural Business Development Grant (RBDG). Peterson noted that SIMPO and Greater Egypt have resources to help with grants and that this was something the County should not be involved in. The County Administrator also noted that if the committee went ahead with this, there would have to be a special County Board meeting on Wednesday. She went on to say that this would have to be administered by the County despite JGA offering because the County would be responsible for making sure everything was being done correctly and the reports were filed on time and that if anything did go wrong this could affect current and future Federal grant funds the County receives. Mueller has tabled this item for now. She will be getting more information from the JGA to see if they can work with either SIMPO or Greater Egypt on this RBDG.
XVIII. 20-4957 Downstate Small Business Stabilization Program
The County Administrator stated that she has not had time to review this item and asked that it be moved to the full April board meeting for consideration. Peterson noted that SIU has a similar program and that the County may not need to be involved.
Old Business
New Business D. Bos t questioned whether work comp rates were dropping due to COVID-19 since he heard other i nsurance companies were doing the s ame thing. Erbes relayed that this was something to keep an eye on. D. Bost also questioned the budget for gas a nd diesel for thi s year. Erbes requested he reach out to Mi tch Burdick in the Real Property committee meeting.
Executive Session
Adjourn (6:36 PM) Rendleman moved and Peterson seconded to adjourn, motion carried.