Trico Community Unit School District 176 Board met Dec. 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
Board President, Mrs. Lois Jones called the Truth In Taxation Hearing of the Trico Board of Education in the Trico Media Center at 6:30 pm. Members present were Mr. Gerald Speith, Mr. Dan Carson, Mrs. Stephanie King, Mr. Robert Kranawetter, Mrs. Jaime Lodge and President Lois Jones. Absent: Mr. Brian Thies
Board President, Lois Jones asked 3X (3 times): “Does anyone in the audience have any questions or comments regarding the Truth In Taxation Hearing?”
No one responded.
Mrs. Lodge moved, second by Mrs. King to approve the amended 2019-20 tax levy as presented to the board. Yes: Speith, Carson, King, Kranawetter, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:32 p.m.
Board President, Mrs. Lois Jones called the regular meeting of the Trico Board of Education in the Trico Media Center at 6:35 pm. Members present were Mr. Gerald Speith, Mr. Dan Carson, Mrs. Stephanie King, Mr. Robert Kranawetter, Mrs. Jaime Lodge, and President Lois Jones. Absent: Mr. Brian Thies.
Mrs. King moved, second by Mr. Carson to approve the following Consent Agenda:
1. Approve the Minutes for the November 18, 2019 Regular Board Meeting
2. Approve the Bills for December 2019
3. Approve the Activity Fund Report for November 2019
4. Approve Monthly Financial Statement for November 2019
5. Approve Substitute List for December 2019
6. Approve Monthly Enrollment as of December 11, 2019
7. Approve Student Discipline Report for November 14 thru December 11, 2019
Yes: Speith, Carson, King, Kranawetter, Lodge, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mrs. King moved, second by Mrs. Lodge to approve the first readings of the following policies:
a. 2:20 Powers & Duties of the School Board Indemnification
b. 2:70 Vacancies on School board, Filling Vacancies
c. 2:70E Checklist for Filling Board Vacancies (Exhibit)
d. 2:100 Board Member Conflict of Interest
e. 2:105 Ethics and Gift Ban
f. 2:110 Qualifications, Term, Duties, of Board Officers
g. 2:200 Types of School Board Meetings
h. 2:220 School Board Meeting Procedure
i. 2:220E Motion to adjourn meeting
j. 2:250 Access to District Public Records
k. 2:250 District Public Records AP1, AP2
l. 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure
m. 3:40E Checklist for Superintendent Employment Contract Negotiations Process
n. 4:15 Identity Protection
o. 4:15AP1 Protecting the Privacy of Social Security Numbers
p. 4:15AP2 Treatment of Personally Identifiable Information under Grants
q. 4:30 Revenue and Investments
r. 4:40 Incurring Debt
s. 4:60 Purchases and Contracts
t. 4:60AP1 Purchases
u. 4:80 Accounting and Audits
v. 4:80AP1 Inventory Management for Federal & State Awards
w. 4:100 Transportation
x. 4:140 Waiver of Student Fees
y. 4:150 Facility Management & Building Programs
z. 4:170 Safety
aa. 4:175 Convicted Child Sex Offender, Screening, Notification
bb. 4:190 Targeting School Violence Prevention Program
cc. 5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity & Minority Recruitment
dd. 5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited
ee. 5:20AP Sample Questions for Considerations for Conducting Investigations
ff. 5:30 Hiring Process and Criteria
gg. 5:50 Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace
hh. 5:90 Abused & Neglected Child Reporting
ii. 5:100 Staff Development Program
jj. 5:120 Employee Ethics; Conduct & Conflict of Interest
kk. 5:125 Personal Technology & Social Media
ll. 5:150 Personnel Records
mm. 5:150AP Personal Records
nn. 5:190 Teacher Qualifications
oo. 5:200 Terms and Conditions of Employment & Dismissal pp. 5:220 Substitute Teachers
qq. 5:250 Leave of Absences
rr. 5:260 Student Teachers
ss. 5:285 Drug & Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers
tt. 5:290 Employment Termination and Suspensions
uu. 5:330 Sick Days, Vacations, Holidays and Leaves
vv. 6:15 School Accountability
ww. 6:20 School Year Calendar and Day xx. 6:60 Curriculum Content
yy. 6:65 Student Social and Emotional Development
zz. 6:150 Home and Hospital Instruction
aaa. 6:180 Extended Instructional Programs
bbb. 6:210 Instructional Materials
ccc. 6:270 Guidance and Counseling Program
ddd. 6:300 Graduation Requirements 6
eee. 6:310 High School Credit for Non-District Experiences
fff. 6:320 High School Credit for Proficiency
ggg. 7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited
hhh. 7:50AP Student Admissions and Student Transfers
iii. 7:150 Agency and Police Interviews
jjj. 7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying
kkk. 7:190 Student Behavior and AP 7-8
lll. 7:200 Suspension Procedures
mmm.7:270 Administering Medicines to Students
nnn. 7:290 Suicide and Depression Awareness
ooo. 7:340 Student Records
ppp. 7:340AP Student Records
qqq. 8:30 Visitors to & Conduct on School Property
Yes: Carson, King, Kranawetter, Lodge, Speith, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mr. Kranawetter moved, second by Mr. Carson to approve four (4) FFA students to attend the 212 Confrence in Decatur, IL on February 7-8, 2020. Funding t be provided by the FFA Chapter and FFA Alumni Association. The trip will be chaperoned by Mr. Jason Huseman along with other school districts’ advisors. Yes: King, Kranawetter, Lodge, Speith, Carson, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mr. Carson moved, second by Mrs. Lodge to approve the remodeling of the elementary restrooms by Ron Gobin General Contractor and tuck pointing at a projected cost of $309,127. Site and construction funding will be used to complete the approved project. Yes: Kranawetter, Lodge, Speith, Carson, King, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mrs. Lodge moved, second by Mr. Speith to approve the purchase and installation of a new fire panel at Trico High School at a cost of $12,311, to be done Asap. Yes: Lodge, Speith, Carson, King, Kranawetter, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mrs. King moved, second by Mr. Carson to approve the purchase and installation of a new fire system at Trico High School at a cost of $35,000 to be completed during the summer 2020. Yes: Speith, Carson, King, Kranawetter, Lodge, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mrs. King moved, second by Mr. Speith to approve the purchase and installation of a new fire panel and system at Trico Elementary School for a cost of $19,500 to be completed during summer 2020. Yes: Carson, King, Kranawetter, Lodge, Speith, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mrs. Lodge moved, second by Mr. Kranawetter to approve the purchase and installation of a washer and dryer at Trico Elementary at a projected cost of $8,785.66 + $1900 = $10,685.66. SIU-C Pre-K submitted $4795.50 to share the cost and use. Yes: King, Kranawetter, Lodge, Speith, Carson, King. Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mr. Kranawetter moved, second by Mrs. King to approve to seek prices for sanding, refinishing and approve the process to repaint the high school gym floor during the summer of 2020, at a cost not to exceed $14,500. Yes: Kranawetter, Lodge, Speith, Carson, King, Jones. No: None. Motion carred.
Mrs. Lodge moved, second by Mr. Speith to approve the purchase of two (2) auto floor auto scrubbers for $6,270 for the Elementary, Junior High and High School custodial crew. Yes: Lodge, Speith, Carson, King, Kranawetter, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mr. Speith moved, second by Mrs. Lodge to approve to seek bids for Promethean Panels to replace malfunctioning Promethean Boards that were installed ten or more years ago, not to exceed $140,000 and will be installed by our staff between January 2020 and August 2020. Yes: Speith, Carson, King, Kranawetter, Lodge, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mrs. King moved, second by Mr. Kranawetter to approve the purchase of Promethean Panels to replace the malfunctioning Promethean Boards at a cost not to exceed $140,000. Money will come from the Education Fund, and to take advantage of the price break currently being offered by Promethean, this transaction will need to take place before 12/27/19. Yes: Carson, King, Kranawetter, Lodge, Speith, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mr. Speith moved, second by Mr. Carson to approve the removal of the old Promethean Boards and LCD projectors from current district inventory once new panels are installed. Panels will be recycled and working LCD projectors will be sold, donated or recycled based upon condition. Yes: King, Kranawetter, Lodge, Speith, Carson, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mr. Carson moved, second by Mrs. King to approve to seek bids for a five (5) to eight (8) passenger vehicle to be used as the district driver’s education car. The cost not to exceed $35,000. Yes: Kranawetter, Lodge, Speith, Carson, King, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mrs. Lodge moved, second by Mr. Kranawetter to approve to accept sealed bids for the 1989 GMC Van to be sold “as is.” Sealed bids will be received until January 14, 2020. Bid opening will be Wednesday, January 15, 2020. Yes: Lodge, Speith, Carson, King, Kranawetter, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mrs. King moved, second by Mr. Speith to approve the removal of the 1989 GMC Van from the district inventory after Wednesday, January 15, 2020. Yes: Speith, Carson, King, Kranawetter, Lodge, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mrs. Lodge moved, second by Mr. Speith to approve the purchase of replacement lighting fixtures in the auditorium by TC3 Music Supply/John Winding Music in the amount of $30,544. Yes: Carson, King, Kranawetter, Lodge, Speith, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mr. Carson moved, second by Mrs. Lodge to approve the contract with Mrs. Denise Croft to render speech-language therapy services during the maternity leave of Mrs. Jayma Stroud in the latter part of the 2019-2020 school year. Yes: King, Kranawetter, Lodge, Speith, Carson, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mr. Carson moved, second by Mrs. Lodge to approve to enter into executive session to consider information regarding collective bargaining matters, the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employee. Yes: Kranawetter, Lodge, Speith, Carson, King, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mr. Carson moved, second by Mrs. King to approve the preceding executive session minutes. Yes: Lodge, Speith, Carson, King, Kranawetter, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mrs. King moved, second by Mrs. Lodge to approve the posting for a junior high math teacher for the 2021 school year, to replace the retiring Mrs. Mindy Heins. Yes: Speith, Carson, King, Kranawetter, Lodge, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mrs. Lodge moved, second by Mr. Speith to approve the posting for a high school special education aide for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Yes. Speith, Carson, King, Kranawetter, Lodge, Jones. No: None. Motion carried.
Mr. Speith moved, second by Mr. Carson to adjourn the meeting. All yea. Motion carried. Time Out: 8 p.m.