Carbondale Elementary School District #95 Board of Education met April 25.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
1. Roll Call:
Upon roll call, the following members were present:
Mr. John Major, President
Mr. Carlton Smith, Vice President
Ms. Catherine Field
Ms. Natasha Zaretsky
Ms. Michelle Connet
Mr. Gary Shepherd
Administrators present:
Mr. Daniel Booth, Superintendent
Mr. Justin M. Miller, Assistant Superintendent
Ms. Janice Pavelonis, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Ms. Zeppelyn Brewer, Director of Pupil Services
Roll Call:
Mr. John Major, President
Mr. Carlton Smith, Vice President
Ms. Catherine Field
Ms. Michelle Connet
Ms. Natasha Zaretsky
Mr. Gary Shepherd
Field moved, seconded by Smith, to enter Executive Session at 6:02 PM for the purpose of discussing performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel matters, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation.
Roll Call Vote:
Yes votes: Field, Smith, Zaretsky, Connet, Shepherd, Major
No votes: None
Absent: Murphy
Motion carried.
Executive Session adjourned at 7:19 PM.
Roll Call Vote:
Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Connet, Zaretsky, Shepherd
No: None
Absent: Murphy
Motion carried.
Public Hearing Waiver of Limitation of Administrative Costs
A Board of Education Public Hearing meeting was held on Thursday, April 25, 2019, at 7:00PM at the CES Administrative Center, 925 S. Giant City Road, Carbondale, IL 62902.
1) Call to Order at 7:23PM
2) Roll Call: Major, Smith, Murphy, Connet, Field, Shepherd, Zaretsky
3) Introductory comments about the administrative Cost Cap Waiver Application (waiver Section 17-1.5 of the School Code)
Mr. Justin Miller gave the history and reason for the need of a waiver of the Administrative costs associated with FY18 to FY19 due to the change in Superintendent Shimshak to Interim Superintendent Lewin to Superintendent Booth over three school years. The 5% limit was surpassed by the need for a full time Superintendent in FY19 over the Interim Superintendent in FY18. The board was given the opportunity for questions or comments about this issue opening the floor to the public and staff. The Board of Education had no questions or comments about this issue.
4) Public Questions and Comments – None
5) Staff Questions and Comments – None
6) Adjournment of the Public Hearing at 7:31PM
3. Public Comments - None
4. Approval of Agenda
Zaretsky moved, seconded by Connet, Recommend approving the Agenda:
Roll Call Vote:
Yes votes: Field, Major, Smith, Connet, Zaretsky, Murphy, Shepherd
No votes: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
5. Seating of New Board
5.1 Adopt Election Results
Based on results from the Jackson County Board of Elections, the voters have selected, Carlee Coplea (1288 votes), Angela Watters (1230 votes), and John Major (1108 votes) to represent them on the Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 and other votes tabulated include Michelle Connet (1079 votes).
Shepherd moved, seconded by Smith, Recommend adopting these results.
Voice Vote
Yes votes: Field, Major, Smith, Connet, Zaretsky, Murphy, Shepherd
No votes: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
5.2 Adjournment sine die
President Major: “We wish to thank Erinn Murphy for her 4 years of service and Michelle Connet for her 4 years of service to the District and welcome newcomers Carlee Coplea and Angela Watters. Inasmuch as there is no further business to come before this board, a motion for adjournment sine die and appointment of Don Prosser as President Pro-Tem is needed.
Shepherd moved, seconded by Smith, Recommend adjournment sine die.
Voice Vote
Yes votes: Field, Major, Smith, Connet, Zaretsky, Murphy, Shepherd
No votes: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
5. 3 Reorganization of the Board
Carlee Coplea, Angela Watters, and John Major are called to the Board table for installation.
5.31 Installation of New Board Members
The Oath will be administered by Don Prosser to Carlee Coplea, Angela Watters, and John Major.
5.32 Roll Call
Superintendent Daniel Booth request recording secretary, Jerri Adkinson to call the roll.
Roll Call: Zaretsky, Shepherd, Field, Smith, Major, Coplea, Watters
5.33 Election of Officers
Each office is voted on separately. A nomination and a second are required for each candidate to be considered. If more than one member is nominated for an office a “show of hands vote” will be taken to determine the winner. A motion and second are required for nominations to be closed after all nominations have been completed.
5.33.1 Office of the President
Zaretsky nominated John Major as board President, seconded by Shepherd. Field moved to close nominations, seconded by Shepherd.
Hand Vote
Yes votes: Field, Major, Zaretsky, Watters, Shepherd
No votes: Smith, Coplea
Absent: None
Motion carried.
5.33.2 Office of the Vice President
Watters nominated Carlton Smith as Vice President, seconded by Shepherd. Shepherd moved to close nominations, seconded by Zaretsky.
Voice/Hand Vote
Yes votes: Field, Major, Zaretsky, Watters, Shepherd, Smith, Coplea
No votes: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
5.33.3 Office of the Secretary
Shepherd nominated Catherine Field as Secretary, seconded by Zaretsky. Watters moved to close nominations, seconded by Shepherd.
Voice/Hand Vote
Yes votes: Field, Major, Zaretsky, Watters, Shepherd, Smith, Coplea
No votes: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
5.4 Committee Assignments
President-elect is responsible for appointing chairpersons and members to the standing committees. There are six committees and a seven-member Board; therefore it is necessary that each member serve on a minimum of two committees. Public notice will go out of all committee meetings and any Board member may attend.
Mr. Major informed the Board that if anyone is interested in a specific committee to let him know list will be ready and presented at the next board meeting.
Comments: Carlee Coplea asked does the entire Board get to decide who will be on the committees? Mr. Major replied, In the past it has always been the President that makes the decision, but if you have a request we try to honor that request. Coplea asked could it be discussed that the whole board vote on it? Mr. Major replied, we do not vote on that. Mr. Booth interjected to say that this is something that is in board policy, if it is something the Board wants to change it would have to go through the Policy Committee to change something that is in board policy.
Carlton Smith commented that this should be on the agenda for the policy committee to make a change in how the committees are selected because the way it is now leaves to much open room for favoritism. He feels the Board should make the overall decision of who is on a committee.
Natasha Zaretsky commented that it would be great if something were distributed to the board members listing the responsibilities of each committee. Mr. Booth said he would get that sent out to the Board.
Angela Watters stressed the importance of the Parent Advisory Committee becoming active! Mr. Booth informed Ms. Watters that this year each building has a Parent/Teacher Advisory Committees and each building already has meeting dates scheduled. Then we will use people for those committees to be on the District’s Parent Advisory Committee.
6. Consent Agenda Items
Zaretsky moved, seconded by Shepherd, Recommend approving Consent Agenda Items, 6.2-Financial Reports and 6.3-Communications
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Field, Major, Smith, Zaretsky, Watters, Coplea, Watters
No votes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
6.11Regular – March 28, 2019 (TABLED)
6.12 Executive – March 28, 2019 (TABLED)
Discussion: Mr. Smith requested minutes be pulled and corrected to reflect financial amounts he reference during his comments regarding the Parrish After School Program at the March 28, 2019 board meeting.
Zaretsky moved, seconded by Shepherd to table March 28, 2019 board minutes.
Voice Vote
Yes votes: Field, Major, Smith, Zaretsky, Watters, Coplea, Watters
No votes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
6.2 Financial Reports
5.21 Approval of Bills
5.22Treasurer’s Report
5.23Monthly Budget Report
5.24 School Activity Fund Reports
6.3 Communications
5.31FOIA Requests – None
5.32Donations – None
7 Committee Reports
7.1 President’s Remarks – John Major
7.11 Communication Report
Shawnee Division Meeting Thursday, May 9, 2019 at Bennie’s Italian Foods in Marion, IL. Please let Jerri know if you would like to attend.
7.2 Committee Reports
7.21 Public Relations Committee – Stephanie Esters
Website Update – Signed contract for $26,000 for 4 years
A virtual meeting was held with the vendor to set the time line and decided on the website template
Website will go Live on July 1, 2019
Carlton Smith wanted clarification on the contract being signed for the website and asked shouldn’t that have been board approved? Mr. Smith referred to his FOIA request regarding all contracts must be approved by the board that are over $25,000. Mr. Smith raised the same question at the February 28th meeting about board approval of the website cost and it was the consensus of the board to move forward with the project based on the information presented by the PR Committee. Mr. Booth pointed out that the website cost for the current year is $4,000 and over the span of the 4 years the overall cost total is $26,000. Mr. Booth referenced/read board policy 4.60. After continued discussion Mr. Prosser the district’s attorney was asked to comment on contracts that have to be board approved vs. what falls within the guidelines that the Superintendent can authorize. After Mr. Prosser’s explanation of the process as far as what the law requires and what is board policy. Mr. Prosser did state he does not feel like anything illegal has be done in proceeding with the contact the Superintendent approved, and he offered to review the contract before he could comment any further to Mr. Smith’s questioning.
Angela Watters reiterated that we need a new website or parents are going to revolt if the website stays the same or the one that we have really needs to be updated or the public hearings are going to get really nasty.
Mr. Booth stated that he will share the contract with the Board. Mr. Booth asked the board again since this conversation has come up again if the Board wants to move forward with the website or pause until the May board meeting for approval? Mr. Smith continues to need clarification, but the consensus of the Board once again is to move forward with the website! Mr. Prosser will review the contract and send his response via email to the Board.
7.22 Personnel Committee – None
7.23 Policy Committee – None
7.24 Building and Transportation Committee – None
7.3 Administrative Staff Reports
7.31 Director of Pupil Services, Zeppelyn Brewer
Jamie Hertter, the social worker at Thomas School did a slide presentation that provided an outline on how they are implementing social emotional learning. Thomas School has provided students with social emotional lessons in the classrooms as well as a sensory plan and calming areas to teach self-regulation.
Angela Watters asked, Does this mean recess is taken away? Jamie Hertter replied, no, it’s an alternative of structured recess for those students that have issues on the playground. Ms. Watters asked, Is this a policy? Zeppelyn replied, it’s part of our behavior system so students that may have certain write-ups, the problem solving team at Thomas will access and implement problem solving ideas with the student.
Gary Shepherd asked who determines they can come out the calming room? Jamie Hertter replied, there is an aide in the room that works with the students to gage where the student is. Once the student feels they are calm, they have to do an academic task before they go back to the classroom.
Carlton Smith asked the following questions:
How many students are in Tier 3? Zeppelyn replied, I don’t have that data memorized, but I can easily get that for you from the student information system.
Are all of the schools regulated so that we don’t have more special education students in one class than another are they distributed around? Zeppelyn Brewer replied, that she did not understand Mr. Smith’s question. Mr. Smith rephrased his question, How do we distribute kids throughout the district in different classrooms? Zeppelyn Brewer replied, As far as special education students, the decision is made at their IEP meeting to determine placement/supports.
Is there a certain number that can or can’t be in a classroom? Zeppelyn Brewer replied, Do you mean in a general education classroom, yes the state has guidance that the district needs to stay 70% gen. ed. and 30% special education.
Are classes in compliance to that regulation? Zeppelyn Brewer replied, all of our classes K-5 are in compliance with the regulation. A waiver was submitted and approved for the classrooms at the middle school that are over the 30%.
Are their any students waiting for an IEP in our district? Zeppelyn Brewer replied, that is the importance of our child find responsibility. If a classroom teachers or parent suspects the child has a disability, we have an initial needs assessment meeting and go through the process of determining whether that child would be eligible under the 13 eligibilities for an IEP.
Are their any students waiting to get into Tier 4 or Tier 3? Zeppelyn Brewer replied, there are no students waiting to receive special education services. We do have an evaluation timeline at the initial needs assessment meeting, if the team agrees that they need special education testing, we have a 60 day timeline to make sure we get the appropriate evaluations in place. Then the team reconvenes to determine eligibility and then the child starts receiving services at that 60 day timeline.
7.32 Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessments, Janice Pavelonis
The state assessment, Illinois Assessment of Readiness, is now complete in our district. All secure materials have been collected and will be shipped out tomorrow.
Big thanks to our testing coordinators who worked together to share materials, problem solve and collaborate throughout the process:
Michelle Martin
Julie Pierce: THOMAS
Melissa Norman: LEWIS
Cortney Hale: CMS
Jennifer Bunton: CMS
We are in our final round of STAR assessments. It is done 3 time during the year. The last test was done in December. We saw growth in reading and math. On the May 7th SIP Day, the teacher team will get together to analyze the data and plan for improvements.
CMS Schedule is at a final draft stage. We have collected feedback from almost all the teacher teams at this point.
Meeting May 3rd with district music teachers to finalize CMS and school music schedules then will be ready to share the final schedule with the CMS teacher leaders 2nd or 3rd week of May. After that point, we will work to begin scheduling students into classes.
This created a need for a new math position as well as ½ time PE.
All students will have PE daily as well as continue our options for some students to take advanced math courses.
This year’s student numbers:
6th: 143
7th: 129
8th: 132
Next year’s numbers:
6th: 169 (26 more students 6th)
7th: 143
8th: 132
Class sizes of 160, 170 and 180 will be coming after that.
K-5 Reading Committee Update: Group of K-5 teachers and admin ½ faculty council and ½ non-faculty council. I think we have met 2 times since our last board meeting. Last week we looked at materials for 5 different companies and will meet again next week to determine next steps. Again, our focus is to work together to solve some of the reading issues in our district like teachers having access to on level text and teaching materials in reading. The committee has worked some long hours to ensure that we are making solid recommendations for what we truly need to move forward.
Carlton Smith asked, Do the teachers know the standards? Janice Pavelonis replied, the teachers know the standards of what they are to teach. This year has been taking what they already know and digging much deeper underneath that. For the last couple of years, the perception was that they had certain methods that they were to teach so teachers were feeling like they needed to get into the standards a little more to fully understand the depth of them. So YES the teachers are aware of the standards.
Natasha Zaretsky asked, Will be get a report at the May board meeting regarding the STAR results? Janice Pavelonis replied, Yes.
7.33 Assistant Superintendent, Justin Miller
10 year Review – Mr. White (Architect) and Mr. Asaturian (Engineer) gave a report on their finding at each attendance center. The report is on file at district office.
Gary Shepherd asked about the air quality standards in the buildings. Mr. Asaturian explained the different systems and any upgrades that have to be done to meet requirements.
Carlton Smith asked, Which building is in the worst condition? Mr. White replied, the Middle School is in the best conditions, but the others are sort of neck in neck. Lewis, Thomas, and Parrish have ventilation issues, Thomas has some structural settling issues.
Summer Maintenance Workers – 5 names are recommended for tonight. Did not receive an high school applicants, going to hold those position open a little longer.
4 Interfund Loan Repayments – Tax levy money has been received so that interfund loans can be repaid.
7.34 Superintendent, Daniel Booth
Foundation Board – Will set an upcoming meeting to discuss the funds in the account and how it will be used. The fund has just under $30,000 in it. Mr. Major asked was a certain amount set aside for Lewis School? Justin Miller replied, yes, $10,000-12,000 (did not have actual figures with him).
Strategic Planning-The Board received a memo/documentation in their packets. Each month an update will be given. (2) board members are asked to participate and will be responsible for reporting to the board in open session every month.
Carlton Smith asked if there is a cost to the district for this plan? Mr. Booth replied, yes it is. This is a part of the ESSA funds that we get from Illinois Empower grant money that is given from the State. The State requires that we use learning partners to improve our district. This is an approved vendor by the State to use in this process. The Strategic Planning Process is around $55,000 that is paid through the grant from the State (Title 1003A).
Mr. Major commented that this process is pretty exciting and something we have never done before and will be a positive thing for our district.
Angela Watters expressed her concern is that it would limit parent participation with having meetings during the day. Mr. Booth replied that in speaking with the facilitator about trainings being held after work, due to the intensity of the work, people were too drained to do the work after already having a long day. The facilitator’s past experience was that during a training held from 3:00-9:00pm, by 6:00pm the participants were done and it was not effective. The facilitator was also asked about Saturday meetings and his response was that people did not show up on Saturdays.
Sick Leave Bank-Employee can give 2 days to the bank for someone that has a chronic illness and no days to use (Article 8, Section B). A board member needs to be selected/added to the committee. The next meeting is May 14th at 3:30pm in Ms. Liss room.
Carlton Smith asked Mr. Booth to talk about discipline. Mr. Booth referenced the discipline report that is included in the board packets every month that list the reasons for the suspensions.
7.4 Faculty Council – Jennifer Hartlieb
Jennifer Hartlieb commented on the Reading Committee. According to teacher feedback, they are very pleased, it’s been very collaborative, and the materials have been shared/discussed with teachers. Many people are relieved that this is being addressed and they are looking forward to moving forward with this.
Ms. Hartlieb also communicated on behalf of the faculty, the appreciation to Mr. Booth for opening up the interview process for the teachers to be a part of. Teachers are appreciative that their voices are being heard and that he cares about what they have to say.
Carlton Smith asked about any problems/concerns with the janitorial service since the comments at the last board meeting? Ms. Hartlieb replied, that she was not at the last board meeting and that is not part of what the Faculty Council looks into.
8. Old Business - None
9 New Business
9.1 Action on Administrative Cost Limitation
Shepherd moved, seconded by Zaretsky, Recommend approving the Waiver of Administrative Cost Limitation as presented in Section 17-1.5 of the school code.
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Field, Major, Smith, Zaretsky, Watters, Coplea, Watters
No votes: None
Abstain: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
Action on Classified Personnel
9.21 Employment of Student Supervisor Aides – None
9.22 Action on Resignations
Shepherd moved, seconded by Zaretsky, Recommend accepting the resignation of Brittney Heatherly as a Student Supervisor Aide at Thomas School effective April 12, 2019, Melissa Phipps as the District Nurse effective immediately, and Ashley Cook as an LPN at Parrish School effective May 31, 2019.
Voice Vote
Yes votes: Field, Major, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Watters, Shepherd
No votes: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.23 Action on Summer Work Personnel
Zaretsky moved, seconded by Shepherd, Recommend approving the following temporary Summer Workers:
Raylene O’Quinn____- Painter, 400 hours at $14 per hour
Oscar Lewis________- Painter, 400 hours at $14 per hour
Bryan Tucker_______- Painter, 400 hours at $14 per hour
Brent Jackson______ - Lawn Care Workers, 400 hours at $14 per hour
Heath Laughard_____- Lawn Care Workers, 400 hours at $14 per hour
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Field, Major, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Watters, Shepherd
No votes: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.3 Action on Certified Personnel
9.31 Action on Resignations
Zaretsky moved, seconded by Smith, Recommend accepting the resignation of Shaina DiLalla as a Special Education Teacher at Lewis School, Jessica Stoklosa as a 2nd Grade Teacher at Thomas School, and Meghan Blechle as a 1st Grade Teacher at Parrish School effective the end of the 2018-2019 school year.
Voice Vote
Yes votes: Field, Major, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Watters, Shepherd
No votes: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.32 Employment of Parrish School Principal
Zaretsky moved, seconded by Coplea, Recommend approving the employment of Carla Ehlers as the Parrish School Principal effective August 1, 2019, pending a clear CBI.
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Field, Major, Zaretsky, Coplea, Shepherd, Watters
No votes: Smith
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.33 Employment of Director of Pupil Services ((TABLED))
Smith moved, seconded by Zaretsky, Recommend approving the employment of ____________ as the Director of Pupil Services effective July 1, 2019, pending a clear CBI.
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Field, Major, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Watters, Shepherd
No votes: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.34 Employment of Director of Technology
Shepherd moved, seconded by Coplea, Recommend approving the employment of Robby Clark-Stokes as the Director of Technology effective July 1, 2019.
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Field, Major, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Watters, Shepherd
No votes: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.35 Employment of CES95 Faculty
Coplea moved, seconded by Zaretsky, Recommend approving the following for employment for the 2019-2020 school year, pending a clear CBI:
Michelle Pursell_______,2nd grade Teacher at Thomas School
Peyton Wolff , 4th grade Teacher at Lewis School
Shaya Barnett _ , 5th grade Teacher at Lewis School
Megan Temple Batteau , Science Teacher at Carbondale Middle School
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Field, Major, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Watters, Shepherd
No votes: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.36 Action on Director of Data Reporting and Programs Position
Coplea moved, seconded by Zaretsky, Recommend posting for the position of Director of Data Reporting and Programs based on the job description presented.
Discussion: Carlton Smith commented that a certified employee has been operating in this position for a while. He feels that is a conflict of interest and that with this person applying for the position makes it an unfair field.
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Watters, Shepherd
No: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.37 Action on Potential Openings within the District
Shepherd moved, seconded by Zaretsky, Recommend posting the following positions as potential openings within the district.
Full-time Middle School Math Teacher
Part-time Middle School Physical Education Teacher
Part-time Elementary Music Teacher
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Shepherd, Watters
No: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.38 Action on Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Services Position
Field moved, seconded by Shepherd, Recommend reposting the Director of Pupil Services position with the new title of Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Services based on the job description presented.
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Shepherd, Watters
No: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.4 Action on Intergovernmental Agreement between COPE/Safe Schools Program and Carbondale Elementary School District
Watter moved, seconded by Coplea, Recommend approving the Intergovernmental Agreement between COPE/Safe Schools Program and Carbondale Elementary School District #95. This program is an extension of regular school for students that meet the criteria as a “disruptive student”. Carbondale Elementary School District #95 will be responsible for student transportation, pay a fee of $12 per day of enrollment for students from the district and allow students to re-enter the regular educational environment with credits/grades earned when the COPE/Safe School Program is successfully completed.
Carlee Coplea asked is this in compliance with SB100? Mr. Booth replied, Yes. It is not a zero tolerance situation, students are given goals to meet before they come back that are in compliance.
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Shepherd, Watters
No: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.5 Action on Intergovernmental Agreement between SOAR Alternative Educational Program and Carbondale Elementary School District #95
Coplea moved, seconded by Zaretsky, Recommend approving the Intergovernmental Agreement between SOAR Alternative Educational Program and Carbondale Elementary District 95. This program is an extension of regular school for students that meet the criteria for students at risk of academic failure. Carbondale Elememtary District 95 will be responsible for student transportation and allow the student to re-enter the regular educational environment with credits/grades earned when the Project SOAR Alternative Education Program is successfully completed.
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Shepherd, Watters
No: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.6 Action on Interagency Working Agreement with Child & Family Connections #24
Shepherd moved, seconded by Coplea, Recommend approving the Interagency Working Agreement between Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 and Child and Family Commenctions effective April 25, 2019. The written working agreement will result in early detection and treatment, smooth-flowing and efficent service delivery, and the avoidance of service fragmentation/duplication.
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Shepherd, Watters
No: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.7 Action on Health, Life, Safety Report
Shepherd moved, seconded by Field, Recommend approving the 10 year Health, Life, Safety Report submitted by White & Borgognoni Architects for Parrish School, Thomas School, Lewis School, and the Carbondale Middle School.
Voice Vote
Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Shepherd, Watters
No: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.8 Action on School Calendar for 2019-2020
Shepherd moved, seconded by Coplea, Recommend approving the School Calendar for the 2019-2020 school year.
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Shepherd, Watters
No: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.9 Action on Interfund Loan Repayment from the Education Fund to the Working Cash Fund
Shepherd moved, seconded by Zaretsky, Recommend approving the repayment of an interfund loan from the Education Fund back to the Working Cash Fund in the amount of $3,000,000 effective April 25, 2019.
Roll Call & Signature Vote
Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Shepherd, Watters
No: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.10 Action on Interfund Loan Repayment from the Debit Service Fund to the Working Cash Fund
Watters moved, seconded by Coplea, Recommend approving the repayment of an interfund loan from the Debit Service Fund back to the Working Cash Fund in the amount of $1,200,000 effective April 25, 2019.
Roll Call & Signature Vote
Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Shepherd, Watters
No: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.10.1 Action on Interfund Loan Repayment from IMRF and Social Security Fund to the Working Cash Fund
Shepherd moved, seconded by Zaretsky, Recommend approving the repayment of an interfund loan from the IMRF and Social Security Fund back to the Working Cash Fund in the amount of $225,000 effective April 25, 2019.
Roll Call & Signature Vote
Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Shepherd, Watters
No: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.10.2 Action on Interfund Loan Repayment from the Tort Fund to the Working Cash Fund
Coplea moved, seconded by Watters, Recommend approving the repayment of an interfund loan from the Tort Fund back to the Working Cash Fund in the amount of $200,000 effective April 25, 2019.
Roll Call & Signature Vote
Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Shepherd, Watters
No: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.10.3 Action on CMS Band Field Trip
Shepherd moved, seconded by Zaretsky, Recommend approving the annual end of year CMS Band field trip to Holiday World in Santa Claus, IN on a date TBA in May.
Carlton Smith once again expressed his concern as from past meetings regarding chaperones on field trips and the liability it may cause to the district due to not being covered on the district’s insurance. Mr. Smith feels like the district should pay for any injuries incurred if a volunteer gets hurt while volunteering for a school activity.
Don Prosser will review the insurance policy since this is a continued question and send a memo to the Board regarding his conclusions/options.
Natasha Zaretsky commented that her concern is that field trips are geared more toward enrichment programs and she wants to make sure if the board comes up with a field trip policy that it is equitable for all students.
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Shepherd, Watters
No: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.10.4 Action on CMS Chorus Field Trip
Shepherd moved, seconded by Coplea, Recommend approving the CMS Chorus field trip to Six Flags St. Louis to perform in the Music in the Parks Competition on May 11, 2019.
Discussion: Mr. Smith questioned the “phrasing” of a statement on the field trip itinerary regarding students can remain behind at the park until closing time. Clarification was given to Mr. Smith that statement was in regarding to parent chaperones attending the trip, can sign their child out at the park. Mr. Smith replied, “It does not say with their parent”!
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Shepherd, Watters
No: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9.10.5 Action on Memorandum of Agreement between Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 and The Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University
Shepherd moved, seconded by Coplea, Recommend approving the Memorandum of Agreement between Carbondale Elementary School District No. 95 and The Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University to accept graduate assistants for placements in our district during the 2019-2020 school year.
Roll Call Vote
Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Shepherd, Watters
No: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.
9. Next Scheduled Meetings
9.1 Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Public Relations Committee Meeting
CES95 Administrative Center
925 S. Giant City Road
Carbondale, IL 62902
4:00 PM
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Regular Board Meeting (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)
CES95 Administrative Center
6:00 PM
6:05 PM Motion and Roll Call Vote to go into Executive Session (CLOSED) for the purpose of discussing matters relating to the performance, evaluation and compensation of specific personnel, matters relating to student discipline, matters relating to collective bargaining, and matters relating to pending litigation.
7:00 PM Reconvene Regular Board Meeting Public Session (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC)
10 Public Comments
Laura Bishop, President of CMS Band Boosters wanted to address the concerns regarding the liability of volunteers going to Holiday World. Ms. Bishop stated the volunteers are there independently. They drive up on their own; they do not ride the bus. As far as the money for the trip, the CMS Band Boosters pay for everything. Students were asked for a $10 donation, but not required to give. For the choir trip, students were asked to sell candy bars, but it was not any additional cost to the student to go on the trip.
Charlie Howell wanted to piggy back on Mr. Booth idea about Strategic Planning by adding that the Commission of Carbondale has a subgroup that has been meeting for the last 6 months, Mr. Howell talked about the economic changes that are going on and the reorganization the University is facing. The Commission has decided on a report to begin citizen input on what makes this a sustainable city. Mr. Howell will bring some flyers/information from the next meeting. Hopefully folks from the community can start submitting their ideas on what can keep Carbondale and the surrounding region going.
11 Adjournment
Smith moved, seconded by Zaretsky, Recommend Adjournment at 10:06 PM.
Voice Vote:
Yes votes: Major, Field, Smith, Coplea, Zaretsky, Watters, Shepherd
No votes: None
Absent: None
Motion carried.