
Carbondale Reporter

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Murphysboro City Council met November 12

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City of Murphysboro City Council met Nov. 12.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

The Murphysboro, Illinois, City Council met in regular session, pursuant to its ordinances, on the 12th day of November, 2019. Mayor Stephens called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. and invited Pastor Bryce Pitlilck to lead the council in prayer. Following the invocation, Mayor Stephens led the council in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

Mayor Stephens then directed City Clerk Hunziker to call the roll. The roll was called with the following:

Present:Russell Brown, William Pierson, Gary McComb, John Erbes, Dan Bratton, Mike Bastien, Gloria Campos, W.J. Pittman

Absent:Barb Hughes, Jance Curry-Witzman

The council then reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting.

Motion: To approve the minutes of the October 29, 2019, council meeting. All aldermen received a copy of the minutes, for their review, prior to the meeting.

Motion by Alderman McComb

Second by Alderman Erbes

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Alderman Pierson inquired as to:

#819 page 6 Phosphorus removal? Permit which governs the WWTP.

Motion: To approve the accounts payable, register #819, through November 12, 2019. All aldermen received a copy of the accounts payable for their review, prior to the meeting.

Motion by Alderman McComb

Second by Alderman Brown

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Consideration of Change Order Request No. 2 for the 20th Street Road Re-Surfacing: Mr. Sheffer stated this is for the 20th Street overlay project, decrease in cost of $28,231.71.

Motion: To approve the Change Order Request No. 2 for the 20th Street Road Re-Surfacing Project.

Motion by Alderman Bratton

Second by Alderman Pierson

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Consideration of Pay estimate No. 1 for the 20th Street Road Re-Surfacing:

Motion: To approve the Pay Estimate No. 1 for the 20th Street Road Re-Surfacing Project.

Motion by Alderman Bratton

Second by Alderman Bastien

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried


Alderman Pittman opened discussion for Budget & Finance related items.

Old Business: Nothing at this time.

New Business:

Reminder – Budget Committee meeting – Thursday, November 14th at 6:00 p.m.

Approval of Line of Credit Renewal at First Bank & Trust company: Ms. Ripley stated it is for $500,000.00 at 5%.

Motion: To approve the Line of Credit Renewal at First Bank & Trust Company.

Motion by Alderman Bratton

Second by Alderman Campos

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Presentation of TIF Procedures: Keith Moran stated the next step is to put it into action. They administer TIFs all over the state, help them abide by the TIF statutes. He then walked through the General Procedures contained in the memo distributed. The Applicant should fill out the application form then forward to Moran Economic Development. Need to take a lot of issues into consideration to decide if going to approve. Funded usually through property tax refund for certain costs. Alderman Bratton asked what the cost from Moran would be? Hourly, not on a retainer unless that is requested. Charge to the city? Yes.

Consideration of Agreement for TIF consulting: Mr. Moran stated they can do the marketing, economic impact projections, help with the decisions of other projects, reports for the city. Mayor Stephens stated guidance in terms of what’s typical in your experience. Potential for a lot of people to come forward. When administering a TIF is there a typical stance taken initially? Or is it done on an individual basis? Mr. Moran stated the current project would be a revenue source, would bring people in, will be rehabbing the building. May need to do other incentives since there is no money in the fund right now. Later may set up grants for specific purposes. Improvement is the reason taxes go up, not a TIF. Typically do 50-75%, 15 years maximum. Mayor Stephens stated the city can decide the percentage, say even 100%. Yes. Mr. Evans stated if we do 100%, are there problems in other TIFs if the percentage is not consistent across the board? Mr. Moran stated there can be but it is a discretionary fund. You do a percentage, for a certain number of years, not to exceed a specific amount. Mayor Stephens stated the first action need to do is consider retaining Moran Economic Development. Alderman McComb asked if the rate is $110 per hour? Yes. Mr. Moran stated can consider a retainer if the city wants to. Mayor Stephens asked if it would have to be for a specific amount of time? No, do not have to. Alderman Bratton asked with this project, number of hours? Mr. Moran stated typically will take four to six hours on a project. Mayor Stephens stated vote to approve agreement at an hourly wage. Mr. Moran stated can always switch to a retainer.

Motion: To agree to the TIF Consulting contract as presented at $110.00 per hour.

Motion by Alderman Pittman

Second by Alderman Campos

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor except Alderman Bratton.

Motion Carried

Consideration of TIF Application submitted by Derek Pfeaster: Mr. Pfeaster stated he has bought the old Murphysboro American building from Real Church. He is planning a hand-dipped ice cream parlor and coffee shop. Lot of work has to be done. The building was gutted, will take more than $100,000 to get it up and running. This is for material only, plans on doing most of the work himself, so no labor costs. Will be bringing a few jobs to the area and bring people in to the area. Mayor Stephens thanked Mr. Pfeaster for taking over this building that is seen by a lot of people. Stated Mr. Pfeaster showed him around the building, used to be the old Opera House. Alderman Campos asked if he plans to keep its Historical status? Mr. Pfeaster stated it is all brick walls and there is tin in the upper roof. Will save as much as he can. Mr. Moran stated he did a great job on the application. All the proposed work items are TIF eligible, can spend TIF monies for those costs. He looked at the sales tax impact, employment, tax revenue. Has included an opinion with a suggested assistance package of 60%, 15 years. (Went over the tax and TIF Projection worksheet.) Get property tax relief. Alderman Pittman asked if they enter into a TIF agreement and then sell the property, does the TIF go with the sale? Mr. Moran stated that will be in the contract agreement, will have safeguards to follow TIF rules and city policies. Mr. Pfeaster stated do improvements, raise taxes, only get $1500 back? Mr. Moran answered if no TIF, taxes would still go up, done by the assessor and would not get anything back. Mr. Pfeaster asked about the Enterprise Zone? Mayor Stephens stated that freezes your payment. TIF captures the increase. Allows you to direct those funds to certain improvements, longer agreement. Have to pick one. In his opinion, picking a percentage is arbitrary. Ms. Ripley stated TIF excludes the Enterprise Zone for taxes. Can still be tax exempt. Mr. Moran stated if the council approves, could probably have done by one month. Alderman Pittman stated the percentage is arbitrary. Mayor Stephens stated he would say 75%, it is a historic building. Alderman Pittman stated he agrees, very visible. Alderman Bratton stated whatever the percentage, will set a precedent. Alderman Erbes stated does not think it would be setting a precedent. Do it on a case by case basis.

Motion: To revamp the TIF Application for Derek Pfeaster and amend the Eligible Payment to 75% and bring back to the next meeting.

Motion by Alderman Pittman

Second by Alderman Bastien

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

No public comment.

Alderman McComb opened discussion for Building & Grounds related items.

Old Business: Nothing at this time.

New Business:

Discussion regarding maintenance to graves at Tower Grove Cemetery: Alderman McComb stated the mowing contractor is not keeping up. Not filling in or leveling graves. The dirt is out there. Called him several times. If Mr. Mills has time, can do some. Tombstones are leaning, laid down. Getting bids on cutting down three trees. Have CD’s – cemetery money – cash one in to get more rock and dirt to have Mr. Mills fix or hire it done. Mayor Stephens asked when the contract expires? April 30. Need to re-bid it. Current person is not qualified. Alderman McComb stated we have his latest payment being held. Hold it until we see what the cost will be to do the work/repairs. Mayor Stephens asked if he would like the council to vote to spend $1000 to cut down trees? Alderman McComb answered it will cost more than $1000. Mr. Mills stated will cost approximately $1200 to $1800 per tree. Have $6000 left in the tree fund. Alderman Bratton asked Mr. Edgar? Get a price from Bobby Roach? Alderman McComb stated Mr. Roach does good work but not in a timely manner. Alderman Bratton stated give him a deadline. Mayor Stephens asked Alderman McComb to get some bids. He had a person call whose Grandpa’s grave had shifted and the tombstone/marker sank. Does not know the cost to fix it, does not know who has paid into the cemetery fund for maintenance. Have $17,000.00 in perpetual maintenance fund, would like Public Works to assess the needs then can hire someone or have Public Works do the work. Then asked Mr. Evans if that is spendable? Mr. Evans answered it is in a checking account. Have done that before – spent it on repairs. Mayor Stephens stated will do some research, get some bids.

Discussing regarding tax sale properties: Alderman McComb stated does not have the list but does not feel like we need to take on any old properties. Attorney Blake stated he gave a list to Mr. Kennedy. Mayor Stephens stated he has the yellow real estate for sale cards. Would like to move forward with 617 Chestnut Street. St. Andrews may be interested. Alderman McComb stated get the ones Mr. Kennedy wants and discuss at the Budget meeting Thursday? Attorney Blake stated will sell to the city for their cost, not have to go through the bid process. Mayor Stephens stated the only one we would have interest in would be 617 Chestnut Street. Would like to help out that area. Attorney Blake stated Jackson County is the trustee, the city lien is no longer valid. Alderman Pittman stated could put in the Mow to Own Program, if we buy it.

Motion: To agree to purchase 617 Chestnut Street from the tax sale.

Motion by Alderman Erbes

Second by Alderman Pierson

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

No public comment.

Alderman Erbes opened discussion for Community Relations Committee related items.

Old Business: Nothing at this time.

New Business:

Update from Joe Koppeis on Rt 13/127 Hotel Development: Mayor Stephens stated he spoke to Mr. Koppeis. Contractor came into Public Works asking about permits needed to pour concrete footings, Joe said he has not officially awarded that yet. Has a contractor to do the plumbing. Ameren is getting ready to move poles. Alderman Erbes stated he thought they were going to start on the entrance road? Mayor Stephens stated he thought so, too.

Consideration of Street Closures for Hometown Christmas Festivities: Alderman Pittman asked if they will designate the library as handicap parking? Yes, they did last year.

Motion: To approve the Street Closure requests for the Hometown Christmas Festivities.

Motion by Alderman McComb

Second by Alderman Pittman

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Solar Alliance Update: they received their $30 million dollar loan to proceed at the old Curwood location.

No public comment.

Alderman Bastien opened discussion for Public Improvement related items.

Old business:

Discussion regarding the condition of various properties:

1.Old Depot: Mayor Stephens stated he has not heard anything. Alderman Bratton stated Martin called, someone will be taking care of the roof.

2.North 17th Street: Still working on it. Ms. Bryant stated Mr. Kennedy contacted him regarding the slats.

3.South 14th Street: No more progress but does look better.

4.North 19th Street: Still hauling off scrap, see improvement.

5.902/908 Locust Street: 902 is up for taxes and no progress at 908.

6.335 North 22nd Street: Is up for taxes.

Alderman Pittman asked if North 19th Street can be removed from the list. Alderman Bastien stated he will take a look at it.

New business:

Police Department Building: Alderman Campos stated the Police Department building needs an upgrade. The green color is not good. Mayor Stephens stated he is not opposed to it. Chief Ellermeyer stated he spoke to Ms. Ripley, needs everyone to give input, to make it look better.

17th Street/Mr. Wisely: Alderman Bastien stated that we required Mr. Cripps to put in slats, are asking Mr. Beckman to do that, should also require Mr. Wisely to do that on 17th Street.

Status of the Mr. Wisely Legal Matter: Mayor Stephens asked for an update on the Wisely matter. Attorney Blake stated Mr. Wisely is claiming violation of FOIA. Made requests for city council audio recordings. There were issues getting the audio – regular and executive meeting recordings were not separated. Figured out how to separate them but it took a while. Mr. Wisely then asked for one year of recordings. Was not done in a timely manner but have complied with his FOIA request. The status of the case, where it sits right now is motion for summary judgment. They are preparing the city’s response.

No public comment.

Alderman Bratton opened discussion for Public Works related items.

Old business: Nothing at this time.

New business:

Update on the Manufactured Gas Plant Remediation Project: Mr. Sheffer stated they are meeting tomorrow to discuss damage to roadways. They are done except the final cover – they will be putting a certain number of feet of dirt on top of all the rock. The city has the waterline to reconnect but will have to wait due to the river level.

No public comment.

Alderman Brown opened discussion for Public Safety related items.

Old business:

Discussion regarding the Gillenberg Property: Chief McBride stated there is nothing new to report. Alderman Erbes asked if Mr. Summers is waiting on the County to decide what they want to do before he moves forward? Yes.

New business: Nothing at this time.

No public comment.

Mayor Stephens opened discussion for Personnel related items.

Old business: Nothing at this time.

New business: Nothing at this time.

No public comment.


Consideration of moving the December council meetings due to the holidays: Various date combinations were discussed before agreeing upon December 3rd and 17th.

Motion: To move the December council meetings to December 3rd and 17th.

Motion by Alderman Campos

Second by Alderman Bratton

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried


Barb Hughes Absent

Jance Curry-Witzman Absent

Russell Brown Nothing

William Pierson Nothing

Gary McComb Nothing

John Erbes Nothing

Dan Bratton Thanked Patrick for being at the meeting.

Mike Bastien Nothing

Gloria Campos Nothing

W. J. Pittman Nothing


Richard Blake Nothing

Sandra Ripley Nothing

Scott Evans Nothing

Harold Sheffer Nothing

Steve McBride Received a letter from Metropolis thanking the Fire Department for help in covering shifts due to the unexpected loss of a captain. It was a mutual aid call for four days during the funeral. Bobby Alexander and Jim Murphy covered shifts, with no compensation.

Jamie Ellermeyer Nothing

Eric Kennedy Absent

Tim Lee Nothing

Brian Manwaring Absent

Darrin Mills Nothing

Jim Stewart Nothing

Katharine Volle: Nothing

Leandra Bryant Nothing

Motion: To go into executive session at 7:18 pm for Act 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(5) meetings where the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body is being considered, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired and for Act 5 ILCS 120/2©(11) meetings held to discuss litigation “when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting”.

Motion by Alderman Bratton

Second by Alderman Erbes

Yeas: Alderman Brown, Alderman Pierson, Alderman McComb, Alderman Erbes, Alderman Bratton, Alderman Bastien, Alderman Campos, Alderman Pittman

Nays: None

Absent: Alderman Hughes, Alderman Curry-Witzman

Motion Carried

Motion: To come out of executive session at 7:55 p.m.

Motion by Alderman McComb

Second by Alderman Bratton

Yeas:Alderman Brown, Alderman Pierson, Alderman McComb, Alderman Erbes, Alderman Bratton, Alderman Bastien, Alderman Campos, Alderman Pittman


Absent: Alderman Hughes, Alderman Curry-Witzman

Motion Carried

Motion: To resume city council meeting.

Motion by Alderman Pittman

Second by Alderman Bratton

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Motion: To approve the proposed settlement agreement for the Covington litigation.

Motion by Alderman Erbes

Second by Alderman Bratton

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Motion: To adjourn

Motion by Alderman Bratton

Second by Alderman McComb

Mayor Stephens called for a voice vote. All were in favor.

Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.
